The Truth

3838 Words
Weirdly, the clothes that the blue-eyed man had brought me were ones from my own closet. It was a simple maroon button-up, along with black skinny jeans and a pair of black slip-on flats. Did he really get past my brother just to steal my clothes and abduct me? I padded down the stairs outside the study I was sleeping in. The stairs opened up to a room that held a slight stench of beer mixed with old books, and crisp spring air. A large bar to my left and a few dark brown leather couches are strategically placed around a few coffee tables to the right. Bookcases align every inch of wall space possible in the small bar. Many people who enjoy the modern-style cafes might call this place outdated, tacky even. Personally, I love the historical feel of places like this. It's as if it's full of secrets just begging to be told. Scooting out a stool at the bar, I started fidgeting with the end of my sleeve taking in the place a little more. The doors leading behind the bar shuddered, and I looked up just in time to come eye to eye with a wide square woman whose height could easily match the blue-eyed man. She leaned forward, sporting a 5 o'clock shadow right above her cherry red lipstick. "Well hi there. What might your name be?" "Alora, where am I?" She began tapping her finger against her square chin. "Hmmm. Elijah had a meeting, but he'll be out here shortly to give you all of the juicy details on your current-" there was a pause before she finished her sentence "situation." Her bushy eyebrows came together, in an almost sorrowful look. She twisted around, clinking mugs together on the back counter. A few short moments later she swung back around clutching a mug with at least three inches of whipped cream piled on top. "The names Sam, and it looks like you could use a pick me up." My agitation grew, but I took the mug. I don't like being kept in the dark. "Isn't it illegal for your type to be in The Colonies?" I eyed her as I brought the rim of the mug to my lips, trying to keep my face as intimidating as possible. Every colony citizen knew that if someone was found guilty of being a werewolf they were charged with treason and sentenced to death. Typically without trial. Sam's eyes squinted at me but her smile never wavered. "You know-" Sam's words were cut off by the door in the back left corner bursting open. Goosebumps erupted over my body. "Elijah! What can I get ya?" She hummed in a sing-song voice. "My usual is fine Sam, thank you." Elijah was still wearing the same charcoal grey suit from earlier. It fit him nicely; hugging his biceps and stretching over his toned thighs as they spread on the stool beside me. He shoved a large hand through his thick sandy curls, leaving a stray one dangling on his forehead. Sam slid a small glass cup in his direction that had a dark sloshing liquid in it. "Are you just going to stare at me or are you actually going to say something?" Elijah side-eyed me as he pulled out a golden cigarette holder and a lighter. "Are you sure you should be smoking? You know, since you need to be able to run for long periods of time?" I tired to act unfazed, but I couldn't knock the nagging urge that almost made me force him to look at me. Anything to have his electric blue gaze directed at me again. Like a child starved of attention and he was the only one who could fulfill it. "So you're worried about my cardio?" He raised his eyebrows at me. "That is a little forward, don't you think?" Immediately, I rolled my eyes and let out a breath trying to alleviate some of the tension building up in my chest. "Why am I here? And why did you have my clothes? My brother is probably worried sick about me." "Your brother gave us a bag of your belongings. Trust me, he isn't worried about you." He took a long drag of his cigarette and turned his upper body toward me. Finally, his eyes landed on me, but they only held pity. It knocked me back into my senses. "W-what do you mean? He and Lilly would never let some random werew-" His eyes flashed to a deep blue seconds before one of his hands covered my mouth and the other slid onto my lower back, making his stool fall behind him with a loud clatter. His body pressed flush with mine, sending electricity flying through me. My ears began to ring at an almost unbearable level, making it semi-impossible to string together a tangible thought. "We may be alone here, but I suggest you don't say some things so freely." He growled as warmth spread over every part of my body that he was pressed against. I should be scared out of my mind right now, but the only thing I can picture is how great the way his perfectly toned muscles feel through his clothes. After taking a second to process what he was doing, and force my hormones away, I started to push against him to try to get free. I chomped down on the meaty part of his hand and brought my knee up trying to connect in a sensitive area, but in one swift motion he had my arm held behind my back and I was bent over the bar. Forcing me to stand on my tippy toes with my face uncomfortably