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It all began in a space beyond the blue. Outside our thought clue in the heart of hearts where all things became brand new. From a distance without reach, things responded and came forth new. In the presence of the light He spoke, even as there were called from the factory of his mind, eternity could not hold them back. From eternity to eternity, where it all started with a point that has no point but points all reality and it is a point that starts not but starts all... This story illustrates the fall of man, with ASCAT as the principal drive of man’s life, while ANTI-ASCAT as the contrary drive. These paranormal beings can only find expression in the heart of man, where they speak directly into the heart of the heart (ear) to drive man’s will. The impulse a man receives and accommodates becomes the driver of his life. They can also assume whatever form to communicate to man through inspiration and one of the notable forms is LIGHT. The good force operates with the true light, while the evil force operates with the false light… Everything began with a thought! No one knows what happened, nevertheless, Patrick being the main character receives impulsive inspiration with Divine insight into what happened. This will clear the air of certain religious ambiguities and shine a light to correct some conflicting notions of where it all began. The story centres on answering some deep-rooted questions in our hearts. With a supernatural being called ASCAT translated to mean Almighty Supreme Creator of All things, communicating the answers of some certain mysterious questions into the heart of the Main Character who is the narrator of this inspiration, revealing the Supreme Character as Divine who is the Messiah bringing the true knowledge to sets men free. Therefore, this book is a journey into great depth; you will not regret starting this journey, as it will call you deeper and deeper into reality. ASCAT IS LOVE I have always thought right from the cradle even as I try to fathom out how it all began as from the moment in time that things just uniquely exist and we have no single clue of the “how?” and “why?” there exist. Then when I could hardly organize my thoughts from the cradle, I tend to wonder why we were been taught certain things that we have now adopted as true knowledge. I have to discover that the true knowledge of most of the things are far from what they taught me as truth. We often end up dwelling on things, which controls our mindset, because we can hardly act to do things outside the dictate of our heart. This is where we find ourselves now accepting what they told us as truth, even without verifying. The knowledge that most of us have had as related to the subject that answers the question, “Where it all did begin?” is that the devil rebelled against ASCAT. This book is not a religious text, but an inspiration to provoke your thought into accessing greater truth. I will use quotations from scripture to paint the reality of the revelation. However, the intention is never to project any religious ideologies but to create a balance in what we have  accepted as the knowledge of the truth. Right from my childhood, I have tried to understand certain things regarding what I heard as taught me, but could not just place what they mean by what they have presented to me as truth, until this moment. Having defined what ASCAT means, I would like to state that I would not be wrong to say, “ASCAT gave me access into His heart to fulfil His mandate as predestined. This is a course right from the foundation of the earth, ordained for the time we are, which is now”. Innumerable questions are begging for answers in my heart while I was advancing from the cradle and I could not understand why these questions kept recurring in my mind. Somehow, I started getting the answer to the questions in my heart by inspiration. The contents of this book will prove some of the answers to the questions in my heart and I sure know must have to be in your heart too, regardless of your religious background. My intention is not to preach religion, but to project love is the only true religion, but where are we today in our ideological beliefs? How can the devil rebel against his creator? Does this not sound very absurd? Even if the devil rebelled against ASCAT, why, did ASCAT not destroyed him when found rebellious? What is the reason for ASCAT reserving his destruction until the end of all things as read from various religious texts regardless of the projection as the object of worship? Where are we all missing it? You will not stop asking such questions upon questions, the moment you start on this path of trying to discover the truth with questions that will make you more rational. There is an easy way and that way is to trust. Trusting something you do not see is like an illusion, but much more real than experiencing the cool breeze from the current source even when you do not see what is releasing the pressure that causes the breeze. Trusting in ASCAT ignites your faith to keep away from the bait of ignorance. Therefore, your thought can go beyond the span of your reasoning, if and only if, you can rest it on a drive that drives you beyond. If you do not rely on ASCAT for knowledge, asking questions for your selfish interest is dangerous to what sticks in your memory, because in the end, what sticks as an impression of knowledge, will make you stray. There is no single question you will ask that you will end up not finding the answer to. Somehow, somewhere, it is all written, seek it and you will find it in the Word of ASCAT that may be dispersed in varying manuscripts or parchment of ancient scrolls. If something is missing, it then implies, something is hiding what is missing. What is lacking is what is missing, because if it is not missing, it will not be lacking. We lack knowledge because the right information is missing. The Word of ASCAT is the light shining on all mysteries. It makes the unknown known and at the instance of ASCAT’s Word, nothing can hide since the Word of ASCAT is the reality of ASCAT’s light. With ASCAT, there is no secret, which implies the Word of ASCAT is simply the answer to all enigmas. Right from my childhood, I suddenly realized, even as I have much more discovered now beginning with streams of thoughts. When I start thinking