22. Too Many Gaps

2347 Words

**Nate**     After getting the pack settled, we went for a run together after Sky explained where their boundaries were.  Because we didn’t have a witch from their coven with us, if we went too far, we would not be able to find our way back in, much like the Whispering Winds Coven that Aria and Aurora grew up.  Shadow suggested that we head out in human form before shifting in the woods.  We informed the High Priestess before we left, to not cause any alarm when they heard us in which she thanked us for the heads up.  We also invited Alpha Dorian to join us, but he declined, saying that he needed his afternoon nap.  I wanted to laugh, but considering I slept most of the way here in Nero’s truck, there was not much I could say about it.     Considering that it had been a few days since we

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