Escape Land.

1013 Words

Azan POV Right after we interrogated the warrior yesterday, Mina and I headed our way to go to another kingdom, it's a 6-day trip, which is a pretty long walk, I could've wish car exist here. [ Correction: it's a 6-day trip if you're able to walk continuously with no sleeping or not stopping, if there is, it's estimated 2 to 5 weeks or so. ] I miss my Honda Fit, and my Y*maha G*S1000A. "Master, the Sun is setting, shall we camp out here? " "I can keep going, are you saying you're tired, Mina? " I asked. "I am just concerned about your well-being, Master! I can walk endlessly as long as I accompany you. " she said. "Well let's keep going, I wanna travel the night back in my world, but my body is weak back then, but with the body of Azeed that I have created, this is nothing for me.

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