The Promise

536 Words
Kyle POV: We were surrounded by the strongest of Vampires and I knew with theses weak packs, most of them would end up dead. I stood up and my mate hide behind me. So she wasn't a fighter, for some reason the fact that I had to protect her turn me on. "My My what a grand ball." The prince of the vampires said mockingly. "What do you want? " I growled angrily. "Straight to the point I see. I am her for a special wolf. One with the mark of the Crescent Moon." He smirked. There hasn't been a wolf child of the moon is centuries. They were all killed by vampires long ago. "Your a fool now leave." I commanded with my Alpha voice. He only laughed at me statement which angered me more. "Look at your lovely mate if you don't believe me." So I did. I turned to face her, with one had cupping her head I use the other to move her bangs. There is was the crescent moon. She was the daughter of the moon goddess and she was a she-wolf. Her face was full of terror and I leaned down and kissed for forehead where the mark was. The moon Goddess blessed me with her own daughter. There was no way he was taking her from me. Alice POV: When the vampire spoke it hit me he was the same vampire who killed my father and my old pack, the golden claw pack. But why me? Was my packed killed because of me? I am just an Omega I don't understand. When the Vampire told Alpha to look at me I was scared. Was he going to reject me? We he going to hand me over to the vampires. As he held my face in his large warm hands and moved my bangs he saw it. I became scared for my life, fearing the worst. Then he did something I would have never guessed. He kissed me, it was light kiss on my forehead but it brought me warmth and a simile on my face. "She is my mate, you will not lay a hand on her." The Alpha said. "That is to bad" the vampire said with an evil simile. "Attack" The Vampire yelled. The next thing I knew the palace guards and the Vampires where down each others throats. A few of the palace guards were leading all the omega's to safety. I did the only thing I could do, I ran. With tears in my eyes I left my mate in the fight. I feared that he to would die like everyone else. I was an Omega I couldn't fight. All I can do is run, hide, and hope he makes it out alive. I ran out into the palace garden and climb up a large tree. There is where I hide, no one was around but I could hear the battle loud and clear. "If you survive my dear mate, I promise to never run away from you again." I whispered that to myself. Only to realize a Vampire with red glowing eyes heard me and was looking straight at me with a wicked simile.
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