40. Mixed Emotions

2017 Words

**Nate**     "Of all the things you can get up to, I never expected you to do something this foolish!  You were told to wait!"  I began speaking. as I stormed out of Dorian's office. With my feet thumping with every step I took, I was fuming because I specifically told them to wait!  Dorian was right beside me, with a look of clear disdain as well.  He knew it was not his place to scold my wolves; I don't think he dared to scold Nero either, considering the possible outcome of that either.  But at this point, I don't rightly care if he blasted them; considering that we were guests on his land.       Since his office was near the front of the packhouse, we headed out the front, bursting through the double doors and down the front stairs.  Luca, Aria, Aurora and Nero were right behind us. 

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