372 Words
Delta POV It's been a week and I found a large cave near the crystal pond which I later found out was on neutral land. I stretched as I made my way out of the cave and shifted into Nikita for a run.  Lyca and I heard growling and what seems to be crying so we picked up our speed and what we saw made our blood boil we saw five rogues surrounding a brownish-red beat up she-wolf that was protecting three little girls that looked no older than five years old. 'GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM!!!' Lyca and I's voice were  laced with power we didn't even know we had. The rogues turned their attention from the she-wolf and her kids only to growl and try to attack one of the little girls. At that moment Lyca saw red and she pounced on  the rogue tearing out it's jugular before it touched the little girl. Now that got the other four rogues attention and they all pounced on me with their teeth barred but I managed to catch the biggest one by the throat and snapped his neck. Two rogues behind me pounced on my back and bit down but quickly released me when the silver burned them. That enraged Lyca so she swiped her paw with all her might and decapitated them and blood sprayed all over my fur. When I made sure there were no more rogues around I went to check to see if the little girls were alright but all they did was climb on my back. So with the kids still on my back I checked on the she-wolf which I assumed was their mother.'Hey are you okay?' I asked with tons of concern because she looked super beat up. 'Yes I'm fine thank you for saving us.' she said but i could tell she wasn't. I bent down and let the little girls off my back and then they ran straight to their mother so I shifted and so did their mother. Lyca decided to take over and went to the woman and started to heal her 'There you go you should feel better now.' Lyca told her before she gave me control again and I smiled at the woman.    
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