Chapter 4

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Anna "Will you ever learn to knock before entering Ms. Steele," he said rudely. I don't get why all good-looking guys are assholes. Suppressing a groan, I spoke "Sorry, I will keep that in mind for next time", does he always has a stick up his ass, even early in the morning. Being professional with him without an outburst will be a hell of a task. "Take a seat," he said without looking up from his laptop, and I walked up with my full focus on my heels. I don't know why wearing heels is part of professional behavior, even when you are giving an interview for a nanny. I mean shouldn't the dress code be the most comfortable clothes, like a sweater and jeans with sports shoes so that you can run behind the kids. Gladly I made it to the chair without falling and if Clare had seen me she would have given me an oscar for successfully hiding my clumsiness. But my happiness didn't last long. As I looked up at his face, he didn't try to hide how frustrated he was by my slow walk. Breaking the awkwardness, I said, "Sir, my resume." and put the paper on the table. "I have already read it. I called you for the 2nd interview because I saw that you actually care about children. " "Yes, I do." That was completely true. "He is not like other children, he is very shy and doesn't talk much", concern was all over his face. He actually cares about the kid. It made him look more human. "Was he always like this or did it happen suddenly that he started speaking less?" "You don't know, it was all over the news," he said, looking directly into my eyes, and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. "No, what are you talking about?" "About the plane crash of 20 August last year. In that crash, Liam lost both his parents and his grandfather." "Oh..uhm" I could feel my eyes getting watery, I felt so sorry for that little kid. No one better than me knows how much that hurts. "I don't need your fake tears or sympathy, Mr. Steele. I need to know if you could help him get out of this trauma, otherwise, you can simply leave, saving us both time." "I will do it. Yes, I think I know what he is experiencing." I replied trying my best to keep my voice stable. "How can you be so sure?" "I lost my parents in a car crash when I was young too." I saw guilt in his eyes but it was gone in a flash and his hard cold eyes were back. I continued "I was six years old, it was my birthday and I refused to celebrate it till I got the barbie cake. So my parents went to get one and I kept waiting for them at the doorstep." I paused to get a hold of my emotion. "But they never came back" he completed for me. "Yes" I sighed, it had been more than 15 years. Still, the pain comes back with the same intensity every time I think about them. "Okay, I will give you this job. Your salary will be 25,000" "Nice try to make me laugh," I said with a small chuckle. "What? I told you this once on the phone yesterday and I am repeating myself now. I don't joke." "Oh, earlier it was 10,000, which was already way above the usual." "Yes I know, I increased it because I want you to stay here and take care of him the whole time. Of course, until you start your college, then time can be adjusted." Is he for real, he wants me to stay here at this palace and for that, he will pay me 15000 extra. Am I dreaming or something? "And my duties will be limited to taking care of Liam?" "Yes, all other facilities like food, laundry, and cleaning, etc will be provided for. So what's your decision?" "Okay" was all I could say and the rest all happened so fast. He gave me the number of a guy who would help me move in and with that, I left his office. Walking toward my house, I realized how my life changed completely in an hour. An hour back, I was jobless, almost homeless, and covered with student loans up to the neck. Now I have a job that pays f*****g 25000, I get to live in a palace and soon I will be able to save enough to pay even my next year's college fees. It took me a good 30 minutes to make Clare believe that I was neither lying nor hallucinating. I had to show her the email that I received for the job to calm her down. Then I started packing because Mark the guy, Mr. Walton gave me the number of will be here in the evening. It was quite easy because I didn't have much to pack. Around 5, the doorbell rang. I hurried to open the gate. "Hey, I am Mark," said a guy in a black suit. Seriously, even his employees look like they are all part-time models. At least he wasn't rude. "Hey, I am Anna, Anna Steele." we shook each hands. "Are you ready to leave?" "Yes, I will get all my stuff." "Oh, please allow me." and he is a gentleman. If only I had found him attractive, like Mr. Walton, but seems like I only have a thing for the rude, arrogant guy. "That's all?" he looked up at me confused. "Yeah, I don't believe in collecting worldly possessions," I said, mimicking an old saint, and we both laughed. The ride to the palace was good. Mark is very funny and I am glad to make a new friend already. The best part is that our music taste matches. We were laughing like idiots by the time I was walking behind Mark entering the house when Mark suddenly stopped and I bumped into him. I looked up to see the same pair of cold eyes staring at me. "If you guys are done, I would like you, Ms. Steele to meet Liam, while Mark you can hand over her belonging to Martha," he said with such an authoritative tone, leaving no room for argument. So I followed him while Mark gave me a sympathetic smile.
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