
715 Words
Alice POV: I'm tired of this. I am tired of being this monsters doll, tired of being trapped. I am going to escape. With no windows my only chance is the door. It is most likely locked but worth a try. I slowly walked over to the door and turned the knob. IT OPENED. I was in shock but no time to question it. I looked down the hall and didn't see anyone. So I started to walk down very carefully. I kept turning down many hallways hoping to find in exit. But it is like a maze in here. So far I haven't run into anyone. I wonder where they all are but at the same time I am thankful. Finally I decided to take a risk and open a door. The room was empty except for a large wooden desk and a fancy chair. I walked over and on the desk was a map of the entire place. I looked at the map and found my way out. I memorized each turn I needed to take. I soon as I knew the way out by heart I left the room. Stealth was always my strong point. Once I knew the way I find the door easily enough. I was so excited To find the way out that I didn't notice the man standing in front of the door till he spoke. "Well well well. It looks like you have some guts after all." Magnus spoke with anger in his voice. I was so shocked I couldn't speak. "I'll teach you a lesson you will never forget" Magnus spoke in an even more harsher tone. No I can't live like this. The exit is right there and I'm not going to be taken back without a fight. I may not here my wolf but for the first time in my life I will fight for my freedom. He is stronger and faster then me. So I will just have to use his own body weight against him. He charged at me and grab my waist throwing me over his shoulder. I kicked my legs up over my own body doing a flip. This caused him to let go and slammed him on the ground. The door was right in my reach I grabbed the knob as he grabbed my wrist. I opened the door and the sunlight blinded me. I heard a painful scream coming form behind me and i turned around to see Magnus running toward the shadows and his arm that had grabbed my wrist crumble and turn to dust under the sun. This was my chance. The light hurt my eyes but I had to keep running. I had no idea where I was or where I am going but I just had to get as far away from him as I could. Kyle POV: I had my beta's neck in my hands while he was begging for his life. Some say I am going feral and maybe they are right. But I need her. Just then before I killed my own beta I smelled her lovely scent. I throw my beta across the room and ran toward the scent. Yes I know this could be a trap but I don't care. I'll find her even if it kills me. I ran for a good hour before I saw her. Alice my Alice. My heart was over joyed and heart broken all at the same time. She had collapsed in the middle of the forest, her once beautiful skin was deathly pale. Her body was way to thin to be healthy all her curves were gone. And her hair was a mess that beautiful purple hair looked destroyed. I went over to go pick her up like the princess she is. She is breathing so that's a good sign but her skin is cold and she has bruises and scars all over. Carrying her back I being to cry. She been gone for so long and I couldn't save her. All my strength Even me being the Alpha KING wasn't enough. I was only able to find her when she somehow escape. She may only be an Omega but she is strong in her own way. I can see that now.
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