*Living on ice* Chapter 34

1319 Words

     *Allison*     Laying silently on the living room couch, the events of this recent weeks flashed through my mind, my previous encounter with Josh and his group of imbeciles, that, I couldn't forget, would it be a bad idea if I just stand up for myself for once, would it be wrong of me if I retaliate?. You know hit them for once, ten times harder than the way they hit me, just to show them I'm not weak, to prove to them that my decision to accept every punch doesn't mean I'm weak, even if I get my point to them, I can't help but think about how much trouble that would be get me into, why?      Because in this pack of ours I'm like an ex-convict on probation, everyone aside from my family and few friends is just kinda like lurking in the dark waiting for me to take one wrong step, wa

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