14. On Lycan Dorm

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Shirley POV I had just arrived at the Lycan Dorm office. As a resident of Wolftown, of course, I have to submit the administration of my presence in this town. "Mom, what is this place?" Jonas asked because he really admired the Lycan Dorm building. It looked more like a palace than an office building. I heard that Alex was doing his thing here. "We have to apply to live in this place, Honey," I replied with a smile. Jonas nodded. He wasn't as fussy as before. I went inside the building. When I entered the Lycan Dorm building, an officer greeted me with a smile. She was a werewolf. How could he work in Lycan territory? Alex really carried out his promise to the citizens of Wolftown. In the past, the Lycans would never want to mingle with werewolves. They always felt exclusive compared to all shifters. And that's one of the things that made my father dislike the Lycans. They were arrogant and looked down on other shifters. "Welcome, Lady. How may I help you?" the officer asked. She was a woman. I saw the name tag on her clothes. Her name was Jane Ways. I don't know why I had to read her name. "I just moved to Wolftown. My neighbor said I must register to get an ID," I replied. "Oh, okay. You can come to the registration section. There you will be asked to fill out a form. Write down complete details about you and your pack shifter," Jane said. "Okay. Thanks, Jane," I replied as I went to the section Jane had told me about. I was honestly amazed at the system Alex had put in place in Wolftown. This region is getting more and more advanced. Wolftown has always been a region with the best infrastructure. However, Wolftown used to have no single leader because many Alphas did not want to be under the leadership of one person. The Alpha is the leader of each Pack. And an Alpha should not need to have someone in a higher position. I stood at the registration desk. I asked one of the officers. And she gave me a form to write down my and Jonas' data. I quickly filled it out and returned it to the clerk. I waited for a while, looking around the place. I saw an officer who was typing something on her computer. But suddenly, her face changed drastically. She looked at me with a suspicious look. "Are you from the Purple Moon Pack, Lady?" the officer asked me. "Yeah, I am Alpha Purple Moon Pack's daughter," I replied confidently. The officer looked a little panicked. She then asked her friend. They both looked at me. It seemed like my presence in Wolftown was not the right thing. I decided to return to Wolftown because the new rules allowed the remaining Purple Moon Pack members to return. But why did they respond like that? "Lady, can you follow me?" One of the officers seemed to want to talk more privately. "Oh, okay," I replied. I turned to Jonas. "Do you want to come?" Jonas shook his head. "I want to wait here," Jonas replied. "Finish your business and go home. I want to sleep." Jonas was exhausted. We had just arrived in Wolftown, and I hadn't given him time to rest. "Okay, you can't go anywhere. I'll be right back," I replied. I was uneasy about leaving Jonas alone in a strange place, but Jonas was brave. Even though he was only five years old, he was very smart and understanding toward me. What made me more uneasy was that his face was too similar to Alex's. I quickly went to follow the officer. He took me to a room that was quite nice and big. There was a soft sofa that I could relax on. I was amazed that this office was of such good quality. "Lady, please sit down," the officer said. "I have already reported your identity to the superior. I am sorry for the inconvenience. This is a procedure you must follow." "Because I'm from the Purple Moon Pack?" I asked a little here. "This is racism!" "I am sorry, Lady. I'm just a worker here. All shifters in Wolftown must abide by the rules. And you are the same. If you want to stay in Wolftown, you must abide by the rules made by Alex Brisney." I just grinned. The officer's attitude made me add another point to my hatred for Alex. A few moments later, someone walked into this room. A man wearing a full suit. His face looked stiff and cold. I had seen him before. He was Alex's, right-hand man. Caleb Dorman. I know enough information about him. Caleb is a hybrid. He has both Lycan and werewolf blood. I don't know how he was accepted by Alex, but one thing to watch out for is Caleb's intelligence. He is also very calm in dealing with any problems. "Lady Shirley Mendes," Caleb greeted me. "Welcome to Wolftown." I was a little speechless as Caleb welcomed me. I thought I would be suspected because of my background. "Can you explain why I should be treated the way I was when I wanted to register as a Wolftown citizen?" I didn't want to be too polite. I was already sick of acting like a weak woman. Caleb sat down casually. He didn't smile at all, but he was very polite to me. "I apologize, Lady. You are a special person. There are a few things I'm going to explain why you should sit here," Caleb said. I wondered what Caleb would say. Is he going to apologize for killing my entire family? But unfortunately, apologies are useless to me. Apologies can't just bring my family back. "First. You are the only descendant of Alpha Teddy Mendes. That means indirectly, you are now an Alpha. Some members of the Purple Moon Pack are already living back in Wolftown. You can ...." "I'm not returning to the Purple Moon Pack," I replied. "Instead of you worrying about my position? Why don't you explain why my family was slaughtered? Why did they kill my family?" Caleb didn't answer. He cleared his throat three times. I couldn't read his mind. He must have known that I was using my abilities. Such a thing is forbidden. Reading other people's minds would be an invasion of privacy. "Why are you silent?" I asked in a high tone.
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