1. This is our kingdom

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This is the second book in the Alpha Queen series. You don’t have to read ‘Under the spell of the Alpha’ beforehand but it gives you the background for this storyline. Princess Sophia Raina Kingsley, daughter of the king and queen, James and Zara Kingsley Duran. That is me. I never really had a choice in the whole royal thing according to my mother. When I turned 15 she told me about how the moon goddess visited her on her 20th birthday and told her about a prophecy. The prophecy of a true Alpha Queen with power over the elements and how her destiny was to unite the magical kingdom against a common enemy. She had thought it was her since she had gotten these powers when she was pregnant with me but once I was born the powers were no longer hers, they were mine. Not that I could use them until I turned 3 but even that was young to have such a huge responsibility. I sometimes wished that my parents had gotten a witch to bind my powers until I was older but I’m also grateful for the time I got to grow into them. We sort of grew together in a way. Every year on my birthday I saw a new bit of magic from my powers. Except from the elements, wind, water, earth and fire, I mastered the way of casting spells from my mother friend, Cassie who’s a witch and my friend Cole who’s a vampire helped my understand the ways of mindreading. After I realized that for a whole week I could hear everything my family was thinking about. Eventually I learned to control it and it caused my parents to be extra honest with me after that. As long as they were honest I wouldn’t listen in. Plus I learned my lesson after I heard how my dad was thinking about my mom in a s****l way and it was hard to get out of my mind for a good three months. I couldn’t really look dad in the eyes after that, to awkward. Ever since this epic battle my parents fought before I was born there had been changes in our kingdom. There was now both Vampires and witches living on our property in their own houses but close to our mansion. I was so upset when I was younger that we were royals but didn’t have a castle, now I would feel weird living in a castle with the house being big enough. So Cassie’s family live in a house at the east of ours and Cole’s family has two houses in the west. His ‘parents’, ‘uncle’ and ‘siblings’ live there. I’m still not sure how their family came together but his parents Noah and Juliette had taken in Cole and his two ‘sisters’ when they had been turned. I think that Noah and uncle Arthur were brothers for real and had this complicated relationship when they both got turned during some war, not sure which. Anyway they all live here together with us as a way of keeping all the species as a part of the big decisions that had to be made. So if you haven’t figured it out yet I’m like the most powerful creature that ever existed and I’m one day gonna be crowned the queen of all the magical creatures. I’ve been training with my dad every morning since my eight birthday and working with mom and Cassie ever since I first used them when I was three. When it’s time I will take over the throne, dad wants to wait until I found my mate just to have someone to fall back on and to get to know him without the pressure of running the kingdom and all that comes with that. Mom thinks I’ll be fine ruling on my own and that I don’t need a man to be queen. I don’t really care about the Royal part as much as I want to have what my parents have. Their other half, soulmate, true love, unconditional love. Being perfectly imperfect, together. My dad and uncle Jake keeps telling me I’m just like my mother when she was my age. Always up to no good, like losing my guards, running out of territory. I keep arguing that everything around is our land but there is the whole packs within our kingdom borders thing that mess everything up. I have a hard time seeing my mom as a rebel since she is the most put together and clam person I know. Well as the rebel I am I got into trouble.. again. I was sitting in a chair across the desk from my parents and their faces was anything but happy. “I honestly don’t know what to do anymore Sophia. You never learn” my dad James said. He was disappointed, I didn’t need to see his face to know that. It was all over his voice. “I’m sorry dad but staying in the garden and sign papers isn’t what I wanna do. I know I will have to one day but not today. I wanna see the world, experience things, meet new people and have fun. I’m only twenty one you know.” I had run away from my guards once again and was on the border-line when my dad mindlinked me to come back. I never had the heart to go against neither of them, not without saying a word at least. “I wanted all the thing you want now when I was young and your father was my adventure. Trust me when I was being out in the world isn’t as fun as it sounds.” My mom said but I wasn’t like her, I wouldn’t wanna settle with some guy and fall into the life my mother had before she even turned 21. “But mom you were nineteen when you met dad and then you got to see another part of this world and meet people. I’m twenty one and I don’t think I’ve seen anything that isn’t this town! It’s not fair.” I wasn't gonna stay here, an arm length from them all my life.  “I might have an idea that both of you will agree to.” dad said and I could see how my parents talked over their mate-mindlink, I hated that. It almost made me wanna listen in but I figured I was in enough trouble as it was. “Fine, but I want Amy or Jake with her.” mom had agreed to something but with a condition and it was an easy choice.  “Amy!! Please Amy!” I had no idea what was going on but if I had to choose a guardian it was an easy choice. I like my uncle Jake but he was to overprotective and Amy and I could actually talk. She was 34 and still single, I was pretty sure she didn’t have a mate. Some of us are not given a mate since their destiny is their life and not some other person. She had boyfriends from time to time, usually human or witches. “I think it might be good for Amy to get out of that house too. Some place other than the border or the training grounds I mean.” dad agreed.  “Take Cole with you too. If it’s okay with Noah and Juliette. Someone who’s not a werewolf.” I have no issue having Cole join the trip, actually I might have pulled him along anyway.  “Yes! Of course! Wait.. where are we going?” I still didn't know where we were going.  “To Stone water hill. They could use some time with a representative from the royal family and I think you are ready to do this.” Dad announced. Stone water hill was one of the vampire cities in our kingdom. I used to be scared of vampires until Cole came into my life, he helped me see them in a different light, a better light. “Thank you thank you thank you!!” I practically yelled and jumped in their arms, hugging them.  "Now this trip is not only for you to see the world and have fun. It’s a job. There will be meetings, social events and helping them with what they might struggle with. Are you sure you are ready for this responsibility?” Mom wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting myself into.  “You’ve trained me my whole life for this. I know what to do, how to act and what not to do. I got this.” “I guess I’ll be calling Amy and get her here within a day or two. You will talk to Cole and his parents?” Dad said “You know Cole is like 120 years old right? He’s not nineteen even that was when he turned.” I did have a point.  "He’ll always be nineteen to me.” dad said, half a joke and half was serious.  The three of us laughed at this. It was never really weird that Cole was so much older than me. Sure, maybe when we met when I was fifteen but things changed and now he’s my best friend and I can’t imagine my life without him. I didn’t have time to go by his house, I was too excited so I called his phone as I ran upstairs and into my room to start packing my things. “How did the punishment go? How bad is it this time?” Cole asked me, expecting something terrible.  “I’m leaving Cole! My parents agreed to let me travel outside of the estate! And your coming with me.” He just stood there not really keep up with level of happiness and energy. “I’m what now? Why? I’m not saying no to adventure just curious to the reason.” time to tell him our destination.  “They are sending me to Stone water and mom thought a vampire I knew would be a good idea.” Being in a town full of vampires there is good to have allies to keep you company.  “I knew you father always liked me.” He took it as a compliment which was funny since dad always kept Cole at arms length.  “ha ha. Mom always had a soft spot for you, dad took a while to warm up to you. Anyway as soon as Amy gets here in a day or two we’re leaving so you better be ready.” I started to fill my two large bags with clothes. One for casual and training and the other for formal, shoes and makeup.  “Amy huh? Still mateless?” He always did like to tease her about it since they met when she was only sixteen. Sometimes I think he still  likes her.  “oh stop it Cole! You’re just angry she turned you down.” I tease him back, he kept forgetting that I know everything.  “I will forever deny that ever happened.” he laughed and so did I.  “Idiot.. I’m packing now so talk to you later. Bye!” I hung up on him.!  I was finally getting out of this place, even if it was temporary..
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