turned to the right pressed hard against the cold counter. "Oh, dear" was all Sam said as she shook her head, making her tight red, chin-length curls sway. I fought back, but every time I moved my arm felt like it was going to be thrown out of place. "You're brother was going to murder you!" Elijah huffed out leaning down closer to my ear. His voice low and gravelly. "What?" I whispered, teetering on the brink of madness. monster infested He would never. If it weren't for the warm prickles shooting across the back of my thighs, I would have been too shocked to realize Elijah was completely pressed against me. "He noticed that you were going through the transformation and was going to finish you off before you woke up." I stopped fighting him, giving into the internal battle within me. I couldn't handle the conflicting emotions swirling inside me. Betrayal, denial, shame, and disbelief overpowered the unhinged lust that comes out of nowhere when I'm around this man. He finally seemed to notice what parts of us were touching and let out a shuddering breath. It's good to know I'm not the only one affected. "Shit." He whispered. After a few seconds passed I felt the pressure on my back and arm ease. "Why.." I trailed off not even bothering to lift my head from the bar as tears started to form. I let my arm fall limp at my side. With Elijah no longer touching me, my head began to clear. I could finally process the weight of what he just said. "He said that you would never want to become 'a monster' and that he wanted to 'spare' you from that fate. I didn't kill him, but I wouldn't let him harm you. Sam here helped watch you and Lilly as I grabbed your things." I sprung up at the mention of my baby sister. Alec's angry voice faintly echoed in the back of my head, but I couldn't fully remember what was being said. Ignoring it for now, I directed my attention to what really mattered. "Where is she? Is she okay?" I inhaled, tears streaming down my face as a realization dawned on me. "He didn't try to hurt her did he?" I shook with anger, my thoughts jumping to the worst conclusions. If my brother, the person I trusted the most in this world, tried to kill me, what would he do to her? It was no secret he hated the Amaruq with a passion. Hell, he's led rallies for their extinction and campaigned with my father to help get the execution law put in place. "How dare he" the voice in my head was no longer alluring and now spit out words with a skin-crawling venom. "I will tear him limb from limb." "Alora," Elijah whispered my name, placing a heavy hand on my shoulder, "you and your sister have different dads. Lilly is human." I blinked. What? "How do you know?" My shoulders were shuddering as big fat tears continued to fall onto my chest. This is too much. I can't. "Maybe we should let her process some of this first-" "No! I need to know." I cut Sam off my eyes never leaving Elijah's. "Tell me the truth." Elijah's heavy hand slowly pushed me back onto my stool, grounding me. Elijah took a breath before continuing. He seemed pained. "Before we left we had a long uh- chat with your brother. " He glanced at Sam, who clasped her hands in front of her chest and slowly nodded up and down while sighing. "Alec told me that your mom had an affair. After finding out that you have Amaruq blood, your brother was convinced that it was your father that murdered your mom. Your real father." He said it all in one breath as if ripping off a band-aid. I shuddered letting out a hysterical laugh that wracked my body, my nails digging into my thighs reminding me that this was really happening. That this isn't some messed up dream. "You really had me going there." I wiped my eyes but the tears refused to stop. "My mom died of lung disease." Elijah's features softened and his eyes turned a seemingly baby blue. He wrapped his arms around me, my face buried deep in his hard chest. "That's what your father told you, wasn't it? I'm so sorry baby." At first, I was stiff and taken back by him calling me baby but I was too overwhelmed to fight him. Eventually, I let his warmth take over and melted into his embrace. No longer fighting my urge to touch him in some way. Looking back, I don't remember much of Mom. Dad never talked about her being sick. There was one memory I had with my brother that seemed to come from the depths of my mind. He let something slip one day when my Dad was scolding him that has always bothered me. What did Alec yell at him? I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to slow my breathing and remember. Alec couldn't have been older than thirteen when he was throwing the tantrum. Suddenly, his words echoed through me all at once, knocking my breath out of me. "Mom wouldn't be dead if you had been here to protect her!" The anger in his voice flew through me as if I was hearing it for the first time again. I shuttered. He wouldn't say that if a simple disease killed her. "Oh god." is all I could muster before a sob escaped my lips. I buried my head deeper in Elijah's chest wishing the memory away. Wishing