Chapter 7 - Life or death

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Skye’s POV I tried to listen to what they were saying before entering the room, but either they were very quiet or the rooms were soundproof. Another thing I learned while at the castle. Rooms could be made soundproof so werewolves and vampires couldn’t hear what was being said. Opening the door, they both looked up, and I stepped inside, closing the door behind me. “Please, can we just get this over with? Just tell me you can’t remove the scar. I will understand.” I didn’t want to hear it after all the excitement, but … “No, sweetie, we will be able to remove it, that is not the problem.” Rochelle looked at Theo and then at me. “Skye, it will take time, and it will be dangerous. It seems there is a growth inside the scar that is tangled around your spine. If we aren’t careful, and even if we are careful … I fear … Sweetie, I don’t want to beat around the bush here, but you might be paralyzed if we don’t do it absolutely perfectly.” Paralyzed! Just because of a scar? “Then I don’t want to do it.” I knew this wasn’t going to work! Why would it?! Why would I be that lucky? Of course, the only thing that would remind me of what happened to me would be the one thing that couldn’t be removed! “That is the biggest problem, sweetheart. Whatever it is, it is crushing down on your spine. Your werewolf genes are healing you to a certain extent, but at some point, it is going to crush right through, and it might kill you if it doesn’t paralyze you.” “What?” My voice was so soft I almost didn’t hear myself. “I don’t understand. So, what you are saying is if you don’t remove it, I might die?” This was too much to deal with. After everything I had been through, I finally found happiness, only to find out this thing had been growing inside my back slowly killing me?! I got up and stormed out of the room. I couldn’t deal with this right now. Images of my life in the demon world flashed before my eyes as I ran. I found the exit easily enough and shifted without thinking. I needed to run, and the forest was right there. I needed to feel free. I needed to feel the air blow through my fur. If I hadn’t met Theo and his family, I wouldn’t even have known about any of this! The scar would never have bothered me until it one day just snuffed out my miserable life! I didn’t even notice the tears running out of my eyes as I ran. I had no idea where I was or where I was going. All I knew was that I needed to get away. For the second time in my life, I was running for my life. Theodore’s POV Skye running was understandable, but I couldn’t just let her go. Watching her shift broke my heart. She probably didn’t even realize that she wasn’t shifting in the normal way. Her back almost twisted in the opposite direction, and it must have been so painful! She had been living with this scar since before she could shift. From what I understood, the demons didn’t give them much guidance. Not that a werewolf would need any. Shifting was the most natural thing, or at least it was supposed to be. I ran after her, keeping a careful eye on her, yet keeping my distance, so she could deal with this in her own way. I wasn’t even sure how I felt about all of this. The possibility of losing her compared to her being alive but never able to run again. I knew I wouldn’t be able to live with it if it happened to me. Rochelle told me that if her spine was severed as a human, there was no guarantee that her wolf would be able to heal her. Chances were slim. For vampires, it was different. We had to do some more research before she made any decisions, but for now, I just wanted her to run it out. Skye’s POV I felt him behind me and stopped. Turning around slowly, I saw the wolf that was my mate, and all the anger I felt towards him and his family melted away. They wanted to do good. They didn’t know it would turn out like this. They weren’t the ones that did this to me. Slowly walking closer, I blinked, and the tears were running. I was back in my human form and Theodore was whispering in my ear that it would all be okay. He cradled me in his arms as I cried. “It’s going to be okay, little wild thing. We are going to find the solution.” I breathed in his scent and felt a calm settle over me. “I’m here for you, my little mate. I will never leave you. You will not go through this alone.” I believed him. For some inexplicable reason, I believed him. I believed that I would be okay. We shifted and he showed me the way home. When we arrived home, it wasn’t strange to find clothes just outside for us to change into before going inside. His family wanted to know everything, and I wasn’t ready to tell them. I just wanted to be alone with him for a little while and was thankful when they didn’t push too hard. He took my hand, and we walked up to our room. The urge to just strip was intense, but I suddenly felt self-conscious. I didn’t want him to see or feel the scar. I didn’t want to think about it. He pulled me closer, sliding his hand down the side of my face, and looked deep into my eyes, melting away all my doubts and fears as I melted against him. Our lips touched, and my heart started racing. My hands