The truth

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After two days, Blake goes back to Audrey to get the result of his test. It is positive. He does not understand. If he is his father's child, then what the hell went wrong between his father and his mother? Why would his father and mother hate him then? He is confused. He needs to talk to his mother, and he drives home. As he walks in, he feels a sense of heaviness in his heart. He hates that his mother is always in her room, hardy eating and hardly talking to anyone. She stopped going out a long time ago, and if the servants did not buy the groceries, there would probably be no food in this f****d up house. He does not even feel good about going upstairs and talking to the woman that is supposed to be his mother. He knows he has to, and he walks to her room. She is just lying in bed, staring at the wall in front of her. He walks up to her, and she turns around as she hears him. "What do you want, Blake?" She asks, looking at him, and for the first time, he can see the hate in her eyes. He never noticed it before, maybe because he never looked for it before. He looks down on her, and he feels so sad. This woman hates him. She does not even have a single sign of love for her son in her eyes. "Tell me the story behind you and that man that is supposed to be my father," Blake says.  "Why now, Blake?" She asks. "I did a paternal test, and he is my father. So why do the both of you hate me so much?" Blake asks. This woman is all mother he ever knew as a mother. "You did a paternity test, but did you ever asked if who your mother is? I know you love me as a mother, but I am not your mother. The woman that gave birth to you was the woman your father loved, and she died giving birth to you. You need to know the whole truth, and I am going to tell it to you now. Before your father and I got married, he had another lover. She and I fought, and she fell down the stairs. Your father believes to this day. I pushed her. Your father and I were just married. We were in love when she returned. She was your aunt, my sister. He told me the day she returned. He wants a divorced. He still loved her, and she was pregnant with you. After she died, he started to hate you and me. He did not come home anymore and had affairs to punish me. He never gave me a chance to explain what happened. Your mother was no angel. She did not want you and wanted to kill you. All she wanted was to marry your father and get the money I inherited. She has spent all the money she got from our parents. She pretended that I pushed her down the stairs, but as she went into labour, she was too weak from the fall, and she died, giving birth. You survived. I promised her I would love you and look after you as she was dying. I did love you in the beginning. I treated you as my own after years of your father hating me and hurting me and treating me like he does. I could not help starting to hate you. You are part of her, and she is the reason for me getting hurt all the time," Hanna Jordan says. She is dead on the inside. Blake looks at her. He does not say a word. He turns around and walks out of the woman's room. Hanna starts crying what she is doing to this child is not right. It is not his fault. In a weak voice, she calls him. Blake stops and turns around. Tears are flowing down the woman's eyes. She loves him, and although she thought she hated this child, she still loves him like her own. "Come here, Blake," She says, holding her hand out to him. He sees the hate is gone from her eyes, and he only sees love. "I am sorry. It is not your fault. I love you as my own son. It would be best if you had been mine, and you are all I have. Please, don't hate me. I wronged you all these years thinking I hated you, but I still have money left my parent's left me. One day all that money will be yours. You don't need his money. Please promise me you will avenge me one day and take that man down," She begs the young man in front of her. "I told you before. I can never hate you. I will always care about you, mom. I will come back one day and avenge your hurt, but I need you to be strong for me. I need you," Blake says. Hanna starts crying. It is the first time in years that Blake called her mom. "I will try my best, but I know I am dying slowly inside. I have been for years, my son," Hanna says. She cries again. She has not taken good care of herself and this boy in front of her. She knows it is too late for her. The Doctor told her that her body is dying slowly. Although she tries to eat, she can no longer keep food in. She can not tell her son that, and she will try to hold on until she leaves the house. "What will you do after school?" She asks. "I want to join the army while studying," Blake says. He and his mother, as he thinks of her now, nods. "You have to come back one day and avenge us, the hurt he put us through," She says. "I will, mother, that I promise you," Blake says. His heart is filled with hate for the man that is his father. He loves the woman that is not even his mother but hates his own father. "She is buried next to your grandmother and grandfather grave if you ever want to go and visit her," Hanna says. "I have no feelings towards that woman. You are the woman who brought me up, although I was not even yours, you cared more about me than she did," He