Chapter Seven - What the hell?

1389 Words
Nova’s P.O.V I finished up the dishes, taking my time doing so. I had to give myself some time to pull myself together because him being that close to me was doing things to me it should not be doing. I don’t get it, I have worked with him for over two years. He has never made me this way. Now that we have spent time outside of the office a couple of times, now I feel attracted to him? What is all that about? “I think that’s them, Nova.” He chuckled, pulling me out of thought. “Yes, they are.” I laughed. “Come on, let’s go?” He smiled at me. He grabbed a bottle of wine and our two glasses. The two of us headed through to the living room, his hand placed on my lower back. I felt a small shiver soar through my body. I made sure to hide my face because if he saw my face, my eyes would give me away. I sat down as quickly as I could, putting a small distance between us. He took the seat next to me, closing the space I was trying to keep between us. He poured us both a glass of wine, handing it to me. “Thank you,” I smiled, taking a small sip and resting back on the sofa. “Nova what about you? Do you have siblings? And are both your parents still with us?” He asked. “Yes, I have a younger sister who is away in London for university. She is very intelligent; she is studying to become a heart surgeon. I still have both my parents. They have been married for what, forty years and still very much in love with each other.” I smiled to myself thinking about them. “That’s amazing!” He gushed, “That’s what I want, love like that.” He added with a smile. “Same, maybe one day.” I smiled. I see a sadness shoot across his eyes as he thinks about it. Darcy and his marriage playing in his head because he probably thought she was it for him. I reached over, placing my hand over his gently, making him look up at me. “You will find it Brandon. Darcy must not have been the one for you after all.” I said. “I know, just hurts still, you know?” He said sadly. “I know. It will get better in time,” I said, smiling, hoping to lift his spirits a little. “Wish that time would come quicker. Anyway enough about that. This has to be about you.” He laughed. “As I said, there isn’t much to tell about me. I live a tranquil life.” I shrugged. It was the truth I don’t do much at all. I work then go out with friends from time to time. Not much time with my job to do anything. “Why, though? Why not go out and have fun?” He asked. “I sometimes do. I did all that when I was a teenager, was a wild one back then.” I laughed. “I knew it. You are not as quiet as you make out. Please do tell how wild you were Miss Nova? I was not one for rebelling at that age. Think that’s why I am making up for it now in more ways that one.” He laughed. I knew he was referring to his drinking, partying, and one night stands. “Yes, you are that.” I laughed “Me...I partied a lot, drank too much, got into trouble at school and ran away more than once. I put my parents through hell. They never gave up on me, and when I got to nineteen, I eventually grew up.” I said. “I knew you had a wild side.” He winked. “Used to, not so much now,” I replied. “I don’t believe that. I think you still have that wild streak in you somewhere.” He smirked. He was right I do, but he does not need to know where that wild streak comes out. “Maybe but you will never find out,” I said smugly. I see his full face change, and his eyes light up a little. He knew exactly what I meant. “Never say never.” He replied. I coked my brow at him, and he never seemed to care. He had a devilish look in his eyes; I know what he is thinking. That isn’t going to happen. I am not going to be that girl that is having s*x with her boss, that’s not me. “In your dreams.” I laughed. “Oh, I hope so.” He replied, his voice slightly huskier than usual. I swallowed hard, turning away from him. He needs to stop flirting with me. I will end up doing it back, and I don’t wanna. I decided to change the subject, talking about anything else except for the conversation we were having at the moment. ******** Two hours later. Two bottles of wine and some beers later, Brandon and I were both a little drunk, laughing and flirting. I had relaxed too. My attraction to him was not getting to me the way it was a little while ago. “You are stunning Nova. Why has a man not swept you off your feet yet?” He asked, looking at me. “Guess I haven’t found the right one,” I said, biting on my lower lip as I looked back at him. He let out a small groan. My lip-biting was getting to him. I found him inching closer to me; our faces only inches apart. He reached his hand up, pushing my hair away from my eyes—his hand resting on my cheek.  I gulped, trying to keep myself together. Brandon was reaching in, and I knew he was going in for a kiss. I knew deep down I should pull away, but I could not. Then before I knew what was going on, his lips fell against mine. I groaned loudly against his lips. His very kissable, sweet lips and found myself kissing him back. He gripped my hips, pulling me closer to him. I could feel a fire of desire soar through my veins with his lips on mine. He moaned into my lips, running his tongue quickly along my lower lip, making me whimper and part my lips. Brandon slid his tongue into my mouth. I let him, kissing him back the same way. All of a sudden fear took over me when I realised what the hell I was doing. I quickly pulled away from him, jumping to my feet and grabbing my bag. “I’m sorry. I need to go.” I said panicked, rushing to the front door. I placed my hand on the handle, as I did, he grabbed me, turning me around to face him, trapping me between his body and the door. My breathing was heavy. Every part of my body was feeling weak with the way his dark, lustful eyes were staring at me. “Why? I don’t want you too. I know you have felt it too tonight Nova, the tension between us. The want, then why go?” He asked breathlessly. “Because I am not that sort of girl Brandon. I am not the type of girl that ends up f*****g her boss.” I said, trying to keep some sort of control. “We are both adults Nova. I don’t give a f**k that I am your boss.” He said. “Well, I do. I am sorry, I need to go.” I said, pushing him away from me and rushing out of the house. I headed down to the bottom of the driveway, calling myself a cab to get home. I needed to get away from here. Away from Brandon. Why did I let that happen? Now work is going to be awkward as heck. s**t! How could I be so darn stupid? I was glad when the cab showed, and I got home. I honestly don’t know how I am going to face him tomorrow. I grabbed a bottle of water, and some painkillers, I would need them for the morning. I got back into my pjs and climbed into bed. I grabbed my phone, making sure my alarm was set for work, which it was. I had a text; actually, I had three, and they were all from Brandon. Brandon: Nova, please come back? Brandon: I am sorry. Brandon: At least let me know you got home, OK, please? I sighed, quickly texting him back. Nova: I am home. That was all I put before sitting my phone on my bedside table, curling up in bed. I soon I found myself drifting off, a part of me hoping tonight was all a dream.  
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