7 Give Him A Warm Welcome

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"Mr. Hendrix!" A guard found Jason as he ran into the cemetery, "Your cousin just arrived…" A vicious smile played across Jason's lips, "You can bring our men to give him a Warm Welcome now." Ivan and Megan were stopped halfway on their way to the tomb. The persons who stopped them were a couple of strong men. They snatched Ivan's cane away and broke it into pieces against a rock. "My dear cousin, I remember I didn't invite you to the funeral." They laughed. The rain suddenly got heavier. Megan couldn't hold the umbrella against the strong wind. The black umbrella was damaged by a gust of cold air. "Just get out of here! Don't make a fool of yourself." People were howling with laughter as Megan struggled to pull the umbrella back. The cold rain seeped into their collars and drenched their clothes. Megan felt Ivan's hand. It was icy. She turned to look at the man's face. Trickles of rain ran from his brow to his thin lips. But he seemed unbothered and as still as a statue. Ivan could be quite intimidating when he wasn't talking or smiling. All the on-lookers fell silent unconsciously. Ivan Hendrix used to be the most powerful man in this city. Even though he was blind now, he still had a certain vibe about him. Jason dusted the hem of his dark coat before he approached Ivan. He then said to the bodyguards, "What are you guys so afraid of? A blind tiger is not a tiger anymore. It's just a kitten." "I just want to see my grandpa for the one last time," Ivan said calmly as his eyes stared into emptiness. "Well, you can't really see, can you?" Jason let out a sickening smile before he tucked his tongue in his cheek, "You're my cousin and Grandpa's grandson. Even if you're disabled now, I will still treat you as a Hendrix. Because I am a bigger person." Jason reached out a hand and dusted off the droplets of rain on Ivan's broad shoulder, "You know my offer is always open. As long as you give that thing to me, you can stand before that tomb and mourn that old fart. No one will stand in your way. You know I don't give a f*ck…" "Jason," Ivan cut his cousin off as he turned those dull eyes to Jason, "You don't deserve to have that thing." With that, he wrenched Jason's hand off his shoulder. Jason shrilled in pain as he shouted at his guards, "Get this bastard! What are you waiting for, dumb ass!?" Megan wanted to protect Ivan, but she was pushed away, falling hard against the muddy ground. Ivan was struggling in the mud. He couldn't fight back as all of Jason's bodyguards rushed to him and pressed him down on the ground. One of them punched him in the face, then his head. One of the bodyguards even took a shovel, smashing at his back. Megan was kicking and lashing out as she was held back by Jason's guards. "Where is the old man's stamp?" Jason yanked at Ivan's collar as he gritted out against his ear, "You know I will leave you in peace if you give it to me, Ivan." Ivan's forehead was broken, trickles of blood running down from his face and disappearing into the rain. Megan finally struggled her way out. She covered Ivan's body with her own as a guard lifted the shovel at them. Jason sighed resignedly as he stood up and covered his nose with a handkerchief, turning away from cruelty, "You know I can't bear the scene whenever you guys hit a beautiful woman…" The iron shovel smashed against Megan's back. She grunted and collapsed. Ivan shouted as he tried to shield her, but he couldn't see a thing. He could only feel Megan's small body slip into the mud as she fell into a coma. Ivan held her tightly in his arms when those guards were still kicking and smashing him, pinning his wife underneath and trying to shield her from those animals. Jason and his guards didn't leave until the rain stopped… Ivan was still holding Megan in his arms as he called her name again and again. “Ivan, if grandpa saw his beloved grandson was beaten like that, he would be so sad. So just give me the stamp!”Jason snorted. Ivan ignored him. Seeing that he couldn't get the stamp today, Jason waved at his bodyguards and left. Megan was still lying unconsciously in Ivan's arms. Ivan anxiously cupped her face and kept calling her, “Baby, wake up.” Megan gradually came to her senses. She held Ivan's fingers. “You are finally awake, babe,” Ivan exclaimed surprisingly. Megan struggled up and supported Ivan up as well. Ivan finally stood before his grandpa's tombstone. Megan could tell how grief he was even his eyes were still dull and glassy. She swore secretly to herself that she would definitely cure this man and make him see again. Cody didn't come until after a while. Ivan told him that they shouldn't appear at the same spot. He had tried so hard not to show up when Jason was beating Ivan and Megan… Cody cursed Jason bitterly, but Ivan only cared about his wife. "How is my wife? Is she okay?" Megan shook her head at Cody. She was covered by bruises and wounds, but she didn't want to make Ivan worried. Cody clenched his teeth as he gritted out, "She's okay…" "Just take her out of here. I need to spend a couple of minutes with Grandpa," Ivan said calmly. Cody secured his arms around Megan's thin shoulders as he took her away. Megan couldn't help but turn around to look. Ivan was standing before the tombstone with deep sadness on his face, as still as a statue.
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