6 Unexpected Hospitality

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Blake did not have much memory of his time in the cell. He was in so much pain from the beatings he took prior to being tossed into the damp cold space. “Did I actually sleep? Did I pass out from the sheer exhaustion caused by all the trauma to my body? Or did my mind shut down from an overload of things to process?” Blake contemplated these questions. He wondered how many hours had passed. He was unclear on the answers to any of his questions. Through a crack of the cell window, he could see dim light emerging. At least he could conclude day had arrived. Trying to sit up, Blake quickly gave up on the idea because of the overwhelming pain. Instead, he lay on the ground shivering. Thoughts of what could be next plagued him. But pain prevented him from developing any rational thoughts. Although he had no concept of time, it seemed like it was only a few minutes after he woke, that he heard footsteps. They weren’t loud, and he briefly wondered why they were so quiet as if someone were tiptoeing carefully toward his cell. “Has someone come to rescue me? Maybe they are approaching quietly to ensure they are undetected?” Bake wondered with a pinch of hope. But then he remembered that everyone he had seen in this foreign world was barefoot. Discouraged by this realization, he simply lay on the ground awaiting the arrival of friend or foe. He was losing the battle in his mind that wanted to think optimistically about the impending visit. Keys rattled. The cell door unlocked. Blake tried to rise when the door opened but he could only manage to lift his head enough to make eye contact with his guest. His eyes locked with those of his guests. Blake began to tremble. “Peace! Unshackle this man, and help him to his feet,” came the words of King Adelai. Blake continued to shake, but he was doing so now less out of fear and more out of confusion. The King continued: “I came to apologize in person for the way you have been treated. When it comes to managing my Kingdom, I must display strength so that my enemies fear me. When Aesar presented you to me as a potential spy, my goal was to put fear in Aesar and his dwarfs by allowing you to be treated in the harshest of ways while he was in my presence. I don’t expect you to understand or even forgive me, but I promise to make amends to you.” Blake was too confused to respond. He was helped to his feet. A young lady quickly entered the cell with a cloth and a bucket of water. She began dapping at his wounds. The pain was excruciating with each touch, but he was thankful for the gesture of warm water. Each wound she touched became warmer than the cloth itself. Internally, it seemed as if blood was rushing toward the wounds that she treated. And as she moved to another wound, the one she had left suddenly was free of pain.    Despite his confusion in this process, Blake was able to mumble out a few words to the king who remained standing in the entryway of the cell along with two guards who had unshackled him: “Thank you King Adelai.” “There is no need to thank me. We must see to it that you are now properly bathed and then clothed. The fur that these dwarfs cover themselves with is quite simply barbaric. When these things are done, we will dine together and discuss further my plans for you,” the King replied with a resolute firmness. After these words were exchanged, Blake was led away by one of the guards and the young lady. The King departed in a different direction with the other guard. They walked up the stairs out of the dungeon containing the cell in which he had presumably spent the night. Then, turning right down a narrow hallway, they walked further for a minute or two. They were moving at a slow pace. Even the guard seemed considerate, not rushing Blake as they moved toward an unknown destination in the castle. Gingerly, Blake scaled a considerable amount of steps, following his escort’s lead. At the top of the stairs, doors led to several different rooms. They entered the door on the right. Inside the room and to the far side was a large magnificent window. In front of the window, a soaking tub of considerable size was positioned. Standing beside the bath, was another lady. She appeared to be middle-aged, a mother to someone quite possibly Blake’s age. The guard stayed at the entrance of the door, while Blake was ushered forward toward the bath. From behind, he suddenly felt someone unfasten his fur covering. Instinctively he entered the tub of hot water. It had all happened so fast, but as he eased himself into the water with pockets of pain poking at each of his wounds, he suddenly realized how awkward this whole situation was. Two women were helping him bathe, and all the while attending to his wounds. He had not noticed the incredible beauty of the young lady who had nursed him gently in the cell. It was so dark. But now in the light of day beside a gigantic window, he realized that she was the one who had undressed his small covering revealing his nakedness. It became apparent to Blake that he was no longer in harm’s way. He also began to wonder if this strange ritual of bathing was normative in this new world he found himself in. Settling on this conclusion, he closed his eyes, choosing to relax while being pampered by these two ladies. As his eyes closed, Blake felt a hand gently grab his even though it was submerged under the water. He decided to keep his eyes closed hoping to somehow hide his embarrassment. An object was slid onto his right index finger, and then they mysterious hand left the water. Confused yet again, he pretended to soak in solitude unsure of what would happen next. His thoughts now turned to the promise of a meal with King Adelai. Maybe he would finally get some answers to all the questions that plagued him ever since waking up in that pile of autumn leaves. After a glorious bath that was in no way rushed, the two women helped him exit the tub. This prompted Blake to open his eyes, but he tried to avoid any type of eye contact. Each of them gently helped him dry off. It seemed rude to ask them if he could do it himself. The older lady handed him a brown robe, and he slipped it over his body. While being carried on that stretcher by the dwarfs, Blake had observed people wearing the same type of attire in the marketplace. As the two ladies bowed and exited the room, Blake became aware that although he wore brown, the two ladies were covered in similar types of cloth, but dressed entirely in white. They too were barefoot. He wasn’t sure why or if any of it should make sense to him. No words had been exchanged the entire time between them. Blake tried not to admire the young woman’s beauty by staring, but they had made eye contact at least twice. Instead of smiling, Blake quickly looked away. Blake looked down to his right hand assuming he had some privacy at last. On his right index finger, he wore a ring. It was a simple silver ring, and it fit his finger perfectly. But before he could examine it further, the guard who had apparently been in the doorway the entire time cleared his throat, seemingly indicating it was time to leave.    