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"It's huge!" Lilly exclaimed, jumping up and down. We had a fairly large five-bedroom colonial house back in the Colony but it's almost dollhouse-like compared to the seemingly alive structure in front of me. "It's a mansion on steroids." I muttered. Denver squatted so he was eye-level with Lilly. "Wanna go see which room is yours?" Before he could take her hand I swooped her up in my arms. "We would love to see where our room is." We may be staying here, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to blindly trust a random man with my little sister. Denver glanced at Eli who had his eyebrows drawn and jaw tensed. Still, he nodded in our direction. Denver took that as the go-ahead and motioned for me and Lilly to follow him. Lilly started squirming in my arms so I let her down and laughed as she hopped up the grand steps. I tried to shake this sinking feeling in my gut that something was bothering Eli. The large cherry oak doors opened to a room with vaulted ceilings and a double cherry wood staircase lined the two walls meeting right above an archway that led to what looked like a large living space. The red accents really made the off-white walls pop. There were also archways to my left and one to my right, but I was only able to spare them a glance before Denver started his tour. "The room up ahead is our lounge, and attached to that is a game room of sorts. To the left is where our nursery and daycare are located, and to the right is the dining hall. Breakfast is served at 7:00 am, lunch at noon, and dinner is at 7:00 pm. There is a kitchen in your room you can use if you decide you want to make something. Your rooms will be up here." He motioned for us to follow him up the stairs on the left wall. Handfuls of bustling crowds passed through the various halls, many of them glancing our way. Some's stares lingered, making me hold my chin up higher. We've been at war with these animals for hundreds of years. I can't forget all the wrong they've done simply because we share a DNA trait. I forced my nerves down and steadied my hands on the railing. At the top of the stairs was another archway that opened to a room that had continuous floor to ceiling windows on the far wall, and the other three were filled with bookshelves that were jam-packed with old-looking books. "What is with Eli and all these books?" I tried to hide the awe in my voice as I looked around the room. "Eli is a bit of a book fanatic. He owns six libraries and has plans to open a new one in the nearby Tenessee Colony. He plans to call it the Nashville Hall of Learning. In memory of the once-great city, of course." Most of the major cities fell in the first wave of attacks when the original power grids were knocked out. Causing most survivors to flee. I have never explored far outside of the colonies but I know that everyone is located near once prominent cities. My Dad once mentioned that it was easier to rebuild when the materials that were needed were near by. Denver took a sharp left leading us into a hallway that had dark cherry wood doors evenly placed and ending at a stairwell with a hallway leading to the right. "This is the left-wing, where all unmated females stay. These rooms here are simple single bedrooms, with a living area and full bathroom, but you will be staying on the next floor." He continued to guide us up the stairway. "There is an elevator in the corner of the library back there that goes to every floor too, even the Alpha's- I mean Eli's floor. The top floor. The code is 0620 if you ever wish to access the top floor." I stopped dead in my tracks. "Why 0620?" Denver looked at me quizzically. "I never asked, it's just been what he tends to use." After I didn't respond, he continued down the hall. Why is my birthday his passcode? Is that just a coincidence? It has to be. He didn't know me 48 hours ago. "This floor is full of two-bedroom apartments. They are normally used by guests or families who travel here together, so you two are actually the only ones that have permanent rooms on this floor." There have to be at least 10 doors throughout the hall that I can see, and who knows how many are around the corner. It is kind of comforting knowing that this floor doesn't get a whole lot of traffic. "I'll let you guys get settled in; your bags should already be in there. Once you're done checking out your room, meet us up on the top floor please." Without waiting for a response, Denver started walking back down the hallway giving a nonchalant wave of his hand with the other leisurely placed in his front pocket. I sighed before giving Lilly a bright smile. "Wanna seen your room?" She clapped and jumped with glee as I swung open the heavy door. Walking in the room, there was a cozy living space with a largish holographic emitter (Our TV's) mounted on the left wall directly in front of a glass coffee