6. Finally Ready to Talk

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**Nate** After lingering in the hot springs for a while, I felt calm, refreshed and ready to head back to see if anyone was still there.  I will be honest, I had my doubts but I was still hopeful.  We made our way back and as we approached the edge of the forest leading onto the park land, I was thoroughly surprised to see that all four of the packs were there, but only their highest ranking.  We shifted back into human form and out of respect to them for staying, I linked my pack as well. ‘Luca, Aspen, Shadow and Piper please join me.  The rest head back to camp and wait for us there.’  As expected, there was no conflict with my orders.  Now with us all dressed, we exited the forest.  At first, they looked alarmed as we all came out, and then relieved as most of my pack headed in a different direction.  We picked up picnic tables as we walked by them and carried them to join in the meeting.  As relieved as I was to see that they were still here, I decided to make it clear that I was ready to put all the crap aside and talk. “If you are not actually ready to talk, leave now and don’t waste any more of our time.”  I commented as we placed the tables and sat, opening it up for them. “You must realize the shock of seeing your pack back with us.  After being gone so long, it was harder for some to get over themselves.” One Alpha began whilst looking at the 2 from last night before turning back to us and continuing. “I am Alpha Hunter from the Silvermoon Pack, this is Alpha Marcus from the Blue Lagoon Pack and I think you have already met Alpha Dorian and Alpha Abe from brother packs called Moonshadow.  We are 4 packs, but have close ties to each other.  We already have this council thing you were talking about started with ourselves which is why we all remained.” I was not only surprised, but impressed that they have been able to live so close and cohesively but at the same time, he did mention close ties.  But something was off, they were not meeting our eyes and I could tell that they were in fear of something.  “Well, that is impressive.  I sense that there is more that you are not telling me.” “Lately, we have been getting reports from family in Europe and what you are saying is true.  All of a sudden, the vampires went from being nearly extinct over there-or at least controllable, to out of control in a matter of months.  There are whole packs falling every day over there and they have not found anything to stop them.  They said that there is this one ancient, stone looking vampire that seems to be leading them and they are showing no mercy.”  Alpha Marcus spoke.  “I see.  We can tell you that the moon goddess herself came to us and set us on this mission along with Heka, the God of Magic. He gifted our two witches a special artifact and told them to use it wisely.  The charms will not last long, and we don’t know how they will help them yet.”  I filled them in, but they only looked confused so I went for full disclosure  “My Beta, Luca has 2 mates and they are.. or were witches.  They are now hybrids and were able to maintain their witch powers.” Surprise crossed their faces, and I wondered why.   “They were? We did not smell witches in your pack. Do you mean that they aren’t witches now?  There have been very few attempts to change witches because most of the time they either died in the transition or lost their witch powers if they survived.  How did they manage that?”  Alpha Abe asked in disbelief. “Luca, are you okay with asking your mates to join us?”  I asked out loud not to alarm anyone when his mates appeared. I thought these discussions were actually going fairly well and I didn’t want to ruin that by just having them approach us.  He agreed and then linked them.  Being that our camp was not too far, it didn’t take them long to arrive. “Aria, Aurora-thank you for coming.  These are the Alpha’s of the four packs here and it seems that being a hybrid with a witch and wolf is more uncommon than we thought.  These Alpha’s were just informing us that as far as they knew, when a witch is turned, they either died in the process or lost their powers.  In the spirit of sharing information, can you please show them a small display that you still have your earth and fire magic?” I asked and they gladly complied. Aurora closed her eyes and conjured 2 small fire balls that hovered above her hands.  She did not show off or flaunt it, only long enough for them to see, admire and extinguish them and then Aria took her turn.  She walked over to a nearby apple tree, placed her palm on it and concentrated for a short time.  The tree began to rustle and before our eyes, it bloomed, bushed out and a few ripe apples fell to the ground.  That would not shock some people, but apples season is not in May.  It’s in August so in that sense, she accelerated its season.  She picked up a few apples and lightly tossed them at everyone.  “How the hell did you manage that?”  Alpha Marcus asked “Honestly, we don’t know.  They were each powerful witches in their own right.  When I turned them, it was the only choice over watching them die.  I don’t know if it has anything to do with their own power, our spirit wolf power, the charms they received from Heka or something else entirely.  I can say that it was not easy for them and it was touch and go for a few days, but they finally pulled through.”  I answered as honestly as I could.  “Has any of your family mentioned why the vampires are starting a war?”  