Chapter 14: Aces

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Even she was stilled on her spot. She watched the new arrival walk inside. They look so rough and they sent off an indescribable aura. Everyone stands as if giving respect while the singer on the dais stopped her performance and is slightly bowing her head. She does not understand what was happening but she does know that these people shouldn’t be messed with. The man leading them has his hair slicked back with pomade and the sides are shaved. Beside him are three huge men, looking like Ildefonso, bodyguards of some sort. Another man behind them has a cigarette in his mouth while the other has his hair so long that it was such an unusual style. The last man with sandy hair stayed on the back with his head bowed, dusting his trousers. Who are they? They headed straight towards the hallway leading to the doubled doors she saw when she first came to the pub. She doesn't know what to do. Should I stop them? She doesn't know who they are and what status they have to keep these people looking so frightened. They entered the doubled doors without anyone stopping them. The two huge-looking men stayed outside while one remained with Ildefonso by the main entrance. The other customers took their seats again and their singer continued her piece. They resumed what they have been doing a while ago but they are less rowdy. The tension is clearly felt in the air and she just hopes nothing bad will happen. The past days, there had been fights but it was managed by Ildefonso easily. But those did not scare her at all like what she is feeling now, there is even no fight yet but the tension was already thick and palpable. The last who came in a while ago was left on the counter, talking to Philip. When she turned to look at him—now, his head held high—she was taken aback. His green eyes met hers and the same as her, he looked surprised as well. She knew him. He was the one who saved her from the running cart. "You're here," he exclaimed, a wide smile forming on his face. "I didn't expect you to be here." "He's my new barmaid, Sir," Philip answered, preparing the order the man have said. "Is that so?" Stanley asked. "Well, let her prepare our drinks then." His eyes remained on her while she is putting the glasses in the storage. Philip glanced at her and signaled her to come to him, she immediately walked towards him. "Whiskey and four glasses," he said then left her alone to continue the job she has left of. "I was expecting to see you again but not here," Stanley said, tilting his head so she could see her face clearly. "I had nothing to do so I applied for a job that took my interest," she replied. "And this job interests you?" "It's nice. I get to meet other people." "Mostly men," he commented and she raised her eyes to him. "Why do I get the feeling that that holds other meaning?" He smiled. "I'm just saying," Then grabbed one of the glasses she prepared and drank straight up the contents inside it. "Barmaids who worked here before are either w.hores or would like to be a w.hore." Her mouth parted at that. "I beg your pardon?" He rests his hands on the counter and then propped his chin on one hand while he drums his fingers with the other. "Are you a w.hore, Freira? Because if you are, I would really like a night with you. I can pay well unlike these bastards you are entertaining right now." She is offended even if he meant that as a joke, she is still uncomfortable with it. "No, I am not." "Then why are you here out of all places? This is no place for you." She gritted her teeth and refilled the glass he had just drunk with. "I think I have no obligations to answer you." He chuckled. "Indeed." "And just because you saved me, it does not mean you have the right to speak such words, Sir." His smile slowly fading, taking in that she is not at all happy with how he treated her. "I apologize for my rashness assumption." "Indeed, Sir, and I would greatly appreciate it if you take your drinks now and go.” His wide grin returned. “I like your attitude.” She did not reply anymore. The man turned his head to the stage and called for Ildefonso. Since she is close she heard their entire conversation. “When she is done, take her to the room. They wanted some…entertainment.” “Copy, Boss.” Stanley’s eyes went back to her and they stayed staring for a while before he grabbed the tray. He was about to go when she grabbed him on the arm. “What? You don’t want me to go anymore?” "Your payment, Sir,” she said which made pair of eyes close to them turn towards her. Stanley chuckled. "Right." He puts everything he is holding down and fished in his pocket. He was about to hand her a couple of Leons when— "On the house, Sir." Philip hurriedly came towards them and gently pushed back Stanley’s hand. "On the house,” he repeated. "But the Miss said to pay," Stanley said. "And I want to pay as well." He