I won't

1073 Words
“Good. How is my candy doing?,” Mike asked and Jack frowned. “Don't call her that,” he snapped. Mike only chuckled and stared at the almost faded picture in his hands. It is a childhood picture of Ella he had stolen one time when he visited them. He sighed and stroked the picture lightly. Even when she was just a child, she looked so beautiful. He doesn't know when, how or why but Ella suddenly became his obsession. Yes, it's wrong cause she is a minor but that doesn't stop him from having this weird desire for her. “I love calling her candy. She will surely like her nickname. Is she there? Let me talk to her once,” he said. The last statement came out as a plea. He was literally counting how many days are left till she becomes his. And that will only happen if Jack doesn't find a way to return his money. “She is not here cause she is already asleep,” Jack answered. Just as he said that, Ella appeared with her face covered in pizza crumbs and that loving smile. “Return my money or else...,” Mike was just saying when Jack hurriedly cut the call. He was scared Ella might say something and Mike will find out he lied. Ella frowned as she got to him. She wasn't able to hear anything but she could hear the harsh tone over the phone. She got a little bit suspicious after seeing the nervous and scared look on Jack's face. “Brother, is everything okay?,” she asked him, momentarily forgetting what she actually came there for in the first place. “Yes, everything is fine. Why are you asking?,” Jack replied trying to hide his phone and silently praying she did not hear anything. Ella looked unconvinced as she stared at him before asking with a slightly narrowed eyes, “Brother, are you sure you are fine? Are you hiding something from me? I thought we agreed to the fact that there would be no more secrets between us.” “Okay fine, I'm indeed hiding something. You remember Mike right? I borrowed money from him and used you as collateral,” Jack imagined himself telling her the news flash. “Brother, why aren't you saying anything?,” Ella appeared worried as she gently shook him. Jack immediately shrugged the stupid imagination from his head. If he drops that bombshell on her, he's sure she will probably faint. He just forced a smile and told her, “You worry too much. I'm fine. Go to bed.” He gave a kiss on the forehead and walked to his room. Immediately he entered, he sighed in relief and checked his mail if there's any information from the job interview he went for in Trepy. But no, his mail is just filled with junk messages and spasms. He closed the app feeling so disappointed and laid on his bed. It is just few more days left for the deadline Mike gave him. He can't possibly pay back that money with a pizza delivery job and he probably lost the job he applied for since there is no information from Trepy. “Perhaps, I have to find another quick job to pay Mike back. I can't let that bastard have my sister. I did all this for her. It would be useless if he eventually gets her. f**k! I don't even know the bastard real motive about my sister,” he mumbled on the bed. He continued like that till he finally fell asleep. ***** “Babe! Don't go. It's late already. Can't you just stay for the night?,” Cherry whined, pouting sadly as she watched Alan putting on his shirt. She sighed in disappointment as he covered those strong muscles she love to caress whenever they are making love. She looked at the hickeys on her naked body and instantly became wet as she remembered the passionate love he had shown her in bed. Alan frowned feeling irritated. Seriously, why does she have to complain about everything? “I can't stay Cherry. I have to go back home or my mom will get worried,” he told her. Cherry frowned. He is already a grown-up yet he's still under his mom's control. Once she get married to him, she will make sure that controlling old woman doesn't have any of his attention. Little does she know, Alan only lied about his mom getting worried. Why would his mom even care about such a thing? But he just said that to avoid any more of Cherry's annoying questions. Cause she won't stop asking him silly questions until she finds out why he wants to leave. The truth is that he doesn't feel comfortable staying here. While they were making love, he kept on seeing that girl. Hmm... What's her name again? He can't even remember but she just kept on appearing. Why the heck is she haunting his poor mind like this? “Babe... You didn't answer me,” Cherry complained with a sad puppy face expression. “I'm sorry. What did you say?,” Alan inquired. “Will you come over tomorrow? I don't get to see you often nowadays and I really miss you,” Cherry answered. She stood up from the bed not even bothering to cover her nakedness. Then she strode towards him and hugged him. Alan forced a smile and nodded indicating yes. 'God! Dad if it wasn't for you, I won't have bothered about this b***h. Well she is good in bed too,' he thought as he finally wore his last piece of clothing. Cherry gave him a kiss and watched him leave with a smile. As soon as he left, she brought out her phone and called someone. She only muttered three words to the phone,“He is gone.” **** Jane looked at Elena. Is she really gonna do it? Will she really slap Irene? Elena smiled and walked towards Irene. She stopped in front of her and smiled. Then she muttered,“I won't do cause i know you are just waiting for my mistake so you can badmouth me in front of Madam Jennie. Why don't you just admit that you are jealous about the fact that Madam Jennie seems to treat me better than the rest of you.”
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