table and a grey leather couch accompanied by a matching recliner. There was a small bar that ran adjacent behind it with four stools, leaving a small walkway with a dark charcoal grey runner rug. There was a small two-seater, high top black table on the back wall under a window. Lilly ran to the door on the right beside the bar and flung it open. "This one must be yours." She pouted and immediately turned and ran around me, going to the door on the opposite wall next to the TV. I heard her let out a high-pitched scream, causing me to dash in behind her, almost running her over. I was greeted with purple. A purple day bed, a giant dark purple rug, a purple vanity, toy box, dollhouse, and a giant white and purple unicorn plushie was on the bright purple and pink bedspread. The only things that weren't purple were her dresser and a small white rocking chair that sat in the corner next to a small white bookshelf. Lilly's face was a giant grin as she ran over to her toy box yanking it open. "How did they know you loved purple so much?" I chuckled, opening one of the doors on the right wall that gave way to a roomy closet. To my surprise, it was filled with clothes in her size. "Auntie Sam asked if I could have a dream room what would it be." She didn't even look up from whatever toys she had already scattered across the floor. The other door opened to a white, sleek, child-proofed full bathroom. Of course, there were purple accents and towels, along with a small bucket with bath toys in it. Since she was busy playing I decided to check out my room and I wasn't disappointed. The room was very modern, with light tan walls and an open floor plan. A king-sized black platform bed rested in between two white nightstands that had black lamps on top of them. On the left wall was a bay window that had a built-in bench and storage underneath. I bet Eli would use it as a bookshelf. I grinned at that thought and decided I might too. Just like in Lilly's room, there were two doors on the right wall, but I had a large Hologram Emitter on top of the dresser. They are voice-activated and kind of hard to get ahold of. I'm a bit surprised there are two in this guest room. In the Colonies, only the rich and government officials had access to these. After the war started, we advanced a little, but developing most shows and movies were put on the back burner. The California colony still produces movie pictures a few times a year, but for the most part everything is reruns or videos I find on the internet. One of the doors on the right opened to a giant walk-in closet that had a back wall of different types of shoes and accessories, and two side walls were lined with clothes of all different colors and styles. I felt like I was in a designer clothing store that only carried my size. A group of clothes in the front caught my eye; they weren't super vibrant or flashy, and very comfy looking. He thought about everything. I literally could never shop for clothes again and I'd be okay with it. An uneasy tightness formed in the back of my throat. Tightening my fists, I looked down to see my chest was wet with tears. Why is he doing all of this? Does he feel responsible for my Dad? Or even worse, my brother? I can't repay him and I can't thank him enough for all he's done, but can I trust him? I let my legs go limp and plopped down on the bench in front of the mirror. "He doesn't expect anything in return, Eli just wants us to be happy and safe." The voice purred in my thoughts. But he is a werewolf! How can I live with wolves? Or even let Lilly be around them? They've killed millions of people! "Do you really think that what you're taught in school is the whole truth? That the Amaruq alone, almost caused the end of civilization? With no help whatsoever? That they just one day decided to take over unprovoked? If so, you're more ignorant than I first thought!" Stunned, I stopped crying at the random outburst from within my mind. "Than you first thought?" I barely kept myself from yelling, but there was silence. "My life has literally been turned upside down! So much s**t has happened in the past 48 hours and you have the nerve to call me ignorant?" I stood up, suddenly feeling cramped in the walk-in closet. "I just graduated! I have a job at a coffee shop and I'm supposed to start my life as an adult! I was planning on moving out and studying werewolves. I was supposed to start helping Dad find a solution!" "And we will resolve this war, just without your father. Life isn't a straight line like we plan." I plop down on my bed, which is surprisingly firm, and let out an annoyed sigh. "How do you know this? How do you know everything will be fine? I'm just 19! I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and now you're telling me I'm going to stop a war that's been going on for who knows how long? On top of everything else that's happened? This is insane! Almost as insane