Chapter 5 - Losing my virginity

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Skye’s POV Over the next couple of days, I spent a lot of time with Esmeralda and my language skills improved a lot since she could tell me what word I was looking for. I hadn’t met Theodore’s stepfather yet and my heart broke for him when he told me that his real father was killed in a war. His mom was in tears when I told her how I remember my mother dying and that I didn’t see my father being killed, but I saw his body outside our house before the demon dragged me away. I had to admit that talking about what happened and hearing about the huge war they went through made me feel a lot less anxious. They were good people, although I still didn’t trust the fact that we were living in a vampire castle, none of them gave me any indication that I wasn’t perfectly safe. Theodore and I also kissed a couple of times which was nice. Weird, but nice. I had questions about mating, but I didn’t know someone I could ask. The demons made sure we weren’t in a position ever to find someone from the opposite s*x attractive. If they just suspected a friendship, they would break us up into different areas and you would never see the other person again. We were their property. We weren’t ever going to be more than prey for a hunt in their eyes. But being in the situation I was in, I had nobody other than Esmeralda to ask. Which, of course, I did as soon as Theodore wasn’t around. The conversation was a bit uncomfortable for us both in the beginning, but she was such a kind and calm person, we were soon laughing about Theodore exploring his thingy when he was little, more than we were talking about a physical relationship between her son and me. I loved watching her talk about Theodore and his siblings. She always got this sparkle in her eyes when she did, but then sadness would cross her eyes for a mere moment before she continued. I guessed it was about her first love, but didn’t want to ask. It would probably just have opened old wounds she tried to forget. “Skye, can you remember where the demon caves are?” She looked troubled. “No, not really. Why?” It was one of the few times that it was only the two of us, and she was helping me to learn how to read again. “I didn’t want to tell you this before, sweetheart, but I made some inquiries and it seems the demons are still stealing children. I want to put a stop to it.” She frowned. I wondered how a witch would be able to stop them, but then she told me a story that made me gasp for my breath. I had heard of the Judge. Demons feared her more than anything. There was a story I heard them tell of how the judge sent demons, even high-ranking ones to purgatory with just the flick of her wrist! I couldn’t believe my luck! Those idiots didn’t know when they kidnapped me that they had kidnapped the judge’s future daughter-in-law and when I told her what I was thinking she was crying with laughter. But our laughter soon died down when she reminded me of her position in life. The Demon King’s POV “Why haven’t you found her yet?! How difficult could it be to find one little human?!” I kicked the demon in his side with each word I was spitting and feeling the anger flare all through my body. I wanted that human girl! Okay, fine, so I had twelve wives already, but to have the girl that outran my demons on the hunt, would be the ultimate prize. Besides, I couldn’t very well let her get away for good. If she led people back to us our little game would probably come to a swift end! Not to mention what would happen if the slaves found out. We would have a revolt on our hands and I was not going to give up my slaves because of her. We might have powers, but other supernatural creatures weren’t to be underestimated. That’s how the previous king lost his head, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to lose mine! I liked my head very much. “Your majesty, we looked everywhere for her. We couldn’t go onto the vampire’s land because they would have found us, but we sent one of the younger wolves and when she came back, she said that the girl’s scent wasn’t there.” His whiny voice was slowly starting to irritate me, and I snapped his neck in frustration. “Is anyone here competent enough to bring back the girl?!” My voice roared through the caves and the demons cringed away into corners, while others just stood there with their heads lowered. “What do we get out of this?” Of course, someone had to bring up their personal greed. It was part of who we were. No matter the pecking order, demons would always try to get the best deal for themselves. “Your miserable lives! Now get the hell out of here and find that girl!” I watched them scurry off. This was turning into a mess I couldn’t afford. Skye’s POV There was one thing that was bothering me all this time. What if the demons came after me? I couldn’t imagine that they would just let me go. I didn’t want to make Theodore worry, but I couldn’t stop the fear from rushing through me like a freight train once in a while. “Hey, wild thing, mom.” He winked at me when he joined me and his mom in the living room. I had grown pretty fond of the term of endearment and the way it made