CHAPTER 18 Berenice's Day Off Part 1 of 2

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Warning: This chapter includes z*******a (A male and a female dog), I advise you from reading if this is not want you like, this was a request after all. Smoking drugs will also be involved. Another warning: Please, under any circumstances, do not try this. This is a fantasy, nothing more. I do not condone the usage of illicit drugs and abusing medicated drugs, doing it with your pets.  Thank you. ~~Viewer discretion is advised~~ Berenice drove on the freeway with the window rolled down, and air flowing in under the bright sun. She got caught in the traffic and this made her sigh heavily, "...Shit, this is not what I expected today." She rested her head against the seat, raising her foot slightly to accelerate slowly before stopping completely. After 30 minutes later, she drove to the max on her way to the beach, taking the exit. Berenice had decided to take the only day she had which neither Brandon or Rebecca could do because of finals. Rebecca studied heavily and doesn't leave from her room until the day comes. Because of this, Brandon is the one that helps her stay hydrated and get food in her system, often hanging out in her room to add small distractions, short study sessions, help strengthen memorization. He was busy too with his work, but he didn't want his daughter to be dehydrated, starving, sleep-derived because of some grades that won't mean anything in the future and risking her health- he'd did it ONCE, and never again. His advantage was f*****g the teacher into giving him study sessions, sometimes he regrets, cringes, and sighs in sadness. How did he become the way he was doing that? Anyways, Berenice had made it into the Mori-Mori Bay, entering only to get stuck in another traffic. This time it did not irk her because he eyed the people, especially the men that passed by. She bit her bottom lip softly as she eyed a blond guy that laughed genuinely who was shirtless, holding the shirt in his right hand to get a tan while walking beside his friends. She spotted so many people and she got chills down her spine before noticing the person behind her was honking for her to continue the line and she headed forward to the parking lot. After exiting and getting her stuff to take a nap on the sand and enjoy the many views that God had provided when he first invented the beach, she gave many thanks when she prayed for him. Eyes wandered from one man to another and oh how she wanted to just dipped in fingers into the hem of the trousers and pull at them to get them closer to her body, oh she yearned to be able to do that. She laid her towel on the sand, closer to the crowd and stabbed the large umbrella into the ground and sat down on the towel in the shade. She wore wore a red two-piece, showing off her body with many curves, showing the pride she had over body. Once upon a time she was afraid of her own body and other people's comments, but with the friends she surrounded herself with, she found a way to accept her body. Rebecca was also self-conscious, a discussion that was brought up from deciding what to wear, but she disguised it with just having s*x with men. Men, according to her, ignored everything except the mouth, the breasts, and the p***y. Berenice had different thoughts, which is why she was in the beach enjoying the hot day. "Sup." a smooth voice called out. Berenice averted her eyes, not making it noticeable that she was going to turn to him unless she wanted to. She observed the man before her and almost wanted to quirk an eyebrow in interest. The man before her was slim, blonde hair and green eyes. He wore jeans that were partially ripped on the thighs; the olive green sunwashed canvas shirt was unbuttned and open, revealing the tone torso and the trail leading down to his pants with a belt holding on. After gazing awhile, and the stubborn man continuing to hang around to wait for a response. The smile he had was smirk, a confident smirk that no person can resist from just fleeing. Intrigued, Berenice followed, "Hey there, stranger." He chuckled, "Stranger uh? How about we know each other then?" He bent down from his knees and shamelessly observed at her body, from her neck, down to the dark brown tone of skin she had. Berenice knew what was to come if she continued this, but she wanted this, she wanted a little fun. She had the condoms in her car, and if  he didn't want to wear one then he would have to leave. She smiled softly, "Sure, what did you have in mind?" "How do you feel about smoking a little bit of the devil's grass?" She laughed, "You cheesy bastard." and she stood up, "The devil's grass?" She asked, and removed her sunglasses, "Really? That was your way of starting a conversation with a lady like a me, and offering the devil's grass?" The man grinned, "It worked didn;t it?" She shook her head, "It did, actually. Help me, where are we smoking Gio?" "My house, duh." He remarked, "Here, where my shirt so that people believe we are a couple." And he shrugged his shirt off. She scoffed, "Please, you walked up to me and offered me weed, just chill with me for a moment and leave after an hour or so." He quirked an eyebrow in confusion and sat next to Berenice, "Uh, yeah, okay, but what do I in the hour? I left my phone at home-" She shoved sunscreen into his hands and Gio raised his gaze from his hands to Berenice who had a slick smile, "Then pucker up, Gio, your new job is to put sunscreen on." and she laid back down. Grumbling, Gio applied the sunscreen while sighing, "How did I get in this mess?" "Acting like 18-year-olds pretending to hide something from our parents only to smoke the devil's grass, it'll pass." "Unfortunately, yeah." ~~~ On the road to Gio's apartment while driving Berenice's car, he spotted a familiar package peeking out from the glove compartment, "Mm, what's this?" he asked, and reached out a hand to grab it. Berenice was unaware what he was about to grab and turn her head to the left to make sure he was looking at the road. Gio had the habit of getting distracted all the time, and she would be scolding at him for nearly killing them. Fortunately, he was looking straight ahead, but her field of vision was obstructed with the small square package that was in-between Gio's fingers. He smirked, amused, at the expression he caught for a mere second, "I thought who had gone to birth control, Bere~." Berenice gasped, blusheed, and snatched the contraceptive away, "That's none of your business what I have in this car. Actually, I tend to enjoy car s*x more than anything, and being safe after all. I'm not going to risk whatever men have after f*****g so many people- that's disgusting and risks not being to have fun." Gio raised his eyebrow inquisitively, "Not being able to have fun?" his eyebrow twitched lightly in irritation, "You never had a disease, so of course you wouldn't know." And he stood quiet after that, frowning all the way to his apartment.  Berenice nearly tensed up watching Gio's face contort after saying what she did, "Gio..." "Not speaking another word from here on now until we reach my apartment." And he kept his promise.
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