Deep Conversations

1505 Words
~~~ "So the party is still Saturday, right?" Seven asked hoping for the best. V's lips curled into his usual smile, looking up at the slightly shorter male. "Yes, at least that's what I planned for it to be." The bluenette stated in a softer tone, since Luciel was now standing in front of him, he could lower his voice from there. "Unless anything changes throughout the couple of days we have left until, but I do think that we should be able to host the party on that day, otherwise. It's been quite a while since we even had one, and I admit, I do miss them.." V spoke in a gentle tone as he tried to look into the other's eyes for respect you could say.  Saeyoung gave a charming grin as he did when he was happy "I hope everything goes well, I miss it too but now that MC and Jumin are working together I'm sure the party will be a success for sure!"  Seven then sat beside V, adjusting his glasses which had slipped down his nose a bit. "V.. I know I bring this up a lot, and I know you don't like it... But I really miss hanging out with you and helping you find places to take pictures... We won't be able to do that when you're blind... Please... Consider getting treatment?" The red head's voice was quiet and sad as he set his headphones aside. He ran a hand through his bright scruffy locks. V turned towards Luciel once the other male had sat alongside him; his smile diminishing a bit when the auburn-haired male had bought up about getting treatment for his eyes. He let out a minor sigh, "Luciel..." He spoke in a lenient tone. As much as he hated seeing and hearing is loyal friend this at this manner, he couldn't help it, but to lie a bit, "I unfortunately do not have the currency for it.."  He sort of... lied. "To be honest.. I don't think that even a treatment would fully retrieve my sight..." V paused for a moment then spoke again with a faint smile on his lips. "But thank you for caring about me.. I really appreciate that..."  "If you need money I could help... and you could replay me by taking me on one of your work travels...!" Saeyoung said with a sight laughter in his tone, his voice barely a whisper. He didn't want to get too emotional but he couldn't help it, V of all people deserved to see the world. He didn't deserve all of this that happened to him...  "You helped me eleven years ago so let me help you now..." He mumbled, his voice cracked a bit as if he was on the brink of tears. It was only because he went from speaking normally and changed to a whisper so abruptly. The red head sighed, he knew he wasn't persuasive enough, that wasn't his style. He was a more shoot first ask questions later type of person, which might soon become his downfall. V let out a soft melancholy laugh then said while trying to change the subject a bit. "After all we had been through... I can't believe you would say that to me." The male placed his right hand on Luciel's thigh gently, hearing that the other was on the verge of tears, made him blink back tears as well. V looked slightly down. Smiling slightly. "To be honest, I'd never thought you would ever be able to forgive me, ever since you found out about Rika.. and Mint Eye and what your brother had been through..." V sighed slightly, "I could of done something more to prevent from all of that happening.. but I just didn't, and I still feel guilty about it.." V spoke, as he tried to blink back the tears that were about to come out of his ocean blue orbs. "I do admit, at first I felt like tearing your throat out... but it was Rika who hurt my brother, and it was Rika who hurt you." Seven said. "You... Kept the RFA going; you wanted to continue her legacy even when knowing she was bat s**t crazy." He laughed in sarcasm, trying to lighten up the mood a bit since he doesn't really like being in a low mood that much.  Saeyoung saw V's tears and pulled him into a gentle hug. "I can't promise to nag you, but if you do go blind... I'll be your eyes if you be my strength" he murmured wiping his own watery eyes. The blue-haired male sniffled a bit, as he was slightly surprised from the sudden soft embrace from the red-headed male. "Luciel.. I.." V didn't know what to say at the moment. He trailed off and suddenly gently embraced Luciel back quickly, wrapping his arms around the male and placing his chin onto the other's shoulder gently, smiling with a sigh. "... I will never know why God sent you into my life, even though he knows that I don't deserve you... Or even the rest of the RFA..." He then slightly buried his face into Luciel's shoulder, where the other could feel slight tears dripping from the photographer's eyes, onto his shoulder. "I don't know what would become of my life, if it weren't for you and the RFA..." V paused for a moment, then began to speak again. His voice hitched a bit as continued to bury his face into Luciel's shoulder. "Especially, you Luciel..." "V..." Luciel had muttered as he pulled the Jihyun tightly towards him.  Cold tears dripped into Luciel's shoulder made him shudder. "J-Jihyun... please don't cry.." Saeyoung mumbled as teared rolled down his own cheeks. He lifted his right hand shakily and brought it through V's hair, as he tried to comfort his blue haired friend as his hug tightened around V's with a quiet whimper as he closed his eyes, trying to stop his own tears. Moments later, when Luciel had said those words to him, V pulled away slightly from the other male, wiping away his tears away slowly with one of his arms. He them looked up to Luciel's eyes with a melancholy expression on his face. "I'm sorry... P-please.. Don't cry because of me..." Jihyun apologized for his actions as he smiled mournfully. "I... I just can't help but to still feel really guilty about what happened... Even if you had already forgiven me... I feel like that it's still my fault, and I.. Deserve to be blind because of what happened..." He continued to speak in a soft tone between choked sobs. "I'm sorry..." "D-don't ever say that! Never say that again, V." Saeyoung blurted out. "Everyone deserves a chance to see and live and breathe! And no one has any right to take anything away from anyone!" The red head started crying, wiping his tears as he talked. "I... I hate Rika for taking my brother! I h-hate her!" He admitted while he sobbed, at this point he was letting out all his pent up emotions. "I hate her for l-leaving us! A-And... I hate her for hurting you..!" V didn't know what to say, chokes and sobs are what came out of the photographer's mouth. He looked down slightly as he wiped the rest of his tears away, trying to stop him from crying anymore.   "The reason I came here is to see how you were doing... I s-shouldn't have come here at the first place.." V regrets. "I've just made things worse... I-I'm sorry, I should get going now.." The blue haired male sniffled again as he started to get up from the couch, and tried to walk to the doorway on his own. "V... please don't leave.." Saeyoung grabbed his arm gently, his golden orbs looking into V's shades. "I didn't mean to spill my emotions like that... I'm sorry..." Luciel's voice was gentle as he frowned. V paused for a moment, while Luciel's eyes was looking into his own faded ones, his mind went blank for a while, dazed by them for a moment, then snapped back into reality. "It's okay... None of it was your fault... I was the one who made you unhappy in the first place..." V paused for a moment while he was on the verge of tearing up again, trying not to show it out, then added, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have come here... I don't know why I even did..." He lied a bit. "Let's just forget this ever happened..." The blue eyed male tried to pull away from Luciel's grip slowly as he tried to walk to the exit of Luciel's home once more. Luciel sniffed, he was trying not to cry. "J-Jihyun..." he whimpered as he gripped his own shoulder. Luciel looked down as tears trickled down his cheeks. Seven took a few steps back as he took a shaky breath. Although V's sight was not that abundant, his senses were strong, especially towards Luciel. After all these years he had been with the redheaded hacker, he could feel that Luciel was crying again as he was trying to head out the door. It was at that moment that he felt even guiltier that he already was, and abruptly stopped in his steps, then had turned towards the ginger.
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