things would stop adding up. It was as if everything I had ever questioned was finally clicking together and it was too much. My head spun as I started to cough and then dry heave. I pushed away from Elijah trying to avoid getting anything on him. "Oh lordy, heavens girl. I am so sorry." Sam rambled as she rushed to bring me a tiny garbage can just in time for me to spew bile into it. Heave after heave shook my body. A soothing hand stayed on my back moving in tingly circles and another holding my frizzy auburn curls. After every drop of acid had left my stomach ensuring it was empty my tears finally stopped. A bitter taste coated the back of my throat as I let out a groan. My body was drained and achy from hunching over. "Let's go over here." Elijah ushered me over to one of the leather couches, his voice lined with worry. "Why is my arm healed?" I mumbled as it just crossed my mind. "You didn't fully transition into a wolf last night, but your wolf did heal you." "Oh, right. " Is all I could muster to say. "I'll get you a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Everyone in the city loves my-" The same door Elijah had come out of earlier slammed closed cutting Sam off. "Eli I know you said to wait in there until Al was awake- Hey!" Lilly came barging through the bar making a b -line straight for me. I jumped up and tried to force my exhausted body to move faster. I swooped her in a giant bear hug. "Ow, you're squeezing too tight." She wrapped her tiny arms around my neck. "Sorry, sorry. I just missed you." I took my first deep breath for what felt like hours. "Was Alec okay with this?" I peered through her platinum blonde waves. "He said he would catch up to us later." She beamed one of her award-winning smiles that could light up anyone's world, but all it managed to do was make my stomach drop. "Little Lilly why don't you come in the kitchen and help me make some soup for your big sister?" "Okay!" Lilly jumped down and skipped behind the counter to follow Sam. Once I was sure they were out of earshot I slowly made my way back to the couch, taking a seat next to Elijah. "So...Eli." I met his glare with a weak grin. Trying my hardest to make light of the situation. "Thank you for also taking Lilly, but please explain everything to me." He stood straightening his shoulders as he walked over and locked the double doors that lead into the bar. When he sat back down he was emitting an air of authority, intimidating even. "When I stopped your brother he was on a rampage. He seemed like he had lost it, he was begging us to let him kill you. Torn between rage and hysteria." He paused, I guess to gauge my reaction. "That he didn't want his baby sister growing up in a world where all she'll ever see is death." He was speaking of Lilly then. There's no way he still sees me as his family with how much he detests the Amaruq. "He will pay. " The voice in my head hissed but my emotions weren't out of control this time. I took a breath and tried to sooth it and think rationally. Eli peered at me seemingly searching my face for something. "So, what you're saying is that my brother decided after he learned I inherited my father's werewolf jeans, that he wasn't going to only kill me but Lilly too. Even though she is human?" Eli shook his head up and down timidly. It was a weird look on him considering he seemed like a seriously strong man with his sharp jawline and chiseled features. I doubt much could intimidate him. I glanced down at our hands, feeling weirdly calm knowing my entire life had just been uprooted. Maybe this is what shock feels like. My head was empty. "Care to explain why you were there last night?" I tried to move forward. At this point anything else I learn would just be icing on the shitty cake that my life is turning out to be. "Me, Sam, and a few others were there to apprehend your father. We believed he had some inside knowledge as to why some of my packs' members have been going rouge. Derrick was the brown one who was our scout. He was supposed to make sure your father was alone and then report back to us. Obviously, he had his own agenda." "Why did you think my father knew something?" I gripped his hand tightly, trying to ground myself in this moment. "Your father's job as a Minister was to help the Council try to come to a treaty. He was supposed to be trying to help us end this war. About two months ago my adviser got a tip that he may be working with the other Alpha. The one that succeeded the Alpha that started this horrible war. Somehow, your father found out that we were suspicious of him and a week ago fled the city." "So you're working with the Council for the Colonies?" My father had expressed that he didn't feel safe in the city walls anymore and that he thought the Council was 'losing their way' but I would have never guessed he was working with the rouge Alpha.. "I'm currently on the council as a member. A select few know my true identity but they also know that I will ultimately do what is best for my pack. The past Alphas in my pack have been in the government