17 Don't you dare to touch her!

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The night was quiet and peaceful. Circled by Ivan's strong arms, Megan was fast asleep. Ivan, however, was still awake. His fingers were on the back of Megan's hands, trying to feel all those scars and marks… His heart ached. His wife was supposed to be a princess in her family. But now she was suffering with him. She should have a better life, instead of taking care of him all the time. In fact, through the thick cloth covering his eyes, he could already see Megan's features a little. It was still a blur, but it was a huge improvement compared with before. The sound of footsteps interrupted his thought. Ivan became alert instantly as the door was kicked open. Jason came to visit him again. Ivan could tell his features through the thick cloth. Megan said this was the last session of his treatment. After the cloth was pulled off, he could see again. Megan was frightened by the sound and woke up. Ivan held her tighter while reassuring her with a calm voice, ''It's okay. Don't be scared.'' Jason approached the bed, bending over a little as he observed Megan intently. He didn't expect this mute to be a doctor. He was a bit worried as he noticed Ivan's white cloth. But he didn't think Megan could really heal Ivan. Ivan had tried to consult multiple experts after he was blind. All those doctors had not failed to make Ivan see. How could a nameless mute cure him? But Jason decided to be more careful. He grabbed the white cloth and snatched it away, "Are you still trying, my dear cousin?" Jason huffed, "Why can't you just give it up and be a blind man?" The moment when the cloth was pulled off, Ivan saw light and Jason's repulsive face. The scene before his eyes was still a blur, but it was already so much better than what he could see a couple of days ago. He could even see the mole on Jason's chin now. Meeting Ivan's eyes, Jason somehow went a bit nervous. Ivan was expressionless, his eyes steadily looking into the darkness of the room. It seemed like he still couldn't see. "Jason, get out of my house. You scared my wife," Ivan said with a cold voice. Jason clenched his firsts. He mustn't let Ivan see again. He had tried so hard to get what he owned right now. If Ivan had his sight back, he would snatch everything away from him! Jason turned to his bodyguards, "My cousin's place is a bit messy. Clean the room up a bit for him." His men pulled out a huge sack, sweeping all the herbs, needles, and other medical devices into the sack. Jason was still worried, "Check under the bed." Ivan and Megan were pushed off the bed as they searched under it. They found a lot of dried herbs beneath the floor under the bed. "Take them away! Don't leave anything behind!" Jason shouted. The room was almost empty when Jason was finally done with it. He let out a sigh of relief as he approached Ivan again, "Ivan, I'm doing this for your good. Your wife is not like a certificated doctor. What if she accidentally kills you? I know your life is miserable, but living is still better than being dead, right?" With that, Jason turned away and walked to the door. However, he suddenly stopped and turned around, a greasy smile on his face, "Gosh, I almost forgot to take the most important thing away. Ivan, can I borrow your wife? Don't worry. I'll treat her as a guest with respect." "Don't you dare to touch her!" Ivan gritted out. "Relax. I'm not going to do anything to her. I just want to invite her to my house so she could live better. Look at your place. It's all cold and bleak. Your wife is still pregnant. How could she live in a shithole?" Jason chuckled as if he just realized something, "Sheesh, my apology. I forgot you can't see." Jason's bodyguards rushed over and took Megan away. Ivan want to fight them, but from his blurred vision, he could tell that Megan was shaking her head firmly. His eyes were still under recovery. He would never see if he hurt his eyes again. There was nothing Ivan could do as Jason kidnapped his wife in front of him. … In the conference hall of the Grand Hotel Today was Jason's big day. It was his first day taking over the family business. He was adjusting his tie before a mirror. One of his bodyguards approached him, "They said Ivan has been sick since the last time you visited him. He is having a fever. They think he's dying." "Just make sure he has enough pills to eat. I won't let my dear cousin die. I'm a caring person," Jason let a smile at his own reflection in the mirror. "Yes, sir. Got it. We'll halve the supplement of his pills. His brain will be damaged if the fever continues…" "Sheesh, don't be so direct," Jason, "Even if he will become a moron, I'll still take care of him," Jason straightened himself a little, "Are journalists all here?" "Yes, sir." "Good," Jason marched out of his office. The hall was filled with journalists and cameramen. All the cameras started to snap the moment Jason got in the room. Jason waved at the crowd like a King, walking on the stage with a sense of triumph. "Thanks for coming to my signing ceremony, everyone. I can't even express how grateful I am." The journalist all rushed forward to ask questions. Jason answered one by one with ease. One of the journalists suddenly asked, "Mr. Hendrix! They said the Hendrix Group should have been succeeded by your cousin, Ivan Hendrix's property. But you locked him up and took away his rightful property. Is that true?" Jason's smile cracked a little. His assistant sure came to his rescue, "Alright, gentlemen. The question time is over. Now, let the signing ceremony begin!" People presented all sorts of appointment agreements and share transaction papers. Jason signed them one by one with a big smile stretching across his lips. One of the journalists suddenly shouted among the crowd, "Mr. Hendrix! These contracts are invalid without your Grandfather's stamp. We all know about that. I don't think they are legal." Jason started to frown as he sent his lawyer to explain, "Mr. Hendrix's grandfather passed away all of a sudden, not leaving any will behind. Mr. Hendrix stood out when the company needed him the most. The paperwork is still valid after we collected all the shareholders' signatures." "But they said the stamp is the only thing that can make any Hendrix paperwork valid…" Jason wanted to punch those stupid journalists, but his lawyer held him back, "But the stamp went missing. The only valid thing is the paperwork we just signed." Jason's assistant also stood out, "Some of you may not understand. But our lawyer has explained everything. Now, I announce that Mr. Hendrix is the leader of the Hendrix Group now!" The assistant tried to make people clap, but a cold voice sounded by the door at this moment, "Who said it's valid?"
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