Chapter 3

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I should leave. I should definitely leave before I try and f**k both of them. I was already picturing how to make it accidentally happen. Tripping might work, I could fall into Chet's lap and offer my ass to Kyler. Oh noo, my pants fell down when I fell and my ass is out, please don't double penetrate me. Or I could be bold about it, bending over the nearest surface while shaking my ass. You let me stay the night, it's the least I could do to repay you.. Maybe Kyler would like the mock innocence.  I, sadly, didn't allow these thoughts to linger long. As soon as I saw Chet, I felt bad that I spent the past ten minutes wondering how big his d**k was. I bet he's hung. I didn't feel as awkward as I thought I would. I honestly never even planned to stay. As soon as we got here, I planned to drop him off and turn around. If I hadn't thought he was staring at me so much at the bar because he wanted to f**k, I wouldn't have even talked to him in the first place. It's not like I could exactly take it back and tonight's been fun, so I didn't regret it, but I didn't exactly want to stay the night at some guy's place that I just met. He seems like the type to want a few dates before f*****g. I wasn't one of the guys who 'didn't do relationships' but if Chet was as interested in me as he seems, then I planned to go about it in a different way. Though, as I saw him beam at something Kyler said, I was starting to question if he was actually interested in me. Attracted to me? Sure, but seeing Chet look at Kyler like the sun shines out of his ass, I was starting to think he might just be interested in him. As I thought about it more, it made sense. I should've started to question it when he told me what type of underwear his roommate buys and how he bought the same pair the next day. Half the conversation we had was about his roommate, even when it wasn't, he somehow managed to bring him up. Sitting back against their couch, I tried to unnoticeably watch Kyler. Does he like guys? God, I hope so. Chet had managed to easily coax Kyler out of his room. He was, sadly, wearing proper clothes now. Still, I stared longingly at his defined chest that I saw naked only an hour ago. Please strip. Wait- he's probably hung too. Before I could think of another scenario to see their d***s, I pushed the perverted thoughts away. You're twenty five, please stop acting like a teenager that just discovered p**n. They're so f*****g hot though, I couldn't help it, and I haven't f****d someone in weeks. That's not an excuse- "-Rylan?" I felt my leg jerk when I felt Chet tap it. My head turned to him to see them both staring at me. This is what you f*****g get for day dreaming about d**k again- "What?" "Kyler's going to his room again." He's sulking, I noticed. It was subtle and almost unnoticeable but he's pouting. "Do you wanna sleep now?" This is the chance I've been waiting for. I wasn't sure how to tell him I wasn't staying the night and that I found it a little weird to stay if we weren't f*****g- but I wasn't sure how. He looked so happy for me to stay. "Yeah, sure." What the f**k?? Chet's ears perked happily before looking back to Kyler. "We'll be quiet, promise." He nodded to himself, showing how serious he was. "Not a peep." Why did I say that?? Kyler stood up and grabbed his phone from the coffee table. "Not a peep, huh? I better not hear any headboard's banging then~" As expected, he went positively pink and quickly shook his head. "Just sleep. We're not-" Chet glanced at me, surely trying to be secretive, and went even pinker, "-You have to go on dates before that." "Be sure to take him somewhere nice then." Kyler reached out and ruffled Chet's hair, making his ears twitch happily. "I already said I would." "When's that gonna be? You've been promising to take me out for weeks~" He teased lightheartedly. "I don't have money." He huffed softly. "And I said that because my friends kept coming over and eating your food. They haven't been over for a while so I don't think I have to anymore." "You already promised, you can't take it back~" Kyler threw a dismissive hand over his shoulder as he headed back to his room. Chet watched him go with that subtle pout still set on his lips. He's definitely interested in him, there's no way he's not. Fuck, I mentally sighed. Now I have to try and make him more interested in me, but how? Kyler is so f*****g hot, I'd like him too if he were my roommate. Kyler stuck his head out his room, making his long hair dangle over his shoulder, and looked at me. "Sorry, I forgot~ Have a good night and get home safe tomorrow. I'll probably be gone by the time you wake up." Good night, huh? He thinks I'm trying to bang his virgin roomie and he tells me to have a good night? He probably thinks I'm younger him, considering the way he's been talking to me since I got here. Chet mainly filled the conversation after he coaxed Kyler out of his room, but the few times he's said something, it's been giving me playful uncle vibes. "Not a peep, Chet." "We're not!" After his door clicked shut, Chet turned back to me. He stared at me for a moment as his ears lowered. "..We're not, right?" He looks like a kicked puppy. "Not if you don't want~" It's cute to tease him, especially when he flushed so prettily. "You-" his lips parted, "you wanted to?" I stood up and shrugged. "Not tonight." He quickly stood up and I had to crane my neck to look at him. "Another night?" He sounds awfully eager, I couldn't help but notice with a faint smirk. Well, he is a virgin. He's probably thought about his first time for a while. "Maybe after you take me on a date." He stared at me for a moment before quickly nodding. "Date!" He's flustered. "Yes, a date! That's what people do when..." He trailed off, "Okay, I'll take you on a date." He didn't wait for my response before he