Chapter 7: Mad

1962 Words
Flynn Harrington is the best person she could have during the times when she was struggling so much. From her countless headaches, sleepless nights, and violence during the first few days when she gained consciousness, he was always there to check on her. He only leaves when Nancy tells him to take some rest. Therefore, she could never aspire for something more from him. And as she holds her hand firmly, she cannot help but look back at how he takes care of her during those initial days. He was patient and kind and understanding. He is a great man and he deserves better. She slowly takes back her hand and Flynn looked at it while his own remained open and on his desk. She cleared her throat before asking, "Are you done with your research?" They have to organize everything from top to bottom which means they have to put his books and papers out of their usual order. It would be difficult for him if he is not yet done with his findings and they are to arrange everything in order already. “I think I am. There is nothing new with whatever I have been reading anyway.” She grabbed a book and looked at the cover. The fine print has been worn out throughout the years of usage. An Anthology of Writing on the subject of Memory Loss She took another, putting the first book on her lap, then read the title of the next book. Cases of Amnesia in the South Taking another book, she found out they were all about memory loss—something in relation to her condition. She stands up and looked at the others to check and as she stood in the middle of the room, staring at the piles and piles of books and papers about her case, she cannot help but feel overwhelmed. “My,” she said. “These are a lot.” Flynn stood up from his seat and walked towards her, taking a couple of books and putting them on his desk. “I needed to do some research so I could relate it to your condition. I cannot just practice something I am not well-versed of.” He does not specialize in the human mind as she knows of but she was a patient assigned to him when he came to the hospital. Instead of giving her to another doctor, he studied her condition. It is what happens to them at the hospital during the war, doctors tend to be stretched to their limits since there are more patients to aid but few men of medicine to help them. "Do you have other patients with the same case as I am?" she asked. He did not answer and she regretted giving him that question, forgetting about the confidentiality of the matter. He started taking the books off the floor and she did the same as well. "You're currently the only one in the hospital who has this condition," he finally replied. "Currently? So, there are others before?" she asked. "Where are they now?" She glanced at him and saw he was frozen in a corner, staring blankly at the shelf. She thought she was crossing the line already because of his reaction. But when he looked at her finally, he looks torn if he should say it or not. She can clearly see the riot on his green eyes behind those spectacles he always wears. Therefore, she looked away from them so as not to feel guilty for making him confused about the situation. As a result, her eyes drifted to his slightly curled brown hair that was tucked in his ears, getting longer by the year. Then to his beautiful face—masculine in every angle, lowering to his prominent Adam's apple, to his crisp clothing and wide shoulders. She forced herself not to appreciate him for fear that she is not respecting him. "They were released because a family of theirs came to fetch them. It was advisable that they should be with their loved ones so they could remember faster," he answered which snapped her out from staring at him absently. She was silent as she process what he just said. Family. She felt guilty, appreciating Flynn so much that she even got to a point where she forgets there must have been a man searching for her. She has a lover in her memory and she is betraying him if she entertains this attraction with Doctor Harrington. Still, it is not as if the doctor feels the same as she does. "Good for them," she commented and went on with the cleaning. "I'll just grab a broom and dustpan. I'll be back in a jiffy." She left the doctor without waiting for his reply. Hurrying down the hall, she headed straight to where the cleaning materials are usually stored on every floor. She saw a janitor and asked for his assistance, the reason for her to walk back sooner to Flynn. She just wasn't expecting that a few steps away from the door, Hyacinth will block her. "What are you doing?" She moved the broom and the dustpan in one hand before answering the woman. "I'm helping Doctor Harrington in cleaning his office." Hyacinth frowned. "Shouldn't you be on your own post now?" "I'm free. They know I have my consultation with Doctor Harrington at this time." "But you're helping him clean his office," the woman stated. "No one even stepped inside there except for you since he talks to his patients in their cubicle." "What do you want to say, Hyacinth? Go straight to the point." The woman looked furious and so close to attacking her. "That you lied when you said nothing is going on with you and Doctor Harrington, that you purposely made me look like a fool so I would tell you everything there