Overrated Farewells

2009 Words
Azan POV I slept on the seat that Gina and Shawn set up last night after our training session has ended, it was a successful, and groundbreaking discovery. I found out that I've learned all the skills and playstyles of Azeed himself, the game character I've made in a game. And now I've woke up, I saw Gina cooking some food, and it's the meat of the Direwolves. "Are those edible?" I asked oblivious about it. "Yeah, if it was cleaned and the blood is removed, it can be edible, last night I put them in a puddle to wash it up, and to keep it until night, I covered it with ice," she explained. That's normal etiquette in my world, it does look like normal meat when it was cooked. "It's done, I'll wake the two up," she said and woke up Shawn and Kado. We then eat the food after the two got up their tents, and I thought out of the fly if they know about milk. "Morning. " Kado greeted, I just nodded as I took something on my inventory. "Inventory," I called out. Luckily the game has milk since I want to drink them every morning and night, I drank one last night before I slept though, I took out 4 bottles of milk to give them one each. —Bottle of Milk - restores 100 health, and resets fatigue, and it also removes negative status effects. "Is that milk?" Shawn asked. "Yeah, I always drink this every morning and night, I gotta keep the habit though," I said and chugged the whole bottle. "Here have one," I said afterward. "Thanks, Sir Azeed, you know, one bottle of this at the Kingdom barn store costs 100 silver," Kado said. "It's the same as the Flame Balls I have?" I asked. "Yeah, since an average citizen there have earnings of 50 gold a month, and we earn about 150 silvers a month," Gina said. "Can you tell me the currency of the Kingdom?" I asked. "Currency?" Gina asked. "The Money equivalent exchange is to say," I said. What a weird way to implement that kind of reference, I have thought I wouldn't say those types of words in my lifetime. "Well 1 gold coin is equal to 100 silver coins, and 1 silver coin is equal to 100 bronze coins," Gina explained. Well, I have more than 4 million gold coins on my inventory, is that a good or a bad thing? I might have more than a hundred Pentillion gold at the vault, it's a good thing that gold is the currency in this world as well. Either way, I'm giving them a thousand gold coins after this. After we ate and rested for a bit, we walk a bit more again. But this time we hunt as we walk, of course, I helped them since I'm here and I wanna test out some skills. First an Earth Golem, level 3. It's an easy fight, they are ready to fight, I only assisted and didn't kill all the monsters so that they can gain more experience than me. "Switch s***h, Level 9!" I called out and aimed for the back. *Swing* "N Slice!" *Shang* They then took care of it after, since the weakness is its head, Gina shoots out her Giga Arrow at it. "Good job, guys!" I said as I watch them take it out. "That's an amazing skill, Sir Azeed." Kado complimented. "It is my favorite skill, it's across skill, and it's called Switch s***h N Slice," I said. Then we walked more distance and hours while killing monsters along the way, some are weak ones, but later on, we encountered a strong monster. A level 8 Wyvern, and it's flying of all things. "ARGH!!" We heard screaming near the Wyvern, we run towards the screaming. And a lot of adventurers were injured, and some of them are dead. I ran towards the side of the Wyvern. "I'll aggro it, take care of the other adventurers!" I shouted. "Okay!" Kado said. "Be careful!" Gina said. "Screaming Shield, Wyvern!" I called out aggroing the Wyvern, I can use my Shield skill without my shield, it's a passive skill of mine. I grabbed its attention and was on its way here. *ROAR!!* It spits out flames on my way, my body tanked it since my clothes are immune to any magical elements. This is still child's play. "Glight s***h, level 9!" I called out. And threw an energy s***h at its neck, beheading it. *You leveled up!* What?! I leveled up? That means I'm level 100! Is that a high-ranked monster yet still weaker? Anyways, it's a good thing I killed it, it would've killed the other adventurers. I ran towards the others. "Gina, how are things here?" I asked. "They can't seem to recover from simple bandages!" She said. "Inventory!" I called out and took 10 high potions since I have hundreds of thousands of it. "Here, heal them with these," I said and gave them the potions. After they drank it, they eased up a bit, and all their wounds have healed. After a few minutes of rest. "Thank you for saving us!" They said. "Well, it's not a problem, we needed to hunt anyways," I said. "We really appreciate it, are you heading to the Kingdom?" their leader asked. "Yeah," I answered. "Please find me there in the next 3 days, I'll give you something in return," he said. "Alright, assuming I'm still there." I said. After that we parted ways, they have gone to the other side, while we went to the other, which takes us to the Kingdom in an hour. "Sir Azeed, how come we gained experience even though you're the only one that killed the Wyvern?" Shawn asked. "I don't know, maybe because I treated you as an ally, you