What do I do

1104 Words
Chapter 3 I roll over and stretch, my body feels so stiff. I sit up and look around, slowly remembering all the things that happened yesterday. I take a deep sigh and take in the room. Its beautiful. Decorated in dark purple and gray. Black accents and simple decorations are around the room. It may be dark, but it is my favorite color. I love the old gothic style decor. I wonder if I was placed in this room on purpose, but there is no way he could have known these were my favorite colors. Must just be a coincidence. The door to the hallway is a large black door to the right of the bed.I look around and I see two other black doors, across from the bed. I am assuming that one of those is the bathroom and the other is the closet. I get up out of the bed and walk over to the windows. It is early November and back home it was starting to cool down and all the leaves had started to turn the pretty fall colors and fall off the trees. But here I can see the sun shining brightly, I can see palm trees, and I can even see the beach from my window. I smile as I take in the scene in front of me. I have never seen the beach before and it looks like it will be close enough that I may be able to walk to it and visit. I make my way over to the first door, it is a huge closet. It is completely empty, I will have to get a ride to a store later on so that I can do some shopping. It is a good thing that I didn't bring any of my things, I would have to get a whole new wardrobe anyway. But I am not sure what I am going to wear today, I guess I will be wearing the same clothes that I had on yesterday. I sigh and turn to the next door. I walk into the bathroom and am amazed at how beautiful it looks. Black and silver is the color scheme for in here. There is a huge clawfoot bathtub. I walk over and turn on the warm water, I notice that there is a lavender scented bubble bath sitting on the edge of the tub. So I pour some into the water. While the tub fills with the calming lavender scent, I use the bathroom and undress. In no time at all the tub is full. So I slowly climb into the nice relaxing water. I sit down and lean my head back. I don't remember the last time I was able to sit in a bath and soak. In my family's home the only tub was in my parents bathroom and I was not allowed to use it. So all I had was the shower. I used to sneak in and use the tub when my parents were gone and out at pack meetings since I was never welcome to attend them. I close my eyes and I relax for a little while. After a few moments I feel my stomach grumble and I hear it growl. I sigh, I guess it is time to get out and try to find something to eat. I pull the plug on the tub so that the water can all drain. I stand up and step out. I grab a towel and dry off. I wrap it around my body and open the bathroom door so that the steam from the water can leave the bathroom. As I open the door I notice that there are bags on the bed. I walk over and look. The bags are full of clothes, I pull some of the items out and I see that they are my size. I smile as I dig through them and pull out an outfit for the day. Once I have clothes in hand I get dressed and walk into the bathroom again. I open the drawers and I find a toothbrush and toothpaste. So I brush my teeth and then I find a brush and brush my hair. Once I am dressed and ready for the day I take a deep breath and make my way over to the main door leading into the hallway. I open the door and gasp at the view in front of me. I am face to face with two lycan warriors and Val. He gives a smirk as he looks at me. “I see that you have found the clothes that I placed on your bed. I will take you into town later today so that you may get anything else that you may need. I wanted to introduce you to your guards. These two will be your personal guards. They will be with you at all times you are out of the room, while you are in the room they will take turns guarding the door.” Val says as he turns to look at the two guards standing with him. “I am Justin,” the tall brunet says with a slight bow. “And I am James,” the blond says with a bow as well. “Well it is nice to meet you.” I say to the two of them with a smile. “Are you hungry?” Val asks me. “Yes I am. I was headed out to try and find breakfast.” I say to him. “We will all walk together. After breakfast your guards will take you on a tour of the palace and the palace grounds. After that it should be time for lunch and I will take you into town to eat and do some shopping.” Val tells me as he turns and heads down the hallway. He leads the way without even turning to look to be sure I am following him. I look at the guards and they just shrug and gesture for me to follow him. I sigh and start to follow him and the guards follow me. We make our way in silence to the dining hall. Val takes a seat at the end of the table and I stand there looking at him, unsure of where I should sit. “You may sit next to me, my parents will be joining us. My father sits at the other end of the table and my mother sits next to him.” Val says, picking up his cup of coffee and taking a sip.
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