Can't resist?

618 Words
~~~ "Well I'm here now. So explain," The mint eyed male said short. "It's the middle of the night for god's sake, so you better explain quickly..." He crossed his arms and waited for an explanation of why V was here in their home. "Well, erm... You see brother, V hyung..." Seven paused for a moment. {Should I even call him hyung anymore? Gah, that doesn't matter at the moment Seven! Explain why blue boy is here to your brother first...!"} "V Is only staying here for tonight, because he accidentally left his house keys back at the RFA party." The crimson-headed male explained. "He won't be able to get into his house until tomorrow morning or something like that, so I offered him to stay here for the night." Seven then said quickly. "But it's only for tonight! I promise Sae!~" He knows Saeran's opinion on V, and he was praying to God that his twin would accept tonight and not make a big fuss out of it. "First of all, please don't call me that nickname..." Saeran glared a bit at Seven. "Second of all, you could have at least told me that someone was coming over to spend the night." He smiled at the slightest as if he secretly knew what was going on in between the two of them. "Now go to sleep." With that he went back to his room. "Goodnight, Saeran!~" Seven laughed a bit as he then looked into V's eyes, his heart beating practically out of his chest. {God... What did I do to deserve this...?} He thought to himself. "Jihyun, do you like me?" The words spilled out of his mouth before he could stop them. "Luciel... Why do you ask that all of a sudden?" Jihyun questioned as if he thought he did something wrong. "You know I do-" Seven's heart started racing again and his face blushed almost as red as his hair. His breathing increased softly, chest going in and out. There was one thought in Seven's head and his body was struggling not to go with it. {Ah..} {He's.} {Just.} {So.} {Cute.} {Can't... Resist...} He thought. He swiftly grabbed Jihyun's face and kissed him. A deep passionate kiss as he slipped his tongue into the bluenettes mouth. Jihyun had let out a gasp in surprise when Luciel had suddenly grabbed his face. "L-Luci-" He got cut off; feeling lips that tasted like honey connecting with his soft ones. He submitted into the kiss, and wrapped his arms around the other's neck, closing his eyelids. He couldn't help but hum lowly into the kiss, as he was still shocked about the redhead's sudden move. Saeyoung kept kissing him. Tilting his head, his hands slowly dropping down from his face to wrap around the taller males body, pulling him closer, making the both of them sit up. He pulled away from the kiss for breath, revealing a blushing Jihyun in front of him who was gasping for air as well. "S-Saeyoung..." Jihyun stuttered, pulling him closer as well and entangling his hand though the Luciel's red locks, gripping it gently. "Are you s-sure...?" He asked as he knew what they are about to do. He wanted to make sure Seven was comfortable of going further, after all he did care for the male so dearly. "I just.. Don't want you to feel regret.. I care about you a lot... You know..?" Jihyun stated in a soft tone. He then tried to cup the male's face with both of his hands, half smiling. "I'm okay with it.. If only you really want to.." he spoke as he pressed his forehead onto his now lover, their noses were touching as well. Seven exhaled softly as their heads got closer. "You... do?" He said brokenly. "You care about me?" He slowly brought his hands back and nervously held onto Jihyun's hands.
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