
845 Words
It wasn’t long until morning came, Jihyun and Saeyoung were peacefully asleep as the rays of sunlight were shining though the light red curtains of the room window. Saeyoung had woken up first, and the first thing he saw was V’s innocent sleeping face. The sunlight was shining partially onto his blue locks that were draped over the other’s forehead. Saeyoung had smiled and ran his fingers though V’s strands of hair, it wasn’t long until the other had woken up as well.    “Good morning~” Saeyoung hummed as he held V’s hand, brushing his thumb onto the back of his hand. “Mhm.. Good morning Saeyoung...” Jihyun had spoken softly, trying to slide closer to the ginger. He felt for Seven's face with his free hand, cupping his hand onto the side of his face. He planted a gentle kiss onto the male’s lips. Saeyoung could feel his heart beat as Jihyun felt for him and cupped his face. He hated to say this, but thank god Jihyun was nearly blind, because he was blushing so hard. Saeyoung let a smile slip. “Did you sleep well?” He said nonchalantly. Saeyoung took a chance and put his hand on V’s thigh, gently squeezing it. V nodded in agreement, shooting a tired smile towards the younger male. Jihyun had spoken softly, “After the incident.. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to see (don't, this is supposed to be a serious moment- XD) you again...” He sighed, as his tone was melancholy. He slid his fingers in between the gaps of the other's fingers so they'd intertwine with each other. He lifted their hands that were intertwined with each other, up and pressed His lips lightly onto the back Saeyoung's hand. “Jihyun…” Seven’s smile turned into a frown. “She threatened me a lot back then...” V whispered at the slightest of sound. With that, Saeyoung immediately embraced the “ex” photographer as he tried to shut him off with a kiss. He then pulled away looking into faded blue eyes. “Jihyun… I hated what she had done to you and my brother… I promise we will get through this together.” He spoke, determined, “However, I’ll tell you this. Planning to just “try and forget” it unfortunately doesn’t work… I tried... I still have dreams…” He then placed his hand onto V’s cheek as the blue haired male had took a small breath. Jihyun had felt a little more at ease when he felt Saeyoung's warm hand placed onto his cheek. He somehow felt a little bit safer in the red-haired male's touch... A few seconds had passed by between the two.. Jihyun had placed his other hand on top of luciel's hand that was caressing his face. “It was, quite often that she did...” He spoke heasinteantly, wondering if he should say anymore... He wanted to forget the memories of back then, but at the same time, the horrifying images kept coming back to him in his mind every now and then... Saeyoung clenched his other hand, half out of nerves, the other half out of anger. “If,” he hesitated slightly, “You don’t want to continue to talk about it, you don’t have to...” He said reassuringly. Jihyun had slid closer to the red-headed male, taking a slightly deep breath and nodded slightly. He knows what Saeyoung had been though, and didn't want the other to imagine what he had been though... For now, at least. The bluenette felt for the ginger's hair with one of his hand, entangling his fingers into Saeyoung's curly locks. Jihyun loved how Saeyoung's hair felt between his fingers. He noticed that his hair had grown a little since he last saw him, brushing some of the strands back that he felt were partially on the male's face. His lips curled into a melancholy smile. “Should we make breakfast?” V asked out of the blue, wanting to change the subject. {Changing the subject... typical V… But I don’t blame him for now…} He thought to himself. Saeyoung sighed. ‘It’s hard for him I guess. I get that. Hopefully one day.’ “Yeah,” Saeyoung said as he got up. “I wonder if Saeran’s up? Maybe we can make him breakfast if he hasn’t gotten up yet.” Saeran doesn’t usually show his emotions but Saeyoung deeply hoped that his brother was ok with all of this. Saeyoung then grabbed V’s hand and helped him up. V had nodded in agreement and got up to get dressed with Saeyoung guiding him a little. He got dressed in the clothes that Saeyoung had lended him a while later. He thanked the other for helping him, and at the same time, he felt a little bad for the other, that he had to help him get around the house because of his vision. Jihyun was planning on getting the surgery as soon as possible. A lot of things were going on in his mind at the moment, but as soon as he gets the treatment for his eyes he promised to himself and to the others that he would try his best to start anew again.
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