for generations. We have ties that run very very deep in every colony. " "I'll dive more into that when my head isn't so jumbled." I took my hand back to cover my face. "But." I hesitated, wondering why I suddenly felt so embarrassed to have him staring so intently at me. I may have just met him but he knows everything about me. "Why does my skin feel warm and prickly when you touch me?" Eli inhaled sharply and avoided my gazed for a moment. My heart picked up its pace, slamming in my chest faster than it has the entire day. Why does it feel like what hes about to say is going to be even more world-shattering than everything else I have learned today? It seemed like hours had passed until he spoke again. "Have you ever heard of soul mates?" His voice sounded too small to be coming out of such a large frame. I nodded even though I wanted to make a 'no duh' face, but he seemed to be taking this seriously. "It is said that at one time the Moon Goddess and Fenrir, god of wolves, once shared a love so deep that it connected their souls." He stated in a quick huff, like he was ripping a bandaid off. " The Moon Goddess was also very fond of the human race and entrusted Fenrir to protect them." A deep pit started to form in my stomach as my anxiety grew. I had a feeling I knew this folk tale, and it didn't have a happy ending. "One day Fenrir and the Moon Goddess grew tired of the other god's relentless games and they decided to retaliate and tried to save humanity from the ties of the gods. Sadly the two were overpowered. Fenrir was-" He paused, looking away momentarily then back at me-"Fenrir was struck down in battle, while the Moon Goddess was sealed away." My heart ached, I don't know why, but I truly felt sorry for the Moon Goddess. I can't imagine how hard it would be to lose your other half. "With the last of her strength, the Moon Goddess bestowed upon her children her most precious gift. No matter what trials her children would face, they would never have to face them alone. She made it to where every werewolf would have a perfect half at some point in their lives. They would at least always have one mate. Mates sadly don't always find one another, but fate does have a weird way of helping a few of us along the way." Eli trailed off, glancing down at my lips. I hadn't noticed that we had both been leaning in closer, to where his breath tickled my tear stained cheeks. He slowly reached for my face. Even after everything that has happened in the past twenty-four hours, nothing else mattered at this moment, nothing other than him. I let my eyes drift closed as his lips lightly brushed against mine. "Ta-da!" A dish clinked on the coffee table in front of us. I hadn't heard the bar doors open and covered my face, cheeks flushed. I just met this man. Soul mates or not I don't know him. Get a hold of yourself. Don't spiral, Lilly needs you. "Lilly!" I huffed, scooting a foot or so back from Eli immediately regretting kissing him. I don't even know this man and I have so much more to worry about right now other than him. I need to keep it together. "Miss Sammy said that you weren't feeling well so I put tons of medicine in your soup!" Sam walked over, her hairy legs peeking out from under her knee-length black skirt. She bent down to where her lips were level with my ears and whispered "The 'medicine' is just crushed crackers." That made me smile a little. That's my favorite way to eat chicken noodle soup, and how I would make it for her when she was sick. I always told her the crackers held medicine to help her feel better. Lilly is such a perceptive and smart little girl. "I told the child to wait and let you have some privacy but she just needed to see her sister." Sam leaned her head to the side, laying it in her hand. "What a shame." She puffed her face in a pouty manner. I looked down to see 'feal beter' spelled out in alphabet noodles. "Thank you." Lilly beamed as I took one spoonful of soup into my mouth and immediately realized how hungry I was. I finished the bowl probably a little too fast considering my stomach started to ache. "Sam get the car, we have a long drive ahead of us." Eli motioned toward the door. "You ready?" "To go where?" I asked taking Lilly's hand. "We'll be going to my pack's territory. You'll be safest there." I hesitated. "I've sent word of your arrival, and Lilly will be treated the same as you. Amaruq or not. You will both be safe there." Lilly tugged on my hand getting me to look down at her. She smiled. My heart shattered not knowing what the future had in store for my little sister. I thought for a second about what her life would be like if we left here and tried to make it on our own. My stomach dropped. I don't know if it was because of Lilly, or the thought of being apart from Eli, but I did know one thing; we can only move forward from here. "We'd like the chance to meet your pack. But what about the Manticores?" Fear lined my voice thinking about the large monsters that live outside the Colony walls.
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