Reporting the attack

2123 Words
Isabella POV Once we were both dressed, I mind-linked my father. 'Father, are you in your office?' I asked. ‘Yes, sweetheart, just going over the never-ending pile of paper on my desk,' he replied, with frustration clear in his tone. ‘Ok, Clair and I need to talk to you. We're on our way to your office now,' I ended the mind-link. We walked towards the packhouse in complete silence, both of us deep in thought. I couldn't help but think of the naked man. He said he was looking for something? What is it? He also wanted to take us alive. What could we possibly do for him? Unless he wanted me so he could use me against my father. So many questions were swirling in my head. I would have to ask my father if he had any idea what they wanted. As we approached the Alpha's office, we ran into Declan. Declan stared at us with wide eyes, taking in our disheveled state and bloodied bodies. I could see the concern in his eyes. Before he got a chance to say anything, I spoke up. "Listen, we had a little run-in with some rogues. We are both fine. We're heading to father's office to report the incident. You are welcome to come with us." I offered. Declan just nodded his head and followed us to father's office. I could see the concern on his face. I could also tell he wanted to say something, but he couldn't seem to find the words. Declan was very protective of me, and I knew it was hard for him to see me hurt. We got to the office, and I knocked on the door. I heard my father's voice, "Come in." I opened the door and saw my father sitting behind his desk and his Beta, Greg, Clair's father sitting in the chair in front of him. They both turned to look at us, and their eyes went wide with shock and concern when they took in our appearances. “We're ok. You can both breathe," I said, trying to reassure them. In a flash, Beta Greg was on his feet and standing in front of Clair, looking over her injuries. Declan entered behind us and sat quietly on the couch, waiting for our explanation. The concern never left his face. My father stood in front of me, looking over my injuries with concern. “What happened?" my father asked with concern. I decided to tell them the story since Clair's father was still busy assessing every cut and bruise on her body. Once I was done explaining what had happened, my father, Declan, and Greg said nothing. They all seemed lost in their own thoughts and were still processing what I had said. Father, What were they looking for?" I asked with a frown. “I don't know, Isabella." With his own frown, he replied while still looking deep in thought. Something inside my gut screamed that he was holding something back. Something he didn't want me to know, and it bothered me. “I thought rogues usually work alone? Why would five of them fight us together?" I asked, confused. Again my father seemed deep in thought and didn't answer. Declan spoke up this time, looking at my father. "Haven’t the last five attacks involved rogues working together over the past six months? Declan asked, sounding just as confused as I was. “Yes, they have been working together more and more. I’ve spoken to a few other local pack Alphas, and they are reporting the same. Still, the number of attacks the other packs have had is substantially lower than ours and might not be related," my father said, clearly frustrated while rubbing his hands over his face. “They are becoming bolder with their attacks, and I think we need to try and figure out what they are looking for,” Beta Greg added. “Beta Greg, I want you to double patrol at the borders for the time being,” my father commanded. “Also, send a few warriors to the Lake where the girls were attacked and see if there’s anything left there that might be of use,” Alpha Blain added. “Yes, Alpha, I’m on it,” Beta Greg replied. “As for you two, I want you both to immediately get assessed at the pack infirmary,” my father said, leaving no room for argument. Beta Greg nodded his head, showing his agreement with the Alpha’s last request. “Yes, father,” I replied before Clair and I left his office. I waited till we were far enough away and only Clair would hear me. “I swear, someone put an asshole magnet on us, like a sick joke,” I said to Clair, trying to lighten the mood with a light chuckle. Clair laughed. “Ya, I think it’s somewhere on you, Bella. I’m way too innocent to be the magnet here,” she replied while batting her big doe eyes innocently at me. We both chuckled. On our way to the infirmary, we ran into Jet. He had the same concerned look on his face as the rest of the guys that saw our disheveled and bloodied state. “Holy crap, what happened to you two?” Jet asked with concern. “Another guy got on Bella’s bad side. Do you think this is bad? You should see what the other guy looks like. Let’s just say he wasn’t fast enough to protect his family jewels,” Clair joked, adding a wince for effect. Jet clutched his balls for dear life, and his eyes went wide. “You ladies are crazy. You know that? I like you two, but I’m also scared shitless of you guys,” he said before walking away with a small chuckle. Jet is a handsome guy, around 6’2, very well built with a seriously delicious six-pack. He’s got black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. If he weren’t Clair’s brother and like a brother to me, I would be all over him, like a fat kid on a bag of chips. Yummy. Clair and I had a little chuckle after teasing Jet and continued on our way to the infirmary. We reached the infirmary and walked inside. There are four