me feel around him. He was calm and collected, but there was something mysteriously dark brewing underneath the surface and I wanted to find out what it was. He made me feel safe and loved even when he wasn’t around. “I have some things to attend to.” I heard his mom say as he pulled me onto his lap after sitting down. “How was your day?” He smiled at me and I nuzzled my nose in his neck giving him goosebumps all the way down his neck. “I can write my name again, but I couldn’t remember anything more about my pack.” I sighed and sat up so I could look into his eyes. “The writing is amazing news, and we will find your pack. I promise. That is why we are here with my mom. If there is one thing, she knows everything about its demons.” He laughed. “And mating,” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them and my eyes grew wide as I slapped my hand in front of my mouth staring at him. “Hmmm, have you been talking about us making out?” He grinned and I burst out laughing. The words were out and there was no taking them back now! “I … Theodore why haven’t you claimed me yet?” His mom told me how things worked when a wolf found their mate. She also gave me a quick overview of how to mate. At first, I thought it was just for procreation, but she gave me some magazines to practice my reading and I found out that mating was for more than just making babies. That explained why I got this burning urge to undress Theo every time I saw him. “You were still recovering, sweetheart. I didn’t want to rush you.” His eyes turned a shade darker and I felt his member grow stiff underneath my butt. “I’m ready.” That sounded way too eager! “If you want to, of course.” I felt my cheeks turn bright red. “Then I better take you to our room.” He picked me up bridal style so fast that I shrieked in pleasure. Leaving kisses up and down his neck as he carried me to our room, I loved seeing the goosebumps as a sign of how I affected him. Once inside our room, he locked the door after putting me down beside the bed. I pulled my shirt over my head and ripped the buttons on his shirt when I tried to get him undressed. His hands gripped mine and he told me to slow down. “I want to explore every part of you, wild thing. I want to take my time. Have you ever done this before?” He frowned and I felt my damn cheeks turn bright red again while I shook my head. “Then I really want it to be special if it’s your first time.” His hands were resting on my shoulders and they slipped down the sides of my arms before finding my brea.sts. I gasped when he popped open the strap of my bra and dropped it to the floor. Feeling his mouth cover one of my nipp.les, I moaned and his hand slid around my back as he pulled me close. Letting me go, he unzipped my pants and they dropped to the floor before lowering me onto the bed and stripping off my panties. I felt something grow wet between my legs and nearly screamed when his lips touched just above it. My skin felt as if it was on fire and I closed my eyes, concentrating on how it felt to have his warm skin so close to mine. He stood up and quickly stripped out of his own clothes, before pulling me closer to the edge of the bed. “Open wide,” He grinned pulling my legs apart and I burst out laughing but quickly swallowed it when I felt him kissing me down there. So many emotions rushed through me that I started to feel a bit dizzy until I felt his finger slide inside me and move. “OH FU.CK!” I never swore before in my life, but this time I couldn’t stop myself. “That feels so good.” I didn’t want him to stop and felt slightly disappointed when he did. He slid onto the bed next to me and pulled me into his arms before sliding in between my legs again. It felt strange when his member slowly moved into my secret place, but it felt right. As if we were made for each other. “This next part is going to hurt just a little, okay?” He looked worried and I pulled his head closer, crushing my lips over his before pulling his body closer with my legs. It hurt slightly more than just a little as I felt him pierce my innocence. He held still for a moment until I caught my breath and asked if I was okay. “NO!” He was about to pull out of me when I clamped my legs around his waist. “Don’t stop!” I was out of breath and wishing he would just help me scratch this itch that had been there since the first day I met him! I burned the memory of the huge grin on his face into my brain so I would never forget this moment, but it didn’t last long before he started moving and I was transported to a new level of pleasure. We reached our climaxes a couple of seconds apart and he fell on the bed beside me, pulling me into his arms. “I love you, Theodore,” I whispered, leaving a kiss on his fingers. This was exactly what I hoped it would be. “I love you too, Skye.” He whispered but his voice sounded tired and when I turned to look at him, he was fast asleep. I really loved him. This man that took me in when I was running for my life. I knew it was crazy to say that after just a couple of weeks of knowing him, but I would do anything to keep him safe and make him feel loved for the rest of our lives.
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