I asked, thinking there had to be something that caused this. “We do not know for sure, they said it was a fluke she was awoken and managed to get out of her tomb. They said she had been locked in there over 300 years ago by something called The Combined Elements and she was supposed to be locked away for all eternity.  Being that she is immortal and an original, she can be quite hard to kill from what they say.”  Alpha Marcus answered. “And they didn’t mention anything about why such hatred for wolves?” I inquired “No, they live in some of the farthest regions near Greece.  They stick to themselves for the most part.  All we know is that they are killing every wolf they come across.  My cousin called last week and said they were packing up and heading further into the mountains, but didn’t say where...only that they would not have phones or cell service for a while.”  Alpha Hunter answered “How is it that you four are so close then?” Luca asked “The reason why our packs are so close is because our grandparents came here together in the early 1800’s.  They sailed into New York and travelled together across what is now the USA until they arrived and settled here.  Building our four packs and we have managed to coexist somewhat peacefully.  We do not always agree, but when it comes to anything serious, it is a majority vote.” Alpha Abe added “But there are four of you.  What happens when it is split down the middle?” I wondered “Oh, well.  There are only ever three votes.  The pack asking for consideration does not get a vote.  Considering that they are the ones that are asking, their vote would automatically be in their favour, so basically it is their job to convince us that it is a good idea.” Alpha Dorian answered in a way that I could only assume he was outvoted today. “Yes well, as I said...we don’t always agree, but we also took an oath and once a decision is made, it’s final.”  Alpha Hunter concluded a little on the lighter side.  He gave me the impression that he was the one that was really pulling the strings. “So, considering you can not only validate what we have come to talk to you about and the fact that you have experience coming to decisions together, what are your thoughts on forming a large council at least until we get through this vampire issue?  I think the best way to defend ourselves is to collaborate and plan strategically.”  I asked The four of them looked like they were not ready to answer that just yet and I imagine that they would want to discuss this more and take another vote.  Sure enough, Alpha Hunter replied with just that. “We will consider your offer and we will have to discuss it but I can say that most likely no one will go for sending the Gamma’s.  I understand the idea behind it but I can tell that you are still very new to being an Alpha, but the power inside you is still the same.  We need to have all of the information to make the proper decisions for our own packs.  Something for you to think about, if your Gamma came back from a council meeting and if as you say, you will answer to this council- How would you feel with your gamma ordering you to seek justice or interference without any information behind it?  Will you take your pack in blindly, no questions asked?” What he said floored me because I had to admit, in my over-eagerness, I never even thought that far ahead.  I was so focused on trying to gather the packs that I didn’t think through the whole scenario.  Feeling like a bit of an inexperienced Alpha, I replied as best I could. “You don’t think having that much power in one place wouldn’t hinder the outcomes?  And if someone wanted to attack all wolves, there would be no better time than when they are all meeting in one place.”  I countered, hoping that they saw some reasoning in my words as I was not only thinking about ego, but protecting as well. “If it is important enough, most Alpha's would be able to set their egos aside as we have today.  We will add that to our discussion when the four of us leave today, I can say that you do have more insight then we first thought Alpha Nate.  You have definitely given us much to discuss and we will get back to you tomorrow.”  Alpha Marcus answered this time. They stood, followed by their Beta’s and just before they left, Alpha Jackass-I mean Dorian spoke one last time before they turned and walked away.  “Apologies for last night.  We thought you were imposters and I should have listened better to my Beta.  We are not perfect, but we try to do what we think is right.  Feel free to stay here as long as you need to before moving on, you will not be bothered again unless you cause problems.” I stood there watching them walk away, shocked at how well that went.  I was trying not to get my hopes up, but that was the best outcome from a first sit down so far! “Thoughts?”  I asked when they were far enough away from us “Well, I think they finally got their heads out of their asses”  Piper replied “Ya, but they also had a lot to share as well...I think we should add that Combined Elements thingy to our list of needed information.”  Luca offered “I agree, and I did not sense any dishonesty from them.  They are genuinely worried like we are.”  Aspen added  “Damn, so I guess this means we don’t get to bash some face in.”  Shadow commented a little disappointed. We all chuckled before we started heading back to camp.  “I wonder...if the witches would know more about this Combined Elements thing...It does sound more magical than wolf related…”  I pondered outloud, more to myself but no one disagreed either.  Either way, we had more information then when we arrived, so I would take today as a good thing.
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