is to know." "I do not intend for any of that and I did not accept your offer because I do not want to take advantage of others. I can perfectly provide for myself if I want to." "Then prove me wrong," the woman hissed. "Prove to me that nothing is going on with you and the doctor." She regarded the woman intently, not liking this game Hyacinth is playing. If she disagrees with her, the woman would probably think there is really something going on between her and the doctor while if she agrees, she doesn't know what will Flynn would think. She does not want to make the man mad because she decided on this on her own. "I'll have to ask him first." Then passed on the woman and opened the door. Flynn was looking at something when she entered but he immediately put it back on a small box and closed the lid upon her arrival. "I've removed the books on the floor. One of us could clean while the other is arranging," he said. She glanced at Hyacinth before saying, "We could use another helping hand, Doctor Harrington, so we could finish faster." He frowned at her sudden change of addressing him. "We'll just arrange the books. There's no need for another person for it. If you feel tired, you could just say it to me. I will do most of the work since this is my mess anyway." "I have Hyacinth here," she still said then signaled the woman to enter. Hyacinth did without hesitation. "Doctor Harrington," the woman said lowly. Flynn looked at them both, straightening his stance like what he usually does whenever there are other people around. She observed that he is always putting up a wall on the others while he is comfortable with her. She does not want to assume anything and she does not want to acknowledge if there is. "Nurse Hyacinth," Flynn said. "Don't you have any work to do?" "I'm already done with my rounds, Doctor." "And you do not have anything else to do?" Hyacinth gulped and shook her head. Flynn glanced at her as if asking if she wants this, she smiled, therefore, he nodded. "Very well then." She moved to a corner to start sweeping the floor while Hyacinth went to Flynn to ask what she will do. The man pointed out a shelf and ordered her to wipe it before putting the books. She did not mind them after that and just occupied herself with sweeping the whole floor. When she was done, that's when she raised her head and saw Hyacinth continuously glancing at Flynn but the man was not minding the woman at all. She cleared her throat. "Do you know Franco, Doctor Harrington?" They both looked at her. "Yes, why?" Flynn asked, stopping his work and putting his attention on her fully. "I was wondering if you could arrange some days off for him. He never had a rest for a month already." He frowned. "And how would you know that? Is there something you're not telling me, Freira?" Her eyes widened, understanding what he might have been thinking. "He is Nancy's boyfriend. They have not seen each other for a while and mayhap you could do something about it." Slowly, he nodded then looked away and went back to work. "I'll arrange it tomorrow." She smiled. "Thank you." Her eyes went to Hyacinth and the woman does not at all looking pleased with her conversation with the doctor. She just walked toward them to help put the books back on the shelves. She grabbed a pile and settled them first on a table before grabbing a chair so she could step on it to reach the top shelf. She was about to go up the chair when Flynn unexpectedly grabbed her hand to support her. Hyacinth saw that and the woman's mouth parted upon witnessing that gesture. "Thank you," she said again and Flynn merely nodded as a reply. She then went on with work, ignoring the two people inside the room. Though, it seemed difficult to do that since Hyacinth started to talk. "I was told that you have been close with a patient, Freira." She raised a brow, does not know where the woman got that information from. "Who in particular?" "The one with the amputated arm. They said that the man had been fishing out information about you, seemed that he got hit on you pretty hard." She turned to look at Hyacinth but it was Flynn's expression that she saw first and it was not good. He was frowning and his eyes were staring straight at the door, confusion was evident in them. "Nothing is going on between us," she said which made Hyacinth force a giggle. "I did not say that there is. You just sounded denial when you said that, Freira." Her eyes drifted on the woman and saw a triumphant smile etched on her face. She shouldn't be alarmed by the game Hyacinth is playing, she shouldn't consider what Flynn would feel upon knowing that she may be entertaining someone. It is completely none of his business if she gets to be with a man. But seeing him in this state makes her rethink the matter. Even if there was no truth to what Hyacinth is saying—she feels it is just appropriate that she tells Flynn first if she gets to entertain a man in her life. She owes it to him for being always there to aid her. "Excuse me. I recalled that I have something to do," Flynn suddenly said, avoiding their gazes as he takes his kit and his coat. "You could continue arranging. I'll be back." Then hurriedly went out of the room, closing the door with an unexpected slam.
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