as having another voice in my head that somehow knows things that I possibly couldn't!" I buried my face in my hands, with the pit in my stomach growing. "This war has been going on for thousands of years, and I have seen many of its battles. My true name is Selene. I have been trapped being reincarnated for thousands of years, and finally, I have found you. The one that helped me awaken." I dragged in another breath, calming myself enough to stop screaming out loud. Is that why I never shifted? You were locked away? "Yes, I have been able to see and feel every soul I've ever been bonded with, but I've never been able to come out of the haze. I lived those lives as my own. However, that night when you wanted to save Lilly, I felt your unwavering love for her. It sparked something deep within me, clearing the darkness that has enveloped me all of these years." I remembered feeling a deep pop in the pit of my stomach, but I had thought it was from the wolf crushing me. Suddenly, there was a soft knock on the door that drew my attention. "Al?" A tiny voice rang out through the large room, and it wasn't until then that I realized I was clutching the sheets at my side. "Ah Lilly, what is it hunny? Everything okay?" "I want to see Eli." She still hid half of her body behind the doorframe. I had completely forgotten about going to the top floor during my meltdown. "Eli is a wonderful man, give him a chance." I stood, making my way to Lilly. "Well, I kind of want to see him too, so let's go together, okay?" With a firm nod, she took my hand and started skipping out of the room. "Let's go, why are you so slow?" Lilly pulled my arm as we made it to the elevator in the hall. "You're so impatient." I chuckled as she ushered me into the sleek elevator. Surprised there wasn't someone standing in it waiting to press the buttons for us, I hesitated with my fingers over the screen. I hit the top floor and slowly typed in my birthday, hoping it was somehow the wrong code. Smoothly, the elevator started to glide upwards, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. After a curt 'ding', Lilly nearly pulled me out of my flats. "Come on come on!" She yelled running down the bright hallway. Again doors lined each side of the hall, but there were portraits between each door, men on the left wall and women on the right. Finally, we came across two giant wooden oak doors that had frosted glass windows, along with a small nameplate that read 'Elijah Blackwood.' My hand gripped around the doorknob as I tried to prepare myself to see him again. I'm still not completely sure how to react or feel toward him. All I know is that I feel safe when I'm next to him. The door flew open, making me stumble forward a bit. "Welcome welcome. Oh, how I've missed you!" Sam picked me up in her gigantic arms and squeezed. "Oh, and you brought my sweet Lilly!" She dropped me to my feet only to crouch down in front of my little sister. "Do you wanna go meet the other children?" Lilly looked over Sam's big shoulder with a 'can I' look. "We can trust them," Selene whispered reassuringly. I still don't even completely trust Selene but Sam did look after Lilly while I was passed out. "Yeah I guess it's okay, but you guys have to meet me in the lunchroom at 12 o'clock sharp. Not a second late you hear me?" Lilly squealed, jumping up and down before she ran back down the hall with Sam closing the door behind her. "Looks like you're settling in okay." His deep gravelly voice rang out through the room like a lullaby bouncing off the walls. It was just me and Elijah now. I was expecting to see him sitting behind the large luxurious desk in the middle of the room, but the chair was empty. "Right here." This time I felt his voice vibrate through me as warm air brushed the back of my neck. Whipping around, I tucked my elbow and braced for contact. Instead, a large hand wrapped around it, sending tingles down my arm as he pressed in close against my back. "Why are you always trying to hit me?" He didn't sound upset, but amused? Is he mocking me? "Why are you always invading my personal space?" I yanked my arm free as he chuckled. My heart already picking up the pace. "Cause you're cute when you're flustered." He pinched the bridge of his nose, as if he regretted what he just said. "Thats not what you're here for though, is it?" Wiping his hand down his face, I finally took him in for the first time. His dusty curls were swooped back and he wore a tight-fitting blue button-up along with dark dress pants. He looked ridiculously sexy with his ruffled outfit and nonchalant deminer. Stay on topic. I had to remind myself. Eli motioned for me to sit on the dark brown leather couch, and he took the spot directly in front of me, not breaking eye-contact. "We have a lot to talk about." His electric blue eyes were serious and unwavering. "That we do."
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