differently, trying to understand the things I see in the real world. Deep down in my heart, I knew there is a world beyond, and I have always seen things in abstraction, most especially in my dreams. There is more to what I am been taught about the devil’s rebellion in what I grew up to identify with as church, or whatever it is called in your religion. With a religious platform like a Christian’ gathering, I have discovered, as ASCAT kept speaking expressing into my heart of heart answers to some mysterious questions I have always asked. Since the devil was a rebel as purported and in the long run ASCAT did not immediately destroy him, it then implies there is a reason. This was my thought and this thought became a burden. This burden gave birth to the inspiration of this book. The reason is clear that man was supposed to die, and if a man must not die, then, man must be saved from the penalty of his sin. For ASCAT to destroy the devil, man must come to a perfect state as ordained in the heart of ASCAT, being ASCAT’s very image and likeness. I thought also if ASCAT did not destroy the devil, then they must be an undertone to the reason “why?” he rebelled. The reason is the man. Man is still the reason the devil is what he is today. This is because the man had his nature altered and mired through his fall. To destroy the devil, man must rise above the fall, because the serpent that controls the heart of man, works effectively in the fallen state called self. From the fall, all that is of God in man started declining, such that the only condition to place man above the nature of sin is death. The fallen nature is a nature of sin and until one dies, such will keep sinning in the fallen nature, except a higher nature sets into the equation to control man’s emotion beyond the drag of self-inclination. That is the reason why Divine had to come down in the form of flesh. Divine died and resurrected to translate man from the falling state to His very state of perfection based on His finished work of grace, to perfect man in Himself. Therefore, man cannot exist in ASCAT’s image except through the perfect unfailing nature of ASCAT that fell to the ground like a seed and dies to live anew. The newness of this Divine life now became the course of ASCAT to regenerate man known as born again, which has to do with spiritual birthing. Did you catch the revelation? By this, I mean the devil’s rebellion was not directly to ASCAT. Do not be quick to want to debate this reality, remember this is not a viewpoint or a school of thought; it is simply Divine Revelation knowledge from the mind of ASCAT. What was it that led to the devil’s rebellion? I reiterate, please do not start judging this revelation truth with the mindset of viewpoints by start thinking or assuming it is my ideology from the foundation, because if you do, you may end up thinking I am self-delusive and you may not be patient to reach the level where you will start seeing for yourself. Yes! You have the freedom of thought, but you may not have the freedom to judge ASCAT’s wisdom, because it may be like resisting the mind of ASCAT. I am only throwing this as a caution so that you will not try reaching the heart of ASCAT’s knowledge in your thought. Sorry, you will surely crash! This is not an idea, but Divine Revelation Insight. I humbly advise and persuade you to follow through carefully. I am only a messenger of ASCAT, mandated to clear the air of many ambiguities that present themselves as real, but far from real. Most of the knowledge we have been dwelling on and has made the major foundation of our beliefs are far from the truth. What if you get to find out that the Christianity you have adopted is not ASCAT’s mind will you turn back? What is Christianity? ASCAT is not a Christian neither is He a Muslim. He is not and can never reduce himself to become a religious being. Therefore, we cannot cajole Him with our religious mindset. Is Christianity the reality of ASCAT’s mind? No! Christ is and whatever we hear from Divine Christ concerning our identity is what ASCAT intends for us, not what we were been called by the world that does not know us. Is it not foolishness for someone who does not know you to call you a name and you end up bearing the name because the name became popular? In the first place, the world does not even know Christ, so whatever they called those who believe and follow Him as related to the Christ they don’t know, can never fit into ASCAT’s mind. Did Divine come to this world to install Christianity and He called those who receive and believe in His name Christian and cautions that Christianity is His way? If it is, then He would have said so, He only said, “He is the way, the truth and life and no one comes to the Father except through Him” (John 14: 6). What is written and what is written is ASCAT’s mind. If we must follow what is written, we must know from where the knowledge is coming. We must be careful to follow ASCAT’s mind from what Divine commanded us. Even the Apostles and men of faith whose lives we pattern our lives as our role models never said we were Christians or they were Christians. If I have read correctly, the disciples of Divine Christ were called Christians first in Antioch (Acts 11: 26). Then in Acts 26: 28, Agrippa told Paul, you almost convince me to become a Christian. When Peter stated that,” When we suffer as Christians” (1 Peter 4: 16). All these were written for us not just to read, but to read and see with the eyes of the spirit and heart with the ears of our heart and feel with the body of the spirit called thought to catch the revelation of the very truth, but why are we not seeing them? Where does the knowledge of the name “Christianity” that we the followers of Divine Christ adopted today come from? Was it Divine Christ that gave us the name we now bear as Christians which simply defines Christ-like? Acts 11: 26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught many people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. In this chapter, I have quoted scripture to buttress some of the points I am trying to make, the intention is not to project a religious text. However, this inspiration is paranormal  as it will communicate deep thoughts as a result of forces controlling our emotion, which I defined as experiencing motion
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