It's Party time!

1060 Words
Saeyoung's POV: The party should start anytime soon. I was at the entrance, preparing to enter the place that the party was held. I saw the rest of the RFA on the other side of the room, talking to one another happily like they haven't seen each other in decades, which does feel that way. It's been quite a while since we've held a party like this... We haven't hosted a party ever since that day... To be honest, I miss those times and I'm glad today was the day that we were all able to do this sort of thing again! I'm excited to meet all the people that MC had invited, but most of all I'm obviously really excited to meet the guest I suggested to the coordinator, hehe. Now I know what you all are thinking, and it's probably who you think it is... YEP. you guessed it reader! It's loooong cat! Mewo~ :3 Ahem, anyways... During the party, I saw V at one of the tables, talking to his friend Rui, who is a photographer like the blue haired man himself. I heard V met him while he was taking a photography class in his university days. Man, they must share a lot of memories with each other since they've known each other for that long, but it's not like I've known V himself more than that guy, heh... But that's nothing to be concerned about at the moment- Nobody knows what had happened a few days ago, besides me and V... Trust me, even me myself couldn't believe it at first... But in the end, the others would be okay with it, right? At least that's what I'm thinking, after all these years, we have been supportive of each other even though some of us don't agree with each other!~ On second thoughts, there's one person that I worry about if I told them about my new relationship with the blue haired male... Yoosung I'm most concerned about the reaction of that boy once he finds out. Sure, we have been the best of friends ever since that blonde, or should I say, brunette, was in High School. But ever since that incident, he completely changed his view on V... To be honest, I'm a bit scared to see his reaction, but in the end, it'll be alright. Right? Ahh, Saeyoung, get ahold of yourself, you shouldn't be overthinking things... For now let's just enjoy the party!~ Thinking of that blonde boy, just when I was finished with my thoughts, I saw him come into the entrance of the part doors, greeted by MC of course. They were laughing and talking like they haven't seen each other in decades, which seem like it, but it has only been about three years. "Seven hyung!" The younger male chirped at me while he had a big smile on his face once he saw me near one of the tables, walking over to me. "Is that, Yoosung?" "Oh my gosh! Buddy! Yoosungie!~" I greeted him happily, acting like everything was normal and that nothing was bothering me at the moment. I didn't want the other to be suspicious just yet, now was not the time to let him know. Although, I promised to myself that I will tell him soon... Just not when we just reunited again, because for now, all I want is to focus on the party that we haven't had in years. I want everyone to have a great day today without problems occurring, especially for that so called photographer over there at the other table that was just a few feet away from us. {Gah, get yourself together, Saeyoung. After the party everything will be fine, don't you worry.} I thought to myself as I took a seat with the blonde haired boy at one of the tables. I started to talk with Yoosung, asking him how were things with college. Studying to be a vet takes a lot of effort after all! "Things are mostly going smoothly! Just a year until I can go to medical school, and I'm kind of glad I didn't give up so early..." Yoosung then laughed light-heartedly. "Who knows, maybe I would have probably just been a couch potato and played LOLOL until I grow old and be forever alone, haha, but it's not like I am forever alone, but I'm proud of it!~" He joked around a bit. I laughed along with the younger male. I missed the times that we were like this, and I'm glad we had time to do this again... ~~~ Sooner or later, it was time for the final celebration, as everyone turned towards the main stage, all eyes on one of the RFA members, also known as Jumin Han, the CEO of C&R and the husband of the beloved MC!~ "Hello, and thank you to everyone who could make it to this very special event today." The dark haired male announced in a professional way. He paused for a moment as his eyes shifted towards V. "Now, first of all I would like to thank a special friend of mine who I've known for over twenty years. Without him, I wouldn't even be on here giving this brief heart-warming speech. I would like to thank Jihyun Kim for making the first impression for this special night. Please welcome him." Jumin had bowed towards the audience as V had made his way up towards the main stage, handing the microphone that he was holding to him. "Thank you everyone." The eldest male had began to speak. "I know it felt like years since the last charity was hosted. I'm really thankful we finally get to have one of these special events again. Of course, I would really like to thank all of the people who could make it tonight, and the RFA hosts for making this organization even possible." He took a small breath and smiled slightly. "I am very glad that the RFA was able to reunite again to make a difference to this world. I would like to especially thank the guests who contributed to this event, because without them we wouldn't have even planned this at the first place." His eyes tried to shift around the room, trying to find each of the members. "So as for tonight, we should enjoy ourselves, if you please." With that, everyone applauded as V ended the speech and handed the microphone back to his old friend, Jumin, aka the cat mom hehe~ ~To be continued~  
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