gave her the money which is more than the actual payment. He also grabbed a bottle of whiskey by the counter, putting it on his armpit then winked at her before going to the room by the end of the hallway. "First thing to remember," Philip said. "Never take any payments from the Aces." "Aces? Why?" Philip frowned. "You don't know them?" She shook her head. "I'm new in the city," she said which is the truth since she is always at the hospital before. She does not really know what transpires outside of the institution. All she knows is that Arcatran is making its progress after the war. "Just keep away from. In that way, you would be out of trouble." "Why? What is about them?" Philip wetted his lips. "They rule this part of the city. And you don't dare mess with them unless you want to die." She was mummed for a minute, just looking at him. "Like gangsters?" "Indeed," Philip replied with a nod. "They are the Ace Gang. I told you my customers are not the typical ones." ~~~~~~~ For the first time, she was paid after her shift that day. Philip did not say any word but it just comes to show that she is officially hired in the pub. She is efficient and she does not complain if she gets late cleaning up, her pay was still the same even if she works overtime. Good thing the Aces did not bother her anymore. They seemed occupied with the singer who went inside the room. Besides, her shift ended and they are still not out of the room. She got to her apartment safely. Locking her door, she breathed deep—the tiredness kicking in. She turned her purse upside down on her bed and the money clinked—a few Leons and some coins. The Leons were her pay while the coins were her tips. Taking off a wooden plank on the floor, she grabbed the container where she stores her savings. It's better to be sure in this kind of place and she is always out, therefore, she cannot always have a lookout in her room. Because of the tiredness, she was able to get to sleep fast. She woke up past eight in the morning because of the pounding in her head. She stayed on the bed for a while, massaging her temples and when she felt alright, that is when she stood up and start to prepare for the day. After washing her face, she heated some food. It was a nice day. It was sunny and all. That's why, with her meal on hand, she parts the curtains to let the sunlight come into the room. But she was wrong to think that the day was fine. There is a riot. Men brawling and no one even bothered to stop it. There are onlookers but they immediately went on their way after a short glance. Is this an everyday occurrence? She dropped her plate when she saw one of them show a gun. He raised it in the sky and fired twice. The brawl did not stop, not even alarmed at the loaded weapon. Noticing the mess she made on the floor, she lowered her head to pick up the broken plate and spilled food. Upon straightening up, she saw that the men stopped fighting. They weren't the only ones there anymore. The Aces. They were there. Clad on their black suits and newsboy caps, they surrounded the men fighting a while ago. She can't hear what they are saying but the men in the middle look like children getting reprimanded by the elders. Her eyes flew to Stanley. He is leaning by a post, lighting up a cigarette, completely unbothered with what is happening around him. She saw him look around until he caught her by the window. She did not back down from his stare. His green eyes that surprised her the first time she has seen him show amusement now that she stares back at her. Looking away, she exhaled heavily, remembering their encounter last night. He was rude and offensive yet he did not apologize for it. Even if he saved her, he has no right to treat her like that. Her eyes widened when her eyes darted back to the gathered men and a riot happened again. Some of the men in the middle fought back and tried to get away from their circle. The man with the slicked-back hair blocked the courageous man who moved first and threw a punch that had him sprawling down to the ground. While they were occupied, some attempted to run but the Aces were fast to block them. They punched them, fist on fist, they fought without limits. It was a horrendous thing to see. Other than the seven men she saw in the pub, there are more men together with the Aces. And unlike the lowly thugs who were fighting a while ago, they were stronger and ruthless. Her eyes drifted back to Stanley. He was still puffing out his cigarette, leaning comfortably on the post and looking at her—watching her reaction to the current combat. She straightens her face and pressed her lips tight. A small smile came out from his lips, satisfied with her facial response to the danger happening outside. Pissed, she pulled her curtains close but before that, her eyes caught a man approaching Stanley—his left arm amputated.
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