examination rooms in the building, a front reception area, and two doctor’s offices at the far end of the hall. It smells of cleaning products, and everything is bright white, with fluorescent lighting in every room. An older woman was sitting behind the receptionist's desk, looking at Clair and me with a shocked face. I recognized her as nurse Ferguson. “What happened to the two of you?” she asked, glancing back and forth between us with concern. “Oh, just a little fight. Nothing to be concerned about, but the Alpha wanted us to be assessed and cleaned up,” I informed her nonchalantly, trying not to worry her. “Absolute, follow me, ladies, I’ll bring you to a room, and the doctor will be in shortly,” she told us. “Thank you,” I told her while walking into the room with Clair before the door shut behind us, leaving us alone. Clair took a seat on the examination bed with a tired sigh, and I sat on the chair beside the bed. We waited in silence for the doctor. A few minutes later, an older man with greying hair wearing a white doctor's jacket and glasses walked into the room, followed by nurse Ferguson. I recognized the doctor as Doctor Leblanc. “Good afternoon, ladies. I would like to look over those wounds to make sure nothing needs special attention,” he said while glancing between us. “Nurse Ferguson will clean the wounds and make sure they don’t get infected,” he continued, and we simply nodded our acknowledgment. Once the doctor and the nurse were finished fixing us up, we thanked them and left the infirmary, heading back to the packhouse. It was just about dinner time now, and my tummy was grumbling. Once at the packhouse, Clair and I separated and went to our rooms to freshen up before dinner. We agreed to meet at the dining hall, at 6:00 pm so we could eat together. Once I reached my room, I stripped off my blood-stained clothes and hopped in the shower. I hissed at the sting when the hot water ran over the cuts on my shoulder. Once I was done, I turned the shower off, grabbed a large fluffy towel, and wrapped it around my body. I grabbed a second towel and wrapped my wet hair up. I walked to my closet and picked out a baby blue summer dress that was loose fitting and ended mid-thigh. I figured the material wouldn’t irritate any open wounds that I still had on my body. Feeling tired, I decided to lay on my bed and take a 15-minute power nap before meeting my bestie for dinner. I was feeling completely exhausted from the day. All of a sudden, I was woken up by a loud knocking on my door. I was still dazed from just waking up, trying to figure out where I was and what was happened. Everything slowly came back to me. I looked over at the clock and realized it was 7:00 pm. I must have fallen asleep for much longer than my intended 15-minute nap. Whoops, I thought. “Come in,” I said. Clair opened the door and walked into the room. “6:00 pm, eh?” she said, pushing her hip out to the side and tapping her watch with a finger, clearly telling me it was past 6:00 pm. I rolled my eyes at her drama. “ Sorry girl, I laid down for 15 minutes power nap, and the next thing I knew, some crazy chick was trying to knock down my door,” I replied teasingly, with a chuckle. “Well, I’ll forgive you this one time. We did have an interesting day,” Clair said while shaking her head and sitting beside me on my bed. “How about we go find something for you to eat, and we can go sit in the garden and unwind from this crazy day?” Clair suggested. “Oh ya, that sounds perfect. I’m starved,” I replied. We made our way down to the kitchen. Dinner was over, so there was only staff left cleaning up in the dinner hall. I went to the fridge and pulled out a plate of leftovers covered in foil. I removed the foil, heated it before Clair and I walked out into the garden. The gardens are beautiful, with wooden benches throughout, gorgeous trees, and colorful flowers everywhere. There’s a beautiful water fountain in the middle and more wooden benches surrounding it. We sat on one of the wooden benches, and I started to eat my dinner. We sat in comfortable silence while I ate. “So, what do you think those rogues wanted?” Clair asked, her eyes roaming the garden. “Honestly, I’m not sure, but they wanted to take us alive,” I replied while many thoughts popped into my head. “I know we can handle ourselves, but I was actually worried about the fight today,” Clair said while turning to look me in the eyes. I let out a sigh. “I know, I act all tough, but we were outnumbered, and although we fight hard, we aren’t untouchable. I felt fear today too, girl.” I replied honestly, reassuring her that her fear was a normal reaction to what we had just faced. Everyone has weaknesses. Even the strongest warriors can be taken down. “Just remember, I will always have your back, and I would lose my life fighting by your side. You're my best friend,” I said to her with a small smile. She simply smiled back at me. “I think we’ve both had enough excitement for the day. I’m gonna go back to my room. I’m pretty tired,” I said while standing up. “Maybe tomorrow we can stay out of trouble,” Clair suggested with a small chuckle. “Wishful thinking,” I replied with a chuckle of my own. “Good night Clair.” I said, leaving her in the garden, as I walked towards my room. Once in my room, I stripped off my dress and didn’t bother with Pyjamas. I threw my blankets back on my bed and climbed under them. Once my head hit the pillow, the darkness consumed me, and I fell into a deep sleep.
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