says. "Steven, our butler, saw what happened. You can go ask him," Hanna says, afraid that Blake will also not believe her. "I believe you, mom," Blake says, but he intends to talk to the old butler and asks him he wants to tape the whole conversation. One day he wants to confront that man with it when he stands in front of him after destroying him. That man will have nothing left after he is done with him that he swears today. "Thank you for believing in me. He is looking for the rest of my money, but I hit it. Here is the card of my lawyer. He knows where the money is, as well as the family jewellery," Hanna says and hands a card to Blake. She also hands him the ring his so-called father gave her. "Take this ring and give it to the girl you love one day. That ring represents the happiest day of my life, but only give it to the girl you really love and never fake love, my child," Hanna says. "One day, I will put this ring on Bella Stevens finger. She is still a bit young mom, but I loved her for a long time. She is a princess, and I can not think of this ring on any other girl's finger," Blake says. Hanna thinks of the birthday invitation she received from Bella Stevens. She can not tell Blake about it as the invitation says it is a surprise party, and she smiles happily. It looks like this little Bella Stevens likes her son as well. She sits up. Blakes shows her a photo he took on his cellphone of Bella and him, and she smiles happily. Bella is a beautiful young lady. She can see Blake is happy when he looks down on Bella. She and Blake talk for a long time. Blake leaves for football practice, and for the first time in years, Hanna gets out of bed. She gets dressed and goes downstairs. She wants to become a bit stronger as she wants to go to her son's birthday party. Blake goes to practise his football, and he sees Bella cheering him on. Damn, he needs to concentrate on practice. The couch has cursed at him already twice today, but his mind is full of what his mother told him, and Bella being next to the field is not helping him at all. He is sad but happy at the same time. He wants to go to his birth mother's grave as well today after practice. He makes himself concentrate, and the practice ends on a high note as he pretends to throw the ball but runs himself and score a touchdown. His couch is much happier with Blake. After practice, he walks to Bella. "It is all your fault for distracting me today. I got cursed at twice all because the most beautiful girl in school was watching me," He teases Bella. Bella laughs and sticks her tongue out. He loves her so much for just being herself. He decides on the spot to take her with him to the graveyard. "Come with me. I need to go see someone," Blake says, and Bella agrees. He drives to the graveyard, and Bella wonders what the hell he wants to do at the graveyard. He stops and takes her hand. He walks to where his grandmother and grandfather are buried. He knows he said to his mother he never wanted to visit his birth mother, but he must, even if it is just for this one time. He sees her grave, and he stops next to the grave. He looks at the grave of the woman who wanted to kill him for money. Instead, she killed herself. He feels no sorrow in his heart for this young life lost. She brought all this sadness into his life, and his mother is suffering all because of this selfish woman. "Who is this?" Bella asks as she sees Blake's face goes cold as he looks at the grave. "This, my dear, is the woman who gave birth to me and messed up my and my mother's lives," Blake says, and Bella looks at him confused. "She was my birth mother, and she wanted to kill me for money. She only wanted to be pregnant but never wanted the baby. She, however, waited too long to try and kill me by falling down some stairs, to kill me. Instead, she killed herself, giving birth to me. Her last evil deed was to blame my poor mother, her own sister, for her fall," Blake says. He looks at the grave. On the grave is fresh red roses. His father must have put it there. He takes the roses and trashes them. Leaving them on the grave. He hopes when that man comes to visits the grave, he will see it! Bella looks at the young man she loves so much. She let him be and walks away a bit. He screams at the woman in the grave. "I hate you! I am glad you died! You should have never have been born! I should have been my mother's child. She deserved to be happy. You selfish b***h! I hope you burn in hell!" Blake screams out his pain. Bella let him she knows he needs this. Blake falls on his knees, and he starts crying. Bella let him cry. When he is tired of crying and just sitting there, she walks to him. She takes his hand in hers and kisses his tears away. She says nothing as she helps him up and walks with him to the car. Thye have become very close, and Blake feels it as he appreciates Bella letting him have his moment of weakness. He does not feel ashamed for having this breakdown in front of Bella as he knows she understands. "I love you, Blake. I always will," Bella says softly. "I loved you, Bella, for a very long time. Thank you for coming with me today and giving me my space when I needed it," Blake says. Bella leans over and kisses Blake on the cheek. Holding his hand in hers. He feels her love for him, and it calms his heart.
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