Chapter 11 - Captured!

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The Demon King’s POV She had been at it for days and she hadn’t been able to break through the barrier yet! I could feel her power slowly draining and if she didn’t get a portal open soon, I would have to start thinking about finding another alternative. I really didn’t want to waste energy and time on finding another witch to do this spell. Sadly … My darling third wife will be gone, but I guess if I wanted my new bride, I would have to make some sacrifices. She hunched over and screamed in pain, pulling me back from where my thoughts were just about to wander off. “This is ridiculous!” My hand swiped over the table and her precious candles flew across the room. “Well, that’s not going to help me!” She shouted back and I glared at her for the umpteenth time in days. I took in her ragged appearance and wondered what happened to her. She was once breathtakingly beautiful, but now she just looks old. Fine, so I kept her locked up in a deep and dark cave with a spiked collar to drain her enough so she couldn’t escape, but time couldn’t have gone by so fast that she already looked that old. “Please, Doran. I need to rest!” She cried even though she probably knew it wouldn’t sway me. “As soon as you get through that damn barrier you can stop!” I slammed my fists on the table in front of her and she jumped in fright. I almost smiled at the sight of her fear, but I had to get through the barrier and she was now officially wasting my time. “Fine! Get her out of here!” I ordered my guards to take her back to her cave. Maybe there was another way to get through the barrier … Skye’s POV Our days were spent lounging around the house reading, going for long walks in the forest, and doing a lot of swimming. I was too scared to try and shift again, but after I had a little more of my strength back, Theodore convinced me to give it a try. Although it was incredibly painful, I finally managed to shift, but I felt too tired afterward to do much more than turn back to my human form. A couple of days later, I was able to shift and at least walk like a wolf for a while before turning back to my human form. I was starting to feel stronger and Theodore suggested we go to the market to stock up on a couple of things. I loved the energy in the market. The fairies were friendly most of the time, but something told me that you wouldn’t want to cross a fairy. After shopping ‘till we dropped, we had lunch on the pier and went back to the island. I felt so much better that, after taking a nap, I was ready to try and shift. I wanted to run on all fours. I wanted to feel the breeze blowing through my fur and the dirt giving way underneath my paws. It was still incredibly painful to shift, but I was slowly growing used to the pain. We went for a run through the forest and when we returned, I felt amazing, tired, but amazing. That was when my dream turned into a nightmare. As we walked into the cabin, a huge portal appeared. I immediately recognized it … Three demons stepped through. They must have known I was with Theodore because they attacked him as soon as they stepped through. I tried to shift, but I wasn’t able to after being in my wolf form for so long! One grabbed me by my arm and dragged me through the portal to the other side. The last thing I remembered was seeing Theodore on the ground not moving. The two remaining demons stepped through and it closed. My head whipped around as I took in my surroundings. I was back in the demon caves! The heat was almost too much to bear. “My little human,” A shiver ran down my spine. I had never seen him in person. People only spoke of him … The Demon King! My throat went dry and I couldn’t bring myself to look. Of course, the demon king would be after me. I beat his precious demons in the hunt! He wouldn’t want that kind of news to spread. “Welcome home.” His finger lifted my chin so I could look into his eyes. I was startled to see a handsome, tall, dark-haired man standing in front of me. He looked nothing like the monster I pictured him to be. No wonder people fell for his tricks! “Take her to my room!” He ordered before giving me a dashing smile. “We have a wedding to prepare her for.” My mind was still on Theodore … His lifeless body was just lying there, but as soon as he said “Wedding”, my mind rushed back to the present. “I will never marry you!” I screamed in the hopes that I was right. Demons didn’t need permission to do what they were doing. Why would I ever think he would give me the option to say no? With my luck, the fact that I refused was part of the damn ceremony! I stumbled slightly while being dragged away, and his minions had no compassion. The Demon King’s POV I was right! That damn witch was playing me! It took the new witch just an hour to break through the barrier spell, but we would only be able to get through once. When they brought her back, I could have sworn I felt my heart skip a beat! But I didn’t have a heart. She was pretty. Nobody told me she was that pretty, but then again, most demons didn’t find the human form very appealing. They preferred our true form. I was the one who insisted they all walk around in their human form to make it easier to persuade humans that they wanted to do all the bad things we suggested to them. Something about this girl seemed familiar. Maybe it was something in her eyes … She didn’t look anything like any of my other wives. I had no idea what it could be. Perhaps it was just the fact that I had been looking for her for a while. I pushed the thought into the back of my mind as I stepped into my witchy wife’s cave. It was time to have some fun after all the unnecessary stress she had caused me. “Hello, wife.” I smiled and she scoffed at me. “Ah, what’s wrong? Black cat got your tongue?” I laughed at my own joke but she spat on my newly polished leather shoes. “You were never going to let me go! So, why should I give you what you want!” Her head hung and blood was slowly trickling down her chest as the spikes pushed their way into her throat. “Now, you see, that is why I hate you so much. You know me better than any of my other wives. If you had just done what I asked, I might have considered keeping my word.” I walked around her, watching the pathetic figure hunched over on the ground in front of me. “But … You just had to make things difficult for yourself. Now, I have no other choice but to send you straight to hell!” The thought of her continued torture brought me immense pleasure. “Anywhere else would be better than being here with you!” I could feel the last drops of her life draining from her and despised the fact that she wasn’t strong enough to at least let me enjoy this for a little while. She coughed and blood splattered all over my shoes! With a wave of my hand, her fragile human form turned to ash and she was gone for good. Sent to the depths of hell that was specifically reserved for witches! Skye’s POV I was shoved into a cave that was decorated like a human bedroom except for the cave walls and heat. Everything in me screamed to be back with Theodore, but if I showed the slightest bit of weakness, the demons would exploit it to the fullest extent. I had no idea who could be watching me, so I could take the chance of giving in to my sadness or my fears. I had to stay strong! If I escaped them once, I would be able to do it again! I heard the lock of the door move and swung around as two young girls walked in. The door closed behind them and they didn’t talk to me or look at me. They filled a bath with water, which I found incredibly strange. Water was rare down here! To waste it on a bath would be a sin, but the oldest of the two girls took my hand and walked with me to the bath. She wanted to help me get undressed, but I smacked her hand and she whimpered away. She was a wolf! They both were. I got undressed and slid into the warm water that smelled of roses. After my bath, they held out a towel for me and it was decadently soft. Everything so far was completely opposite from what I had experienced before! Were they trying to get me to lower my guard so they could hurt me even more?! The second girl disappeared and when she returned, she had a red silk dress in her arms. It was incredibly beautiful, yet plain. Thin shoulder straps kept it up as the soft silk floated around my body the moment they dropped it over my head. Without a single word, they left the room as soon as I was dressed and I surveyed my surroundings. There was a large bed also covered in red silk on one side of the room and a small dresser covered in what smelled like perfume bottles on the other. What was the demon king planning?! Would he make me one of his little who.res? My heart was aching for Theodore, but I couldn’t think about him right now. The demon king would try and find every thought that made me happy and crush it or use it against me. I needed to put Theodore and our love out of my mind until I could get out of here!
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