started stalking off down the hall, surely to his room. Pfft. "It better be somewhere nice~ Just like Kyler said." "Oh!" He suddenly stopped and his ears perked. "We can all go! Since I have to take him somewhere nice, and I have to take you somewhere nice, then we can all go. I don't know if I can afford two nice places." We can all go, huh? He's making it really hard to try and not get his roommate into a threesome. Noticing where his room was, I grabbed him by the belt loop and started guiding him with me. "I like ramen." "Ramen?" "Mhm, while I wait for you to get a job, right?" "Oh yeah." He mumbled in thought, suddenly remembering his earlier words from the park. "I'll make you ramen then, however much you want." My lips twitched up, not able to help myself, as I closed the door to his room. "You might wanna stop making promises so easily~ Soon, you'll be taking everyone out somewhere." "No." He shook his head and plopped down on his bed. "I only wanna take you." Then he thought about it for a moment. "Maybe Kyler can come once." "Just once?" I teased as I looked around his room. "Maybe twice. It depends how much he makes me exercise that day." - "You leaving?" "Holy f*****g s**t-" I could feel my soul leave my body when I heard a voice behind me. Turning around, I saw the balcony doors wide open while Kyler leaned against the railing. He was smoking, hand brought up to his lips and hiding how his lips twitched up when he saw me almost s**t myself. I had barely shut the door to Chet's room and was ready to creep out quietly, I hadn't expected him to be awake, nonetheless not in his room. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Yeah, he looks real f*****g sorry, I thought dully. Ah, he's not wearing a shirt again. I greedily drank in the sight before focusing again. I watched him for a moment, unsure about what to say. He stared back silently, as if assessing me, and blew some smoke off to the side. It probably looks like I'm sneaking out, huh? I mean- I am, but I was gonna send him a text that something came up. He would probably even think I left in the morning, right before he woke up. When Chet fell asleep, it became even more weird for me to stay. He wants to go out on dates? I'd be more than happy to, but it feels rushed to stay the night right when we met. I couldn't fall asleep no matter how long I stared at his ceiling. It wasn't the floor or his soft snoring that was uncomfortable, it was the rushed situation that I didn't want to be in. I'd rather be at home in my own bed, as sweet as he was, I felt uncomfortable. "You can leave, I don't care." He finally shrugged, probably noticing my internal conflict. I couldn't tell you why, but I stepped onto the balcony with him and plopped down on one of the seats. He watched me, dark eyes following my movements until finally settling on my face. He's just my type too, I couldn't help but stare at him, not being able to do is so openly before. He's really f*****g hot. I eyed the cigarette in his hand and he must've noticed. "Do you smoke?" He looked ready to offer me one. "I quit." It's been eight months since my last cigarette and I still felt like I was going through withdrawals sometimes. My hand itched to hold my lighter but I left it in my jean jacket that was currently draped over his couch. He let out a low hum and started blowing his smoke away from me, but he didn't stop. I didn't expect him to, I came out here and he's not responsible from keeping me from spiraling again. "I'm trying to quit." Chet vaguely mentioned that. "I try to only do it at night now. It helps that Chet hates it." A personal trainer smoking, huh? "Yeah, he mentioned something about that." "He's talking about me again, huh?" He didn't seem all that surprised, looking fond even. "He didn't say anything bad." I leaned back in the chair and his eyes flicked over me again, giving me an almost unnoticeable once over. "But yeah, he talked about you a bit. I was surprised when he told me that he only moved in a month ago." He sounds like he idolizes this guy. It became even more apparent after watching them interact, even if it wasn't for long. "Did he really say that?" Kyler laughed softly. "It's been three months." "That makes more sense." "Y'know," he blew his smoke off to the side, "it's been three months and you're the first human he's brought over. He has these hybrid friends that come over sometimes but I've never seen someone else." "Should I feel special~? He shrugged. "He's gonna be upset when he notices you're gone." What happened to him not caring? "I'll just tell him something came up." I know it was dickish to leave, especially after how excited he was, okay I know. "Does he usually talk to strangers?" "Talk? All the time. He doesn't ever try to f**k them though." I raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think we f****d?" "I don't," he denied, "you just don't look like the type to come over for a slice of cake. Plus, I didn't hear any headboards against my wall." I wanted to say the same for him but held my tongue. It'd probably come across as flirty and might give him the wrong idea. Though- I might wanna give him that idea. If I had met this man first, I don't doubt that I would've tried to get him to take me home. He was hot, just my type, and looked like he'd talk me up just as much. He's been giving me these little looks, only every now and then and they were pretty subtle, but I could tell he liked my appearance. He didn't make it obvious, which I was thankful for. If he made it obvious he wanted to f**k me, I might let him. I wasn't a complete douche though, so I pretended to not notice. I was already sneaking out of Chet's house, I wasn't about to f**k his roommate after kissing him, no matter how hot said roommate was. Chet seems interested in him though. Maybe a threesome was possible..? No, I quickly pushed the