Chapter 3: Ella’s POV

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Ella's POV "Ella! Fück how did you get caught?" Ivy hissed looking around. She wasn't supposed to be here! "Ivy please leave." I whispered. "Shït I have to do something! Dean already called the king. Do you know what that means? He's a lycan Ella, they will never let you live for the 'false' treason accusations!" She sobbed on verge of yelling. "Everything will be fine Ivy. At least I will be out of this hellhole." I tried to reach for her, but the cell's bars were made with wolfsbane. "Maybe if we try to convince the king that you are innocent he will let you live." She pleaded. "I am not going to beg for my life." I snapped but instantly regretted it. She was trying to help me and I was being a bïtch to her. "I am sorry Ivy. I just can't imagine living another day in this miserable place." "Okay. I won't give up though." She smiled sadly and left. I sighed trying to stop the tears from falling. "Are you awake filthy girl?" Dean smirked looking down at me. "Pîss off." I was dying anyways. "Fücking bïtch." He opened the cell's door and pulled me by my hair. I yelped and tried to pry his hands away, but he wouldn't budge. He pulled me on my tiptoes. "I will have the pleasure of taking Claire as my mate and luna. And then I will enjoy killing you with my own hands." He spits, my tears falling uncontrollably on my cheeks. "Fück you." I gritted. That seemed to spike his anger more because he threw me on the wall behind me. His eyes were screaming danger and I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. "Do you think I am playing filthy girl?" He smirked pulling a knife. He turned me so that I was lying on my stomach and he started cutting my back. I screamed, but knew that no one will come to rescue me. He was my fücking mate! Well ex-mate, but still. My mind started getting foggy, as the burning in my back started being unbearable. "I hope you rot in hēll." I screamed my vision turning black. "I will see you there then." With that my body went slack and I fell into a black abyss. ———————————— I jolted feeling a bucket of cold water being poured on me. "Get up bïtch, it's your last day today." Mrs Colleen said smirking. I moaned as my back ached. I wanted to lie here and get killed fast. I have no energy to move. I was pulled by two guards and as we exited the pack house I squinted my eyes from the harsh rays of the sun. On a wooden stage, Dean stood next to his parents, with a smirking Claire next to him. I always hated the girl. She always made me work more shores than I was assigned since she thought she will be Dean's mate, therefore the future luna. I wish that was the case. Dean pulled Claire to him and kissed her lips harshly. People clapped and whistled as I looked at them with a broken heart. She gets the kisses and I get the beating. The guards threw me on the stage. I tried to stand up, but failed miserably. Everyone laughed looking at my blood drenched shirt and me lying on the harsh wood. Dean nudged me with his foot, and I looked at him with pure hatred. He will be punished one day. I couldn't see Ivy in the crowd, neither her parents. I started worrying about her. Suddenly the air shifted with energy. Something big was coming, and we can hear paws hitting the floor hard, the floor started shaking. Everyone went silent and anticipated the arrival of the king. My heart was going to burst. If Dean can inflict such pain on me, what would the king do? In an instant everything stopped and the murmurs started again, but ceased as the people made way for three men. Three powerful men, with scowls on their faces. Well two of them, while the third had no expression on his face. Our eyes locked and everything disappeared, even my back pain. But still I could only lift my head. He stomped towards us and I tried as fast as I could to get away from him, but Dean bent down and put his hands on my shoulders gluing me to the floor, digging his fingers into my flesh. "King Remo." I shivered at the name. "Get your hands off her." He said calmly. "My king, this is the girl that committed treason. She will be killed." Dean replied, looking at the floor, unable to maintain eye contact with the king. His fingers tightened over my slashed shoulders and I whimpered. King Remo's eyes shot back to me. They were pitch black. In an inhuman speed he jumped on the stage and gripped Dean's