got a share of the experience from it? " I explained. To the sound of it, I also have no clue, since the game has a party system, I think that it got integrated here. "Is that how it works?" Shawn asked. Then an hour later, we arrived in the Kingdom. "Welcome to Kingdom!" The guards greeted. So it is really called 'Kingdom'. "Well, Sir Azeed, this is it," Kado said sadly, and I stopped him there. "How about a feast as a farewell?" I suggested. "Really!?" Gina said in surprise. "Are you sure?" Kado asked in confusion. "Show me to the most delicious diner, Kado," I told him. Then we arrived at an Eatery. We ordered a lot of food, meat, vegetables, fruits, and drinks. "Let's pay, here's the money," I said. "Gina, Shawn take it to the counter, wait in line ok?" Kado asked the two. "Okay, thanks for the food, Sir Azeed," Gina said. "Yeah, thanks, that was delicious," Shawn said as well. While they wait in line, I asked Kado. "Why did you take in those two?" I asked him. "You wanna know, huh, they're my brother's kids originally, but he died in the last war." He said. That's sad. "And you also leveled them up soon by treating them as your ally and never letting them get hurt?" I'm curious since the two are already strong when I met them. Did he really do that? He partied with them and he kept on leveling them up, despite him being weaker than his brother. That is a really good choice for a Guardian, but that's a bit reckless. "You noticed? Well, I just missed my brother, he's a strong warrior, he then got killed by one of those Inhuman Warriors." due to that, he knows an Inhuman Warrior by sight alone, huh? Is that how he judged me as the one yesterday? "Me and my brother are close, we fought side by side, but he didn't tell me that he will fight in a war, and it's against the Inhuman Warriors of all people!" he angered out. "And I see him in those two, Gina never gives up, and Shawn is as strong as his father, not just by strength, but by heart as well." He is a good loving substitute father. "But then again, it is me that is weak, I can't blame him for something that is entirely my fault, I will miss him, and I will repay his kindness, to me, a weakling, on to his kids," he told. He is not just a substitute father, but also a loving brother, I really admire this guy, it makes me miss my friends as well. "Inventory," I called out, and whip out a thousand gold coins and a skill. A skill called, Growth, as he gains power, he also increases his ally's power, and also increases size and weight, but in a strong way. "Here, a thousand gold coins, take care of the two, and also make them stronger, I wanted it that when I met you and then again, I want it that I struggle in a fight against you three, understand that?" I said. "Thank you so much, Sir Azeed, I will do as you say!" He said trying not to tear up. "Well, then, I'll see you again soon." I then left the Eatery. I know it's bad to not say goodbye to those two, but I think it's for the better. Since I will look forward to seeing them again, angry, and ready to beat the living hell out of me. Azeed lvl. 100 XP. 13 Class: Paladin (sub. Swordsman) Stats: Strength: 5866 +2 Armor: 19840 +2 Magic: 8975 (Holy) +2 Vitality: 98384 +2 Speed: 1760 +2 Mana: 8357 +2 AP (Available points): 4 Skills: Personal Skills: Slash - Level 1 to 10 and Super level Multi s***h - Level 1 to 10 Mantle - Lev 4 to 10 and Super level Switch s***h n Slice - Level 1 to 9 Dash - Level 1 Max (deal damage with Shield on -Level 1 to 10 Max) Heal of the God's Will - Level 5 to 10 and Super, God-level Max Growth - Level 3 to 10 Max Front Shift - Level 1 to 3 Max Punch - Level 2 to 10 and Super level Max Universal Slice - Level 1 to 3 and Super level Weapon Skills: Glight s***h - Level 1 to 9 X Pain - Level 8 Max Sword of Divinity - Level 5 to 8 Phase - Level 2 to 8 Shield of Arion - Level 1 to 10 Screaming Shield - Level 1 to 10 Super level Max Amplify - Level 6 to 9 Max Passive Skills: Unarm - Level 1 to 10 Max Healing - Level 1 to 10 Max Weakened Power - Level 1 to 10 Max Status Increase - Level 1 Shield of the Paladin - Level 1 to 10 Max Paladin and Swordsman - Level 5 to 10 and Super level Great Arm - Level 1 Max Unarm - can use the skills of your previously worn pieces of equipment. (Level 1 miscellaneous, level 2 body armor, level 3 head armor, level 5 leggings, level 6 boots, level 7 weapon, level 8 left equipment, level 9 increase power, level 10 increase power) Healing - Regeneration while not moving. Weakened Power - increase armor by 500% when below 30% health. Status Increase - Increases status points level up by 1. Paladin and Swordsman - Gain 100% Increase in Magic Holy Status, Armor by 50%, Vitality by 500%. Great Arm - Can wield bigger weapons on one hand. Switch s***h n Slice - is a switching skill, the first attack is a s***h, which is a vertical attack, targeting the body, then the next is Slice, which is a horizontal attack, targeting the head, killing it in style. Screaming Shield - is an aggro skill, covering up to 10 meters, and can also be targeted to one monster or person. (I will add more skills in his kit in the future since he's a level 99 character in the game)
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