A rough patch

2130 Words

Bella, Blake, Paul, and Nina are trying their best to have a good time at the beach, but all of them are thinking of Clark and is not happy with what happened. Paul and Blake go for a swim knowing Bella and Nina wants to talk. Paul and Blake walk away, and Blake looks at Paul, who does not look happy at all. "I don't know why this had to happen to Clark, he loves Tammy, and she treats him like this," Paul says. "I know, but maybe it is better it happened now before they got married," Blake says. "You are right. I know my brother, though. He is not taking this easily. He hides his feeling and will not talk about this," Paul says worriedly. "I know, Clark is the quiet one. He will talk when he is ready. We need to respect his privacy, though," Blake says. "Yeah, it is Saturday today. H

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