Chapter 10

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Sienna's POV I sit on the bed and stare at the sun about to rise and shine. I sigh as I look around. Everything is set. The dress is on the mannequin in my room. The dressing table filled with essentials for the day. Every wall is painted different. Everything is different. We, as in Asher and I, spent the last three weeks witnessing people recover from the tragedy we experienced during the crimson ritual. We had a remembrance party for Avery. She did not have a family so we became her family. At that party, many of the pack members talked about my dad. And how they are coping up with their emotions. No doubt my father was the most loved Gamma ever. My mom, she is trying her best in moving on. She is starting to talk again. She is trying really hard to cope up with a normal life. But some times, she misses her mate too much that she breaks down right then and there. I cannot comment on that, because that is the kind of bond they both shared. A knock on the door startles me and I open it. I see my mother with a smile on her face. I smile back as I hug her so tight. "Haha, good morning to you too" she chirps. I pull away to look at her. Then look outside the window. This is not a dream if I can feel things, right? "What?? I am genuinely excited for my daughter's engagement day" she squeals making me smile wide too. I guess now, I am ready for the day. Mom and I sit on the bed and discuss about various things. She tells me how life will take a turn once I am married. She also tells me that Asher is that kind of guy who would never break my heart. "I am so happy that you chose him over waiting for your mate. It has been 6 years anyway" she says and I nod. Because truly I don't know if I have a mate. Especially when I went to every single pack and still found none. "Not because he is the Alpha, but because I have seen him grown to the man he is now. He is the perfect equation of gentle, kind mixed with fierce and intimidating. Moreover he treats you right. I have noticed that a lot in last two weeks. He is even pausing his Alpha duties to stay with you whenever you feel low. That is not something every Alpha or anyone in the werewolf world does. You chose right" she says again. I smile. I don't know how good of a husband Asher is going to be, but I hope we can have a good bond. Best friends first and couple next. "What are you ladies doing? It's already time!!" Yolanda squeals as she walks into the room. I smile as I look at Yolanda and my mother talk to each other with wide smiles. "Your dad will be smiling too" Hayley says in the back of my head. True. He must be. Because his wife is finally smiling again. With or without him. Maybe that is what love is. "Now, let me help you with the makeup" Yolanda squeals. "Oh boy! You need to shower first" she scrunches her nose making my mom giggle. I roll my eyes with a smile and walk to the shower. I have this feeling, that the good days are on their way. At the same time, I should have this nervousness because it is the day of my engagement. A new step in my life. But I just don't know, my heart is not feeling any of the nervousness or anxiety or whatever. I walk out and I see the ladies still talking about something with excitement. I smile as I tie my robe a little tight. I am now shy all of a sudden. "And now, let us get ready for the most awaited day" mumma squeals making me chuckle. It is lovely to see her this way. If marrying Asher makes her happy, then so be it. She is finally smiling wide and it has been almost a month since I have seen her this way. I sit on a chair and let them do whatever type of make-up they want to. They later help me put on the dress that is sage green coloured with silver beads on it. It looks beautiful! And I look beautiful after wearing it. Yolanda and my mother go on with what they called some touch up and I am sure if not Asher's, I am going to grab some or other's attention. "Asher is ready and already waiting" Ivan shouts from outside the door. Both the ladies roll their eyes at his voice making me chuckle. He is a different kind. He doesn't like mingling and sometimes it gets on Yolanda's nerves. As I prepare to walk out, Yolanda catches me off guard by hugging me. I smile and hug her back. She is making sure she is not messing anything up regarding outfit or my appearance and it is making me smile a little more. "Thank you for doing this. The pack needs this and you both too. Asher started smiling again, thanks to you. I wish you both a long life of happiness" she smiles wide as she pulls away. I nod and look at my mom who is smiling too. Who knew the two kids who always fought with each other, ate together, slept together, did every crazy thing together would be left single and given the option to marry each other? And who knew their wedding could bring so much happiness in all the pack. As if they were all just waiting for that to happen. I exhale deeply and hold my head high. I walk out with confidence oozing in every step that I take. I walk to the backyard and everyone stand up. I thought just the wedding is important. But Asher convinced me that engagement is equally important, considering we will be meeting his business partners tomorrow night. For a dinner, Asher said. He said it would look promising and convincing. But then he also said that he cannot wait for the wedding and to start a new slice of life with me. I don't know how to feel about it. I know it will be all good when I imagine it, but somehow the next step is beyond my imagination. No matter how much I try, I just cannot picture anything after that. Or maybe it is all in my head. I look at Asher and he is dressed in white shirt and black blazer. He is smiling as he looks at me. I smile and slightly nod as I take his hand. We stand before each other and smile at each other. "You look beautiful" He whispers. And for a second, I felt something. That this could happen and we could make this marriage a success. "That was a joke, now pose for the camera" he says instantly making me glare at him. I playfully slap and punch on his arm and back making him laugh. And I am pretty sure the camera captured that and not our smiling faces. The whole crowd laughs at our exchange and it feels nice to hear laughs. I hope my father's soul is here somewhere and his laughter is in the crowd too. I highly hope so. "Thank you everyone, for your presence here on this day. It is not a usual scene where an Alpha and a Gamma's daughter gets engaged even though they aren't mates" Ivan screams and Asher glares at him. I mean, is that necessary to bring that up? Especially when Alphas of many powerful packs are here? Sure they know about it, but why say that out loud when they already know? Yolanda quickly takes the mic from Ivan. And Ivan mutters a sorry to Asher and I before walking down the stage. "What is his