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Gina As heavy as the wind is, the sky was messily pregnant turning the cloud into a pit of darkness as well as everywhere that was dim due to the overbearing weather. As busy as the street was before, the new changed weather is enough to put everybody in the streets into a state of rush. Nevertheless, at that moment, I was rushing to the stream to fetch water for my Lady. My every day routine. Growing up in the Mega pack house hasn't been easy. There were no changes. I'd call it little to no addition. The unbaked brick houses, the mud houses with thatched roof are still the same as the very first day I came to the pack house. Eight years ago. I was 10 when Sir Alberet brought me to the Mega pack house. The first few months was hard for me, trying to adjust to the new place and the new people. It wasn't easy for me reaching where I am today. A day doesn't go by without me engaging into one or two situation. I've gotten used to it. The taunting of not getting my mate. I turned eighteen few days ago and yet, no sign of my mate. But that didn't stop me from holding on to my faith. I know I'd soon find my mate and be freed from the taunting. Better still, it won't change the fact that I'm a lowly half human, half omega with two coloured eyes. One is brown and the other is blue. Nobody wants to associate themselves with me because they think I'm a witch. Some are saying I'm not really an omega while some are saying I'm cursed that was why I couldn't find my mate. It hurts me how people look down on me even after eight years in the pack. I was never loved and I don't think I will ever be. I will forever be the lowly half omega with a mismatched eyes. Sir Alberet is the only person that gives me strength. He always encourage me not to heed to their taunting. Sir Alberet is the Gamma of the Mega pack, the protector. Without him, I don't think I'd last in the pack. The memories of eight years is still fresh in my brain. How my parents took me to the pit hole with the promise that they'd come for me and they never did. Eight years have passed by without any news from them or sign of them. The reason why they left me in that pit hole and why they didn't come back to get me. The two things had been on my mind day and night. The slow platter of rain that began dropping snapped me out of the short memory I ventured into. The weather grew darker and the gust of cold wind surge through me. Chills ran down my spine as I dipped the mud pot into the stream. As I rushed out of the dark forest path, my foot tripped on a log making me to almost lose balance. Thank goodness I was able to maintain my posture. The pot was resting on my head while I walk in a fast pace back home. However, I didn't make out of the forest when heavy rain dispatched, drenching me from head to toe. A hiss left my lips as the droplets of water cover my sight blocking me from seeing the way I was heading to. The rain gets heavier with each passing second. I arrived at the mahogany gates of the pack house. The stillness that greeted me was familiar. Everybody is curled up inside fearing the rain to touch them. Yet I dared not to waste time. Unless I want to entertain myself in another trouble. I doubt if I'm not in one already. I ambled my way towards the front door extra careful of the stone like stairs that may trample me over. The old wooden door made a creepy sound as I set my foot inside. The droplet of water sipping on the wood floor with each step I take. That didn't bother me because the house is old enough to drift with leakage. The dull walls was rough due to the rain. I tried not to sigh at the oak arms of the sofa that was drenched earning me an extra work. It'll be another night to remember. The last time I scrubbed the sofa oak arms, I ended up with rough palms. They were so hard that I doubt it was made from normal skin. "I see you have grown enough horns to come back whenever you feel like it" I was snapped back to reality by the sound of My Lady’s voice flushed to my ears. She was dressed into a silky cream nighties that barely passed her mid thigh, face different from the neck due to the large amount of makeup she caked on her face. However, all her tactics doesn't make any effect on Sir Alberet. "I'm sorry Lady Hilda. I was-" "Shut that filthy mouth of yours up!" She sneered advancing her way towards me. My head was casted down as I await her next move. And she did. I felt as if my gums and teeths had been mixed up together due to the sharp slap I received. I didn't make a move. I'm already used to them. Everyday. "You always have the big mouth to talk back at me. Huh?" She snapped. "I'm sorry Lady Hilda" Was the only thing I said before casting my head down once again. Needless to say, she grabbed my wrist pinning them at my back. I let out a low yelp as the pain shot through me sending shivers down my spine. And my drenched body isn't helping matters. I know I will definitely catch a cold. Not when Lady Hilda isn't cutting me some slack. "You think you can seduce my husband and go scot free. You lowly witch!" I held in my tears. My inner wolf holding me down not to break down. Lady Hilda thinks I'm seducing her husband because of the care and protection I was recieving from him. The reason behind her hatred towards me. Yes, I call it hatred because its nothing like dislike. She hates my guts. And doesn't fail in putting me into a state of dilemma. "I dare not to Lady Hilda" I profound in the most calm voice I