The guard escorted Blake out of the room, and down the same stairs they had come up a few hours earlier. After about five minutes of walking down different hallways, turning sometimes left and sometimes right, they finally emerged into a large hall. A large wooden table was positioned in the center of the room. On it was lit candles. Two places were set. Blake was escorted to the one set next to the head of the table. Instructed to sit, he sat down and waited. Not a moment later, King Adelai entered the room and as he approached the table he spoke: “I believe you said your name was Blake? Remain seated; You might still be in considerable pain.” Blake nodded with a look of appreciation. As soon as the king was seated, a young woman emerged from behind some closed doors with a jar in her hand. Blake blushed but tried to conceal his embarrassment. It was the same mysteriously beautiful young lady who had only minutes before helped him bathe and dress. She had long dark brown hair that presented neatly in a French braid. Her eyes were a soft brown, with subtle tones of amber in them. She was petite in stature with a round face and a dimple on her left cheek. The dimple was sure to grow its curve in just the right way with a smile. Her lips were full and looked soft. The white gown she wore fitted her body perfectly, revealing… Blake’s thoughts wandered interrupting his desire to dwell on her body further:   “Was she the one who had placed this ring on his finger?” he wondered. Now she was pouring drinks for him and the King. “Thank you, Sadie,” the King said as his glass was filled. She simply smiled in return, but her eyes flashed quickly over toward Blake’s and she was still wearing the smile, revealing pristine white teeth. “She’s even prettier with a smile”, Blake mused. His musing was interrupted by the King’s words: “Cheers Blake. To you, to your health, to new adventures…and to apparently a new world for you?” Blake raised his glass and responded. “Cheers to you oh King.” They both drank.  “This drink is one of our local delicacies. We call it Singani. It’s made from muscat grapes that we grow here in the highlands, in the mountains surrounding our great city.” “This liquor is very pleasant. Thank you King for your kindness, and for your hospitality.” As if on cue, Sadie emerged from behind the doors once again carrying a platter. Behind her came a young man dressed in brown. He was carrying another platter. His platter was host to a large bread basket, while hers held a large plate of assorted cheeses. Varying degrees of white, yellow, and orange. “Thank you, Sadie and Callum,” the King responded with kindness in his voice. Sadie revealed another beautiful smile while Daniel merely bowed slightly. They then left the King and his guest alone. “This King must know the names of all his servants,” thought Blake silently to himself. The king helped himself to bread and cheese, and only after he had filled his plate did Blake follow suit. “I introduce you to Singani as if you have never sampled the liquor of my Kingdom. But the real question that remains exploring is the question of truth. You claim to be unaware of your whereabouts, nor of how you landed naked in the foothills of the dwarfs near their sacred White Mountain. Is this true?” Blake became nervous but hoped the King had not noticed. “With respect, oh King, it is as you have said. I know only my name. I do not know how I arrived in this place, nor do I know in which world I am in.” “Increase your calm son. This is not an interrogation. It is merely meant to purify the truth that I had already suspected. You see, I suspected that you were telling the truth from the very beginning. I’m as confused as you appear to be. I’m curious to know who you are, and where you are from. But I also feel it is my responsibility to show you hospitality, unlike what you received from the dwarfs.” All these words were spoken with calm. It was a stark contrast to Blake’s first impression of the King. The King continued. “A young man like you has one purpose in life. It is to practice the art of magic. You are to increase your knowledge and advance in levels so that your power can be used for good. I must remind you of this as I fear that somehow you hit your head. I fear that the head trauma has led to you forgetting all about the purposes of our world. We are at times at war with two other Kingdoms, and I fear they condone their young people’s study of the arts for the purposes of evil. But we here in Midori Empire, and especially under my reign, we are here to care for one another.” Blake listened carefully, studying each word the King uttered. He became as attentive as a student is to history, wanting to glean whatever information he could to help him survive this new world he found himself in. “Thank you for this helpful information, King Adelai”, responded Blake with careful contemplation. “And  how might I go about studying this art of magic you describe?” “I was hoping you would ask,” the King replied with a slight smirk. “Let us feast tonight, by eating and drinking more. Tomorrow I will reveal whom you must meet next that will help you on this new path of learning.” The rest of the night was consumed with a feast that Blake imagined he had never partaken of in the whole of his life. But then again, he had no recollection of his life at all. Instead of letting this thought plague him with worry, he decided to eat and be merry. It didn’t hurt also that throughout the evening, Sadie kept making appearances to keep serving both he and the King.
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