Chapter Ten- Dino's Close Call

2877 Words

Upon walking home for the rest of the week, Selene found herself to be constantly looking over her shoulder, even when she was on Lyle’s arm as they walked beneath the New York moonlight. “Are you expecting someone?” he asked upon seeing her look around with paranoia. With her arm holding careful onto his, she looked to him as he could see past her lie and could tell something was really bothering her. “What is it?” “I’m just cold.” “No...tell me.” “It’s no big deal... I think I just pulled a muscle moving all the boxes.” “Strike two. Tell me the truth.” “Really, it’s nothing. I’m sad to be away from you, that’s all. Aside from you coming in the diner, I don’t know what you do during the day…” “Are you worked I have a secret life or something?” “Yeah…” He glared for a moment to t

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