could muster up. "Better not. The day I see you close to my husband, it will be the day you will leave this pack house. Get that into that tiny skull of yours. Lowly omega" She yanked me forward and I landed on the sofa arm my legs connecting with the center table. I winced in pain. I wouldn't be surprised if my fingers were disassemble. "Get the water to my bathtub. My husband will be back anytime soon" I heard her loud footsteps thumping on the wood floor. I clasped my eyes shut and open them again heaving out a sigh on the accord. I watched the direction she went off to. "Gina, days will be better" I try to assure myself. However, I know its far from getting better. But then again, I'd get to rest a bit tomorrow because of the ceremony. The Alpha of the pack son has given birth to an heir. So a ceremony would be hold to celebrate the new addition to the pack. Everybody will be present at the Pack house ceremonial hall for the occasion. Lowly slaves like me are not welcomed there. Even if I attend, I know it wouldn't end in a good note. If anything is to go wrong, the blame would be put on me. Not when everybody thinks I'm a witch for having a mismatched eyes and with no mate. Putting myself in problem is the same as putting Sir Alberet also. I don't want that happening to him. He's done enough for me. The best thing I can do is to stay away from any problem. I managed to gather the strength in me and took the pot of water to the bathtub before Lady Hilda go berserk on me again. I did what's required for me to do before advancing my way to her room. I fisted my hand and landed a light knock on her door. "I've prepared the bathtub Lady Hilda" I profound. Silence follows in return. I wanted to knock again but fearing the wrath of her. "Lady Hi-" "What again! Get away!" Her high pitch voice smacked through my ears. Sometimes I use to think something is wrong with her in the head. At times she'd be all calm and sometimes she's like a lightening bolt. To avoid getting more earful from her, I sauntered my slow steps to my room. An almost dark room greeted me. If not because of the candle that was almost close to its end, you wouldn't be able to make out the surrounding. My room consist of a flimsy pale mattress that is close to nothing. And a one door wardrobe that barely reached half the peeling walls that looked as if they have not been painted for decades. A weary sigh left my lips when I caught a glimpse of droplets that was leaking from the thatched roof. Shivers ran down my spine when cold breeze illuminate through the window. I forgot to shut the windows. I know I'm in for a cold session. If it doesn't drag me down to bed. Just in time, I sneeze out, my head banging with headache as if it will split in two any moment. I changed out of the drenched blouse which is like my everyday attire. My clothes are few little up to ten pieces. I crashed down on the bed omitting out an exhausted breath on the accord. The mattress might look shady, but it’s soft and comfortable. At least I know that I won’t end up with a back pain. My eyes lingers on the corrupt ceiling particularly the fan that is as good as nothing. I can’t remember when last I saw the fan moving. It has become a decoration in the room. As normal as that sounds to me, I couldn’t help the nervousness that crept into me thinking about the event that is due tomorrow. Some part of me had a little hope that maybe. Just maybe, I would find him. My mate. If I meet him, will things really change for me? Most especially, the taunting. Will it make a difference to the fact that I have a mismatched eyes? Those are the thoughts I constantly remind myself whenever the mate talk come to talk. My little form of thoughts was cut shut when a knock sounded from my door followed by the voice of the only person that understands and gives me strength and words of motivation to keep holding on to my faith. Sir Alberet. “Gin” He called. I always like it when he calls me with the nickname which was given by me same as my name. Gina. I lifted my body off the bed and advance towards the door. “Gin” He called again immediately I pulled the door open. I didn’t fail to notice the bags under his eyes. As the Gamma of the pack, he need to protect and make sure there are no any hindering enemies around that will bring harm to the pack; The pack is as important as his life. “Come in Sir” I profound. The man shakes his head. “It’s fine. Just wanted to check on you. Hope the rain didn’t affect you?” He asked. “No. I came back home before the rain began falling heavily” I lied. It won’t make a difference telling him when the deed had already happened. “That’s very good. Make sure you sleep well and prepare for tomorrow. You know how important it is to me. I would want you to be at your best. Don’t think too much” I nodded my head in answer. I know what he meant by I should prepare for tomorrow. He’s hoping I will meet my mate. That means I’m not alone in the faith of that. “Yes Sir Alberet. I will” He let out a smile. “Adequate. I will take my leave now. Goodnight” “Goodnight Sir” I watched as his footsteps merged with the floor. My eyes lingers on the empty hallway for a while before I shut the door and trekked back to the bed. I pulled the covers to my body as I suddenly began feeling cold due to how the weather was still at its peak with cold rain. I might be in the midst today but tomorrow is another day. A day that will be worth all the waiting. Hopefully.
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