problem, even?" Hayley scoffs at the back of my head. I don't answer her as I focus on the event before me right now. Yolanda is a natural when it comes to public appearances. She was a perfect Luna in her times. People would sit and listen to her all day and I really used to love that. Now I wonder if I can be as good as her. "And then, he proposed the love of his life. Of course, who wouldn't fall for such a lovely one like Sienna?! She swept my son off his feet and hey, I am not complaining. Not the typical mother in law" she rolls her eyes making everyone chuckle. Because her words and actions doesn't match. Everyone here got the point that she is just trying to lighten the mood, thanks to Ivan. "I am so glad he chose Sienna. There is no one like her. Hey, Alpha Mark.. have you seen that girl fight?" She asks Alpha Mark of Sundown pack and he nods with a smile and throws his thumbs up in the air. "Sure you must have seen. She just lashes out. Hope not on my son" she whispers the last part making everyone laugh again. Asher chuckles as he looks at me and I playfully glare at him. That has people around me smile too. Of course they know this is all just us being dramatic. "Now getting to the fun part, I am thankful to everyone present here today. You make this event colourful and your blessings are deeply appreciated" she smiles and everyone nods with a smile. "And, my two moon flowers! Get on with it" she says and I look at Asher. I have zero idea on what is the next step or what I must do. I will just follow his lead. He smiles at his mother and looks at me. "Today, is the day I am officially asking Sienna a question that I thought I would never ask" Asher says. He falls on his knee and pulls out a box that I am sure has a ring in it. I look at him and I see his eyes sparkling. I convince myself again that this is the right choice I am making for my life and my pack. "Miss Sienna Jones, would you like to be my companion from now on? I would really like to show you the world and spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up every single day with you by my side and at night, I want to talk to you until we both fall asleep. To make that happen," he pauses and extends the box towards me,"Will you marry me?" The whole crowd goes crazy as soon as Asher asks me the question. They are all already chanting for me to say yes. "Yes!" I say and everyone shouts. I never saw something like this and now, it is finally making my heart go wild. I feel the adrenaline pumping through every vein and I smile wide. I look at my mom and she is laughing with Yolanda and Gregory. She is clapping at the scene before her and throws a flying kiss at me. I look at Asher with wide smile and he opens the box dramatically. But my smile quickly turns into a frown when the box is empty. "Oops" Asher smirks and I knew he did this on purpose. I raise my hand to punch him but he holds my hand before it touches him. He pulls out the ring from his blazer pocket and slips that to my finger that he is already holding. I did not expect, but he places a tender kiss at the back of my hand. The crowd goes wild as they clap, cheer, holler and shout their lungs out. It feels crazy how even Asher's title day wasn't this fun. Maybe because it is a professional kind of event and this is something else. I see even Alphas letting themselves loose and enjoying the event. And I bet there would be no attacks from anyone today. I mean, along with Asher there are almost twelve Alphas present here. Who would dare attack and get killed? Asher smiles as he stands up and places his hands on my waist. I feel sudden rush of emotions and I just stare at him. "Thank you" he whispers. "Why?" I ask him. "For saying yes. For giving us a chance. You don't even know what this means to me" he whispers again. I can still hear the cheers. They are getting calmer but still loud. It was louder but it is just loud now. He smiles wide again and pulls me towards him. He places his lips on mine and Hayley goes crazy in my mind. I don't know if Asher's wolf Dash is the same too. I hear the crowd going wild again. We pull away and I see everyone's face holding just one feeling or emotion. Happiness. The music starts blasting and Asher and I walk down the stage. Everyone starts greeting us and congratulates us while we just smile and thank them. It takes Asher and I two complete hours to greet every person and we only had ten seconds for one person. By the end, I am beyond exhausted. There was lunch buffet already arranged and people are already serving themselves some good food. I don't feel like eating anything. I am just exhausted. I don't know the reason behind it. "Congratulations!!" Yolanda and Gregory says as they walk to Asher and I. "Thanks" Asher and I say in Unison and then smile again. "Ugh! You both just match perfectly. I am so happy" Yolanda says and I see my mother talk to Luna of Blood rain pack. When another Alpha greets Gregory and Yolanda, they quickly walk away leaving Asher and I alone. I smile at Asher and I can clearly say just looking at his face that he is happy. I never knew how this happened, but I still cannot believe it. "I am so happy" he tells me. "I can see that" I smile at him. He holds my cheek and I stare into his blue eyes. He smells like Ocean and his eyes remind me of Ocean too. Maybe it is the whole ambience, the event and everything else.. but I now find Asher attractive. "Don't" he whispers and I realised I am biting my lower lip. I am not that dumb or trying to act innocent type, and I knew what he is trying to say. So I smirk and bite my lip a little harder. I sense his breath getting uneven and it is giving me joy. Okay, so I am sadistic now? He holds my hand and he stands up. I stand up too and we walk down the stage. Everyone keeps asking Asher and I repeatedly about where we are heading but we answer no one. I laugh as Asher rushes inside. He knows my room so he quickly runs to it. Once he pulls me inside, he locks the door and pushes me against the door. His lips land on mine and I instantly react to his kiss. I hold his shirt and pull him closer while still kissing him. Hayley howls in the back of my head and it only fuels my movements. Asher grabs my waist and taps on the back of my thigh. I jump up and he holds me. Perfect skill I wonder how many times he has done with other girls. I moan when he bites my lip and I feel him walking towards my bed. He squeezes my ass before throwing me on my own bed. Asher and I have had s*x just once, and that too when we were totally drunk. But this time, it is going to be sober. And I am going to enjoy every moment of it with my husband to be. I pull him down to me and his lips find my neck. I bury my fingers in his jet black hair and close my eyes getting lost in the adrenaline. Oh, I very well know how today is going to end.
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