Bella Gets Married

1512 Words

Three months later... Bella Oh My Gosh, I can not believe I am getting married today! I do not know why I am so nervous. Because I am sure marrying my men is the right move for me. We are ready to start our family and always wanted to be married before I got pregnant. So we planned our wedding so that I can come off the pill and we can begin to make babies. As my girls help me get into my dress, I think back to how this all started, and let me tell you. If you would have said that, not only would I fall in love, but with two men, I would have said you were crazy. The bridesmaid's song (Amazed by Lonestar)begins, and the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle. The first to waltz down was Lucas and Robin, then Tony and Jessie, then Vito and Cassie, and finally Luke and Michelle.

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