slipped down his chest and my breath caught in my throat. He was so strong. He was so hot! The wolf in me took over and I ripped open his shirt, wanting to feel his skin against mine. He slowly dropped the straps of my dress from my shoulders, and it fell to the floor. His hands sliding over my skin gave me goosebumps and I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling, taking it all in. His scent intoxicated me and his kisses flooded my senses. I could spend the rest of my life right here. He moved my hair over my shoulder and his hand slid over my back. “No, stop!” It was a knee-jerk reaction. I didn’t even realize it until I saw the shock in his eyes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t …” He looked hurt, and it made me feel even worse. “No, no, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that. Don’t stop.” I pushed up against him and slid my arms around his neck. Pulling my fingers through his hair, I pulled his head closer and crushed my lips on his. I really wanted this, and I didn’t want my scar too… He put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. “I really want you.” He whispered against my lips. “You are mine.” I always thought that if someone said this to me, I would want to run, but … “Mark me, Theodore.” The words felt so good to say. He growled and his canines protruded. When they pierced my skin, both pain and pleasure ripped through me so fast that I instinctively titled my head and I bit into his flesh. He howled before throwing me onto the bed. I had never before felt anything this intense. It scared me a little. To allow someone to have this kind of control over me, but I couldn’t help myself. “Please, Theodore,” I begged, but I didn’t even have to. Having him, and knowing that he was mine, was all I needed. I could do this. With him by my side, I could face anything. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling hungry. Theodore was fast asleep, and I didn’t want to bother him, so I slipped one of his shirts on and made my way downstairs. “Oh, hi.” Julius was sitting on one of the couches reading. “Couldn’t sleep?” He seemed friendly enough, but I was still a bit wary of him. “Uhm, yes. I thought some warm milk might help. Or at least that’s what Esmeralda gave me once before.” I rummaged through the fridge, and he joined me in the kitchen. I grabbed some chicken to heat up and my eyes flashed over to where he was standing leaning against the counter. A smile flashed over his face. “Do all vampires look as young as you do? How old are you anyway?” I didn’t want to sound rude, but it came out that way! Thankfully he laughed. That broke the ice between us, and we started talking. I told him what Rochelle told me about my scar and what my options were. It was easy to talk to him. He told me about vampires being the apex predators. That was why humans were so drawn to them. “What the prey isn’t scared of the predator?” I laughed, but thinking about it … it didn’t seem funny. “Oh, god! Is that true?” My hand covered my mouth when he nodded. “How?” Now I was interested. I wanted to know everything! We sat down on the couch, and he explained how it worked. Being able to compel people to do what they wanted. “But people are naturally drawn to us. It probably has something to do with the danger aspect.” He laughed. “People are the strangest animals. They are always walking toward the danger. Just look at horror movies. Not only do the victims walk towards the danger, but they also love watching the damn things!” I hadn’t dealt with humans that much and didn’t know them that well. “Trying to poach my girl, dad?” Theodore’s voice startled me and my head whipped around to find him leaning against the wall. “Hi, I was hungry.” My answer was so quick it almost sounded as if I was trying to hide something! “I will leave you two to talk.” Julius winked on his way out. Theodore sauntered over to the couch and sat down beside me, pulling me into his lap. “I …” His eyes turned darker and floated to my lips, making me gasp. I could feel his arousal underneath me, and suddenly what Julius said about humans kind of made sense. Just as I was drawn to my mate, they must be drawn towards Vampires. “I’m glad to see you are making friends with the vampire king.” He slipped my hair over my shoulder and left a soft kiss on my mark, making me squirm and gasp. “Yeah, he’s not as bad as I thought, but I would rather talk about us.” Taking his face in my hands, I softly left a kiss on each cheek and felt the growl come from deep inside him. It felt so incredible to be here. In his arms. Safe. I didn’t want to lose this. I didn’t want to lose us. “I want the operation, Theodore.” “No,” He almost shoved me off his lap. “You can’t. At least not until we’ve done some more research. What if you are paralyzed?” His hand slipped down the side of my face. “I don’t want that for you, my little wild thing.” He stroked my face and I saw the fear in his eyes. “It won’t. You will be with me. It’s going to work out.” I kissed him, hoping it would distract him, and it worked. He picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs to our room.
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