40 Ivan likes kids

768 Words

Megan sat down by the table. Stacy sat across her, putting her wrist on the desk. She didn't care if Megan wanted to hear. She just went on and on about how much Ivan loved her, "Ivan likes kids. Your baby's ugly as hell but he still held her. He thinks she's cute and he said he also wanted a baby with me." Stacy suddenly lowered her voice, "Ivan is quite demanding in bed. I think it's my problem… We're doing it quite frequently. But I just can't seem to get pregnant. Do you mind checking out on me a little?" Stacy paid close attention to Megan's face as she made up the lie. Ivan hadn't shared the same bed with her since she came back from the hospital. She just wanted to make Megan suffer. And she was somehow afraid that Ivan would recognize Megan one day, so she had to remind Megan aga

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