Chapter 7- Anna

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The whole journey to Clear Moon my stomach is turning. I hate these events; it seems insane to me that we as unmated females are kept separate from the males in our own pack and yet we are then dressed up and paraded around these events with males from all the packs sniffing around. I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.  I am completely dedicated to the Moon Goddess and the promise of my fated mate and I will not do a thing to jeopardise that, not for anyone. Mrs Wise goes off to the chaperones room, I wish she could stay with us, we move to get drinks and then to find Katy’s cousins.     We find Katy’s cousins in a chill out room, there is someone playing the decks in the corner, some comfy couches that are fully occupied and a small dance floor where there are a few groups of people hanging out. The room is large, so it doesn’t seem too loud in here, Katy’s cousins shout us over.      Katy has three female cousins Vada, Jena, and Zoe. We've met a few times now and although they are not openly hostile to me, I feel under scrutiny by them.      “Katy, over here”      I feel Katy get excited at the side of me, she grabs my empty hand      “Come on Anna, they're over there.” We go over and there are a small group of men with them.    “Katy, I met my mate this is Simon, isn’t he gorgeous” I see Katy smiling at Vada as she congratulates her, Vada is the eldest, she was 18 a couple of months ago, she’s lucky to have found her mate so fast but I suppose them being in the same pack and being allowed to mix helps.      Vada is short like Katy, her hair is dirtier blond than the honey blond of Katy’s she is wearing black skinny jeans that are ripped at the knee, and a black top that is open all the way down to her pierced navel. She also has a piercing in her tongue, and she once told me she’d had both n*****s pierced too. Her back is also exposed, she has a large dragon tattoo all over her back, her new mark off her mate is visible on her neck.  Simon, Vada's new mate, comes to stand behind her and kiss her neck, along where her mark is. I see her shiver in delight, this is embarrassing!      “Simon this is my cousin Katy and her friend Anna... they’re from the Crescent Moon”.   On hearing this the other males flock. There is something about being from the devout pack that intrigues or disgusts them, I haven’t worked it out yet, but it’s always the same when we go to these events, they see us as oddities or as a challenge.      “Crescent Moon you say? Well ladies, I’m what you call a man, I know you don’t get to see them where you’re from” the boys are all laughing and heckling now.   “Shut up Travis, give them a break will you” I smile in thanks at Jena, but she rolls her eyes at me.      “Tell me girl, have you ever been kissed? Have you ever been naked with a man, I’m willing to do you a charitable favour and break you in” here we go, the insults and innuendo, the scathing comments?     I start to walk away but Katy holds me back and shouts “call yourself a man? A narrow-minded i***t more like?”      They started laughing. “How old are you short stuff about five years old?” One heckled.     I know this will enrage Katy, those boys speaking to us in such a derogatory way, I try to pull her away but she’s losing control, one of the pitfalls of being an early shifter is having less time to learn to control your wolf when you’re angry. She’s growling and baring her teeth, and that makes them laugh all the more.   But then another one starts talking “this one here isn’t a child, she’s got curves in all the right places, look at them t**s they are so big and round... just waiting for me to suck on them!”      I see him slowly walking towards me, my stomach turns to ice, this isn’t good,     "Leave her alone Jambo” but he ignores the shouts and carries on towards me.      I suppose in different circumstances he is a male who could be considered physically attractive, he’s tall, there is evidence of a small amount of muscle throughout his shoulders and arms, giving the impression of strength but there’s something about his eyes that makes my skin crawl- devious is the only word I could think of to describe the cold glint that scares me more than his physical form.      “I could show you a good time, f**k you good and proper until you scream my name and I bet you’d love it too.” I see his hand coming towards me and I react instinctively, well I don’t attend all of those self-defence classes for nothing.      Without even thinking I’ve arm-locked him and have him on his knees whimpering with his arm up his back. I whisper low,      “Lay one finger on me or my friend and I will snap your arm off and shove it up your ass. Do you understand?” He’s whimpering but nodding yes, he understands. He knows who the boss is now.      What I don’t anticipate is an Alpha being at this party.      “What is going on in here?” Everyone submits, that’s how I know it’s an Alpha, only Alphas have that power.     “James, do you mind telling me why a girl has you submitted on the floor?" Oh, holy Moon Goddess I have to intervene.     “It was my fault Alpha, I apologise, I took offence to something this boy said” I look up, and dear lord this is the biggest, most intimidating man I have ever seen, he is handsome but absolutely terrifying,     “And pray tell me Miss...?”      “Lilianna” I interject      “Miss Lilianna what did he say to offend you?” I turned red, I could never say the things he said, especially in front of all these people, particularly not in front of the Alpha and his men!      “Please don’t make me say it” I lower my head, I want to go home, I feel the tears prickling the corners of my eyes and my face must be puce by now.      “Then I can only presume that it was something deeply inappropriate and demeaning... James, I suggest you apologise to the lady. And may this be a lesson in keeping your tongue, thoughts, and hands to yourself. You’ll report to my office in the morning.”      The pathetic man-boy looks scared but relieved      “Yes Alpha, sorry Alpha. I’m sorry Miss Lilianna” and he scurries away.    I wait for my punishment, I should never lay my hands on a member of another pack, no matter the offence, wars have been started for less. In my head I have my argument forming. I only touched him when it became clear he was going to try and touch me without permission. It was to protect myself and my friend, would I have the nerve to try and explain this to this giant of a man? The man they say kills for sport, and is the reason the moon turns scarlet on occasion as a mark of his bloodlust      “Miss Lilianna, I’m sorry on behalf of my Pack member, I hope you accept my apologies, I will ensure that he learns the error of his ways.”      He places his hand over his heart, the symbol of a pledge made. my eyes go wide in surprise,      “Yes Alpha, thank you.” That was really unexpected.      “And Miss Lilianna, in the future if you ever decide to become a self-defence trainer, you let me know” I give a small curtsey, and a tiny smile and then go to leave the room, I chance a quick look at the Alpha, surprised to find he’s sharing that little smile with me making me blush even more.      I am looking for Katy as I go. Katy joins me at the door.      “Anna, that was bad-ass!”      She looks at me with pride and admiration, there goes my chance of forgetting this ever happened.  
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