51. Open Discussions

2056 Words

**Nate**     I was awoken with a gentle shake on my shoulder with the sweetest voice I ever heard, singing music to my ears.  Well, that is what I would normally think, but today was another story.  I mentally fought the nudges like a child who refused to eat his broccoli.  I remembered thinking that I could have sworn my head just hit the pillow only a moment ago.  After the coaxing started to sound a little more urgent and a little less passive, I finally groaned and opened my eyes.     "Something tells me you're not asking me to roll over to cuddle."  I managed to mumble, still fighting the urge to just roll back over again.      "I would like nothing better than that right now, but unfortunately we need you to come to Dorian's office.  There is a little problem with Melody's coven."

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