Birthday Blues (2)

1136 Words
Tau's POV I am standing at the bottom of the stairs as she walks in. The woman is an angel. If I could and I wasn't what I was, I would profess my undying love on the spot. Hell, I would grovel at her feet. But I cannot. As a Griffin, I must complete the burden of the tasks assigned to me. Then I am free to claim my mate. It is a shitty circumstance but it is one I have to do. I cannot let her know I care. I do not want to be like Tvso. When my tasks are complete I will be able to know my true mate not before. Her brother Hawk has been on my ass. He knows I have feelings for her. He knows I run the risk of dying in my second task. He does not want me to break her heart. I don't want to break her heart. So, I keep my distance, just watching. I never engage. I don't have to. I am merely her guard. I will be just that. The wolf king has told me about the time she was kidnapped, arranged marriages were thrown at her. All sorts of chaos when she stepped foot in that kingdom. She will need my help in creating wards for dragon protection. Her brother in my absence will be fine keeping them away. It is uncanny how well he can fight a dragon let alone the size of his wolf is near the size of my griffin. He is meant for far more than just a beta. I have a feeling he will be part of supernatural history. As to what I am not sure. I am watching the angel walk the room, chatting with people and smiling. I can tell it's fake. Her real smile is much more beautiful. I watch as she sneaks glances my way. I love the fact she does that. But I have to remain stoic. I can't show it. Keeping my impassive face sucks. I want to grin right back at her. I watch her dance we many different men, always she has her fake smile while she chats. Every so often she will look my way. I will raise an eyebrow as if to say you need help. She will shake her head slightly in response. This is what we agreed to. I would step in if she needed me. I watch some of the unmated alphas dance with her. They frown as there are no sparks. No hint at connection. It makes me smile inwardly. The longer she goes without finding sparks the more she maybe meant for me. Well, that is my hope anyway. "Why haven't you danced with her tonight?" Mortou's baritone voice hit my ear. I turned to see him with raised brow eyeing me. "I am on duty." I shrugged. "Not my place to be dancing with the future Queen I protect." "That is horse s**t and you know it." Grunted Mortou. "King Joe did all he wanted to get his Queen." He finished with a growl. "I don't know if we are true mates." I shrugged. "I will not be another Tvso," I responded. "Understood." He nodded in agreement. "Yet, I still think you and her are fated." His grumpy voice made me smile. "Plus I would have to deal with her brother." I shook my head. "We already fight enough as it is." I glanced at the young man in question. His eyes trained protectively on his sister. "Agreed." Mortou nodded. "I will just watch from the sidelines. When my second task is complete I will come back and see if she is my mate." I shrugged. All I could do was wait. It f*****g sucked but there it is. "That is a lot of waiting." Mortou raised a brow. "Yeah, it is." I nodded in agreement. I watched more guys dance with her. She stopped and headed to the deck outside. Her brother followed her out there. I did not need to. I stood at the door to the patio watching the crowd. I noticed some odd looks from a few of the men and one fellow (one of the ones she danced with) did try to go out there. I just gave him a look and shook my head at him. My all-black suit with a wired ear let them know I was security. I matched Mortou and the others around the outskirts of the floor. I did not hear talking behind me so I assumed they were chatting in mind link. They did that often. Even earlier when they came down the stairs. I could see they were chatting. Jewel looked annoyed more than happy when she made her announcement. I could only guess it had something to do with siblings. Just like her beating him for trying to fight after the Tvso incident. Tvso lost his royal borne. His mate did not know she was pregnant when she went through the barrier. I wounded her, Jewel's brother managed to wound Tvso. They would be down for at least six months. Should be enough time to place wards at her kingdom. "Tau," Mortou's voice rang in the earpiece "Yes sir," I responded. "Tell those two to quit bickering and get in here." Mortou's order sounded over the speaker in my ear. "Sure thing sir." I nodded turning I went, out to the balcony to see Jewel mentally yelling at her brother, her Alpha aura in full swing. Hawk, her brother just stood there rigid and unyielding. "Mortou has informed me to have you come back inside," I spoke breaking their tense moment. Both their heads snapped to me. "Why?" Growled young Hawk. "I don't know, he sent the order through here," I shrugged pointing to my ear unit. "I am coming." Jewel stomped away from her brother past me. I looked at young Hawk's face. He was beyond angry. There was murder in his eyes. "Who are we killing?" I raised a brow. I kinda hoped it wasn't me. This kid was powerful on a level I had never experienced with one so young. He radiated ancient power. The kind Athens, Mortou, and Shaman had. "No one I can touch currently." Tys Hawk's wolf snarled out. He stomped past me like his sister and out into the dance floor. You could see couples giving him a wide berth. I just stood there shaking my head. These two needed to be on the same team as much as me and him. But it was going to take a miracle for that to happen. We head to Mortou's mate's place in the morning. I am hoping they have a plan. Otherwise, this trip south will be nothing more than a s**t show.
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