Chapter 6

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Sienna's POV I don't hear anything except the buzz in my ears. My body is frozen to the ground as I look at the fire before me and across the woods. "David!!!!" I hear my mother's scream as she cries out loud. My body still stays frozen. I desperately wait for my dad to run out of the fire along with Avery. He was after all trying to help Avery and Agnes. I look at the fire for minutes until I feel Asher's hands around me. "He is going to walk out of it, Ash. I know. I know my dad. He will just come back" I whisper with my eyes still on the wild fire. Asher holds me tighter and I see few tears in his eyes. "He should see the day I become the Gamma. He need to be there for my wedding. We were," I pause slowly starting to feel the reality,"we were supposed to walk down the aisle on my wedding day" My voice starts to crack when there is no sign of my father. "He.. he," I try finding words but somehow, I don't find my voice too. I close my eyes letting all my tears roll down my cheeks. I hold Asher back and cry out loud. I then open my eyes and find mom still crying while she is looking at the fire. I walk to her and hug her. We hold each other as we experience the greatest loss of our lives. It must be harder on my mom, she is also experiencing the mate bond collapsing within her. "I cannot feel the mate bond anymore" she whispers as she looks at the fire. We all sit there grieving. The pack lost its Gamma. I lost my father. My mother lost a major piece of her world. And we are all crying knowing the fact that he cannot walk out of it now. It takes an hour for the fire to stop. And all we have left, are the ashes. Of my father, my friend Avery and witch Elder Agnes. All the pack members walk to the other side of the borders and into the pack. But my mom, Asher and I are still on this side. Unable to believe the reality. I look at my mother who is staring into space with tears in her eyes. If I stay the same way, then she will only grow weaker. I need to become her strength. I need to stand beside her and help her get through this. "Mumma" I whisper as I throw my arms around her. I help her stand up and we all walk into the pack. Asher walks into the ashes to retrieve any bones left and he sends few to the hospital labs to test and match with the DNA. We all walk to the clearing with heavy hearts. "Tonight, we lost a few of our people. Our family. But the biggest and unfortunate loss is the loss of our Gamma" Asher screams as he addresses my father. Asher's parents walk to my mother and I let them have some space. They have been best friends longer than my existence. But I did not expect Ivan to stand beside me with his left arm around me pulling me closer to him. "It's okay to cry. You don't have to be the strong one all the time" he whispers. And I feel another tear roll down my cheek. I bury my face in his chest as I cry all I want. I just lost my dad and I did not even get to say good bye. Ivan stands still with his hand tapping my back. He lets me cry all I want and once I pull back wiping my tears, he gives me a sad smile that I don't return. The pack's doctor George talks to Asher about something. And Asher looks at me as he holds a container of Ashes. They must be the results. The ash and what little bones left are my father's. "We are able to retrieve remains of our Gamma David Jones. But the remains of both the witches are too damaged and dissolved to even find. Such an unfortunate day," I hear Asher. And I know he is trying his best not to break down right now. He and my father are close. Were. I need to start using past tense and my heart is aching just reminding the fact that I lost my father. Asher then walks to my mother and gives her the remains of my father that makes her cry again. I see a lone tear rolling down Asher's cheek and he holds my mother as she cries along with him. It is dark now and I follow Asher to his home. I don't want to go to my home. My mother chose to stay alone for a while and we all let her be. "Sweetie," Asher's mom Yolanda calls me. She gives me a black dress that probably runs till my knees and I take that with shaky hands. Funeral. We are going to have a funeral for my dad. Ever since I can remember, I had so many fake scenarios in my head. I pictured the day I meet my mate. I pictured the day I take the Gamma title from my father. I pictured the day I marry my mate. I pictured the day I take my father on a tour when he retires as a Gamma. I pictured holding my father's hand as he grows old. I pictured clicking pictures of my mother and father as they play with my children. I pictured so many in my head but never a day like this. I walk to the guest room and I collapse on floor as soon as I enter it. I close my eyes and see my father. I recall the day he smiled when I won my first combat. I recall the moments he kissed my forehead telling me how much he loves me. I recall the times we watched football screaming at the tv. I recall all the good memories and I cry a little more. "Sia?" Asher's voice rings in my head. I cry again as I hear that name. The day my dad told little Asher that I have a name and that is Sienna, he was too little to call me with that complex name so he called me Sia. And before that he always called me Satan. He says Sia, Sienna and Satan are just synonyms and convinces everyone because they all start with letter S. "Please don't cry" he says again. This stupid mindlink. "I know it's easier said than done. And I know the mindlink must be hurting considering the situation. But remember that your mother needs you. Remember that you need to stay strong. If you want to cry and let it all out, I will always be there for you, Sia. But please stand again for your mom. Right now all she has is you" Asher tells me and closes the mindlink again. I cry for a couple minutes and wipe my tears away as I walk to the shower. I dress myself in black and walk out. Everyone are already waiting. My mother is on the middle of the couch with Asher on one side and Yolanda on the other. She looks lifeless. Yolanda stands when she notices me and I sit beside my mom who is also dressed in black. Mom looks at me and nods. I nod back. I don't know for what, but I just want to stand beside her. We all walk to the burial grounds