thought away. Stop thinking impure thoughts. "I like cake." Is what I settled for, instead of telling him I wanted to bone him and his roommate. "And he said he'd make me some special ramen." "With egg?" "That's the one." I hummed in confirmation. "He must really like you then." He tapped his ashes onto an ashtray resting on the railing. "It's very exclusive around here, you have to know the right people to get it." Despite myself, my lips twitched up. "That's too bad, I had cake instead." He's staring again. "Oh? I could make you some, egg and everything." They both stare a lot. Chet's staring was tolerable, his curious gaze didn't bother me at all. But this guy, he looked like he wanted to eat me. "Maybe next time," I brushed off, not sure if he was flirting or not but not willing to find out, "I'm a little full." If he is flirting, I might flirt back so it's best not to find out. "Next time, huh?" He mused, suddenly showing some interest. "How old are you?" "25." His eyebrows raised. "Really? I thought you'd be around Chet's age." "Nope, he thinks I'm some old man~" He made a thoughtful noise and gave me a more obvious up and down. If he looks at me like that again I'm gonna- "I'm 25 too." He seems like it, there's an air of maturity around him that I felt like I was lacking, "It's just you two living here, right?" I'd noticed earlier and was curious. "It's pretty big." "Yeah," he nodded, "there's two empty rooms. I'm still looking for another roommate. Chet's been the only one to sign a contract though." "It looks like a nice place, is there something wrong with it?" "No," he waved off, "it's a little expensive though." "Isn't Chet a broke college student?" "He's getting a job soon so I don't make him pay full price right now." Oh? Definitely cool uncle vibes. My eyebrows went up. "You pay for most of it yourself?" For three months? "Yeah, I'm pretty fuckin' broke right now." He chuckled but I heard the pain behind it. Me too. I made a thoughtful noise. Would it be weird- "So you're looking for someone right now?" "Mhm. Why?" He suddenly looked over eagerly. "Are you interested?" "Not me, sorry." I chuckled when he leaned back against the railing with a sulky look. "My roommate's about to move out since the rent is a little high at our place, and he's been looking for somewhere else." It shouldn't be weird to ask, right? "Where do you live?" His head c****d. "Tuscany." He whistled lowly. "The rent should be a lot cheaper here then. You wouldn't mind asking him?" "Not at all," Lucas better kiss my ass after this, "he's been pretty desperate for a place that's still close to our job so this is really good." "Where do you work?" "I'm a bartender down at The Lounge." "Oh yeah, that's close." He's probably been there, most locals have. "Thanks so much, even if he's not interested, it means a lot." "You'd be helping him more than he's helping you." I waved off, not liking how he was thanking me. "Can I have your number?" It didn't register that this might come across as flirty but he was already nodding while pulling his phone out. It's just for Lucas, it's fine. "Alright." I stood up after handing him his phone back, suddenly feeling like I spent way too much time out here with him. "I'm gonna go." I stole another glance at his chest, not able to help myself, one look for the road. "Did you walk?" "Yeah." For a moment, he looked he like he was gonna offer to drive me but let out a soft hum instead, seeming to decide against it. I was grateful, not wanting to reject the offer but I would've. Coming home with Chet and leaving with his roommate didn't sit right with me. "I'm gonna text him, I'm not just ditching him." I don't know why I felt the need to explain to his roommate why I was basically sneaking out, but I did. Kyler stared down at me, heavy eyes settling on my face again. "You don't need to explain." His words seemed genuine, probably trying to understand why I was leaving. Just as I was about to turn around, Kyler's eyes flicked behind me and I heard a door creak. Fuck- Chet stumbled out of his room, hair a mess and eyes squinted with sleep. "Where-" He looked over and blinked at us after smelling the smoke. His tail started wagging and his ears perked for a moment before stopping. "..Are you leaving?" He already sounded upset from just the thought, making me feel bad. "Um.." My eyes trailed to Kyler as he lifted his cigarette to his lips, silently showing me he wasn't gonna offer any help. "I left something at work and need to get it, sorry it couldn't wait." I apologized, feeling bad but still unwilling to spend the night at their place. Usually the time would be weird but bartending had me working until 4am sometimes. "Oh," his ears perked back up after hearing my explanation, "it's okay. Should I walk you?" f**k- he's too nice. "No, no. It's okay, you should go back to sleep." I urged. "Are you sure?" His head tilted like a confused puppy. "Kyler has a car, he could drive you if you asked." "Yeah." Kyler agreed while looking down at me, dark eyes wandering past my face again. "I could." He keeps staring- "I'm alright." I stared at him dully since he already knew I didn't want one. "But thanks." Chet's ears twitched when the wind picked up. "I'll walk you to the door at least." He nodded deeply, mostly to himself. f**k- I feel bad, he's too nice. As I followed him towards the door, I could feel Kyler staring at me. His eyes felt extremely heavy as he leaned against the railing with his cigarette. He's staring at my ass. I glanced at him over my shoulder and saw him drag eyes up to meet mine. He didn't even hide the fact they he was, but he at least had the decency to look at little sheepish as he hid his smile with his cigarette. "See you~" Fuck- his smile's really cute. What is it about guys bigger than me that turns me into a w***e?
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