A Team Addition

1361 Words
Jewel's POV We had been here three days at Linzi's house. My brother, Tau, and even Mike are not impressed by who they set up as our detail. I have been able to kick all their asses. I know they are strong and would do well against some Southern wolves but should the dragons come they won't help. The dragons would flick them off like flies. "I have a morning announcement," Linzi spoke at her place from the table. "I have called in one of my elder sons." She glanced in disapproval of the ones to her right. "He will be taking training for these as the rest of you have already built a strong training system working for you. He will train these and help protect them in the process." She glanced at Mortou. I did as well. He lifted his eyebrow and mouthed the word "who." "I have called Maxwell." Everyone sucked in a breath as she dropped the name on the wind. Well ok, my brother, Tau, and I didn't have a clue who this new guy was. "It will be an honor to fight beside him." Mike bowed his head low before going back to his food. "Dumb question," I started leaning down to look at Linzi then at Mortou. "Who is he?" Mortou looked shell-shocked. "How did you find him?" He looked at Linzi. "A momma can always find her cubs. We need his help." She shrugged. Going back to own plate. "To answer your dumb question little girl," it was Leon who sneered over his plate at me. "Maxwell is the oldest now since your dad killed Barrington those years back." There was a growl in his words. "I had no hand in that, he was coming to kill my father and mother with his witch mate," I growled louder. "Mortou was there." I slammed my fork down and stood. "I agree with Mortou that Barrington was no longer on the side of light." Linzi's words were calm and crisp. "It is a shame, but we can only teach so much. If they fall to darkness then we must do as needed." "That was your son!" Leon slapped his hand on the table and stood. His eyes had gone black, as his wolf surfaced. "He was, but he chose darkness, not light. I would agree with Mortou again if I had to." Her voice was still calm until she looked up. Her eyes were blending the browns and gold once again. Her canines had elongated, "sit down pup and calm down." Linzi closed her eyes taking deep breaths. When she opened them, she sighed and added. "He will be here in time for training. Now let's eat up." I looked at Hawk, then at Tau, I did not like Leon's response. I was not sure how powerful Maxwell was but based on Mike's comment he had to be way more than the ones in front of us. ************** All of us were on the field doing our warm-ups. Hawk, Tau, and I had had a mini conversation about Leon and this Maxwell. We all agreed to watch them both closely. Wolves especially Southern wolves are linked so closely to the family they feel the loss of each member. They will spend their days hunting for the person who ended them. If one member cannot another replaces it until the job is done. In that, they are different than pack wolves, and rogues. Leon's reaction struck a nerve in me that made Akasa and Tys both question his loyalty to us. Tau wanted to have Logan and Mike watch him as well. Tiffany and Lory both agreed to keep their eyes out and listen when we got to the Castle. The motor of another motorcycle rumbled in the distance. I saw long brown hair pulled back, tribal tattoos cover the arms of the man on the bike. He had wide shoulders like Mortou and my dad. Brown stubble matched the brow of his hair. He was wearing aviator shades and you could not see his eyes. Leon, Maverick, and the twins headed straight to him. I noticed Hawk and Tau flanked me. I watched all of them chat a moment among themselves as the man Maxwell stood well above the others. He took his shades off to show his mother's eyes encircled by dark lashes. Mortou and Linzi met him on the field as he walked with his brothers behind him. "Son," Mortou grunted. As eyed him closely. His face the stoic mask he carries for everyone not in his circle. That surprised me. Was their relationship strained because of what happened with Barrington? "Thank you for coming." Linzi smiled at him. A proud look in her eyes. "I came, doesn't mean I will help." His voice gravely as he eyed us. "You the Queen?" He flicked his glasses in my direction. "I am." I could sense his danger but compared to my Uncle Hawk he was nothing. "I will check your training first, you will likely need the most work," he huffed shrugging of his tank and throwing his sunglasses to Leon. Hawk took a step toward him. I placed my hand on his chest to stop him. If it looks like he plans to harm me then do as you must. I spoke in mind link. "Jewel." Tau touched my elbow. "If you see intent then stop it. I know Mortou will." I used my eyes to have Tau look at Mortou who stood loose and ready to brawl. Tau saw it too. I stepped onto the field, rolling my shoulders and cracking my neck. A bad habit I picked up from dad. "How long have you been training?" Maxwell asked as he eyed me. "Since she was 10, by a 5,000-year-old Vampire." Leon yipped like an excited schoolboy about to watch a fight. "She also trained with me." Grunted Mortou. Maxwell's head jerked to his father. You could see, some animosity between them. It must be over Barrington. I watched Maxwell, closely. Letting Akasa's strength and eyesight help me. Maxwell charged, I managed to sidestep him like my brother had done Maverick. "Your a fast little thing," He said casually lifting an eyebrow. I said nothing just focused on his muscles and where he was going to go. He charged then changed direction faster than he had moved before. I was just that much faster. He missed grabbing me, as I spun low and slammed all my force into the curve of his bent knee. He toppled to the side but caught himself. "Sneaky and smart." He nodded as he lunged again. I was not expecting that but, last minute I wiggled out and slipped out of his grasp before he could get a solid hold. He is trying to wear you down. Hawk said in my head. So be it. I growled. This time, I charged him, he went to grab like most do, knowing I am small and they are bigger. I used his hands to jump off as I laid a knee to his temple. He floated to the ground with a thump. "f**k me," Leon's eyes were wide looking between Maxwell and me. "No thanks." I walked back to Hawk and Tau. Hawk high-fived me while Tau gave me a low five. Mortou walked over to his son, using his barefoot he shoved his shoulder. "How was the nap?" He smirked. "An interesting turn of events." There was respect in his eyes when he looked back at us. He gave a tilt of his head in salute to me. "The others just as good?" He looked back at Mortou. "Two of them have won against me." Mortou looked back at us with pride. 'Should have mentioned that," Maxwell rub his head as he walked closer to us. Holding out his hand he, "You guys can call me Max." Tau grasped it and shook, "Nice to meet you, Max." Hawk followed, with the next handshake as did the rest of us. He turned to his brothers who greeted him earlier. "Now let's see what you have in training." He grunted.
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