and I did not know how time passed. It is now early in the morning with the sun about to rise. Asher carries on with the speech of remembrance. Then Yolanda and Gregory follow. Everyone talks about my father and mentions him as the perfect man. My mom and I stand there hearing every word and playing incidents accordingly in our own minds. I still refuse to believe that I lost my dad. This cannot be. It is either a dream or a sick joke someone is cracking. "Gamma Female, Michelle Jones" Philip Carter, the former Beta calls my mother. And she walks ever so slowly. She starts talking about how amazing man my dad was. How he loved being the Gamma to this pack. And how he loved every single one of the pack members. I try my best not to break down again. Asher holds my hand and I hold his hand so tight. As if my whole life is dependent on it. We walk forward. And I know Asher is only helping me not to fall. I highly appreciate his help. Also right now, I don't think what the world might think of Asher and I. I need him at this stage. "Thank you everyone for the kind words you spoke of my dad, your Gamma. True that he always loved every one of you. And I see you all loved him back. Your tears scream your love to him. Thank you so much. He is at a better place. Let us all hope so. And let us move forward and let him stay alive in our thoughts and hearts. Thanks again" I smile at them. Asher squeezes my hand and smiles at me. His version of saying that I did well. My mom then places the clay container that has my father's ashes and bones. She places one last kiss to the container and the coffin is buried in the pack lands amidst all the respect and love. Mumma and I had to stay back and greet people. After a while, I just couldn't. "It's okay. Not many are left. You can leave if you want to" Mom says as she smiles at someone who bows her as they leave. I nod and I turn around. Indeed not many left and Asher's parents are with my mother. So I start walking towards the place only Asher and I know. Ivan too, but he doesn't come there. We used to hide there all day long when we were kids. I climb up the tree and walk into the tree house. Not a tiny one, of course. As we grew, the house grew in size too. Asher made sure this house has everything. I throw myself on the soft mattress. There is no bed, of course. Only the mattress and that works perfectly fine too. In fact I like this better than that. "I miss you dad" I whisper so low. The fact that I would go home in a few hours and won't be welcomed by my dad sitting on couch smiling at some lame joke mom says. The fact that I cannot go to walk after dinner alone. The fact that I cannot hug my dad once more, it is starting to get heavy and I let it all out. "I would give anything right now to bring you back. At least one last good bye" I say again with my face buried deep in the pillow. I cry all I want. Because I made my mind up. Once I step out of this tree house, I am not going to cry again. I need to stay strong. For this pack. For my mom. For the roll of Gamma. I hear the wooden floor creek and I know it must be Asher. "Are you okay?" He asks me and I shake my head with my face still buried into the pillow. He doesn't say anything again and just sits on the mattress beside me. I then place my head on his lap and feel the familiar warmth. "You did great today" he whispers. I don't say anything. I just lay there that way as Asher pats my head and plays with my hair telling me how strong I am. But I don't understand what part of me is strong. Yes, I fight and I can kill people with no remorse. But when it comes to emotional rollercoaster, it took me my father's death to know that deep down I am vulnerable. "You fought like a badass. You killed few of our enemies. You stood with Avery. You witnessed the loss of your father. You stood again. You spoke about him well. You are mourning in your own way. I wish you could see how amazingly well you are doing right now" he whispers. I look at him and his eyes are soft towards me. Probably I have never seen Asher look at me this way. We are always teasing, having fun and laughing but not this way. "We lost Avery too" I whisper. Asher nods. "True that I did not like her liking me. But her death is still harsh on me. She was my friend too" he says. "She was planning on asking you out on a date once the ritual finishes" I tell him. "What?" "She told me about it yesterday night. She was excited. She was so sure you would not let her down because to you, Friendship matters too. She had a whole life planned ahead, Asher. With and without you" I tell him. Silence fills the space and no one talks a word. Who knows when would be their last day on earth. Avery had plans to ask Asher on date. My father and I planned to cook breakfast for mom this morning since it is Sunday and we intend on giving her a break for a day. Witch Elder Agnes probably had plans with her own family too. I finally sit up and I see the sun is up. Time is not going to stand still. The sun rises and sets. Days pass and seasons too. I need to keep my dad in my heart as I move forward. Because one thing I am sure of, is he would not like it if I stop at a random point. "I'll drop you at home" he tells me and I narrow my eyes at him. "Where will you be going to?" I ask him. "To the Phoenix Fire Coven. Something somewhere went terribly wrong. Two witches and a Gamma lost their lives. I need to know the reason" he says and I nod. Something somewhere indeed went terribly wrong. If Asher is going to find the reason my father had to die saving two witches, then I guess thay gives me my own reason to join him. "Let me tag along" I say and he just stares at me. "Save your energy for lectures. You'll be needing that later" I say as I throw my hair into a messy bun. I walk outside and down the tree with Asher following me silently. I sit in his car and see everyone look at me and feel pity. I roll the windows up and since the glass is tinted, no one has to bother now. I close my eyes and exhale deeply. Crying sucked every last bit of energy in me. Because I fell asleep as soon as I close my eyes and in that deep sleep, I saw the child version of me having tea party with my father sitting with me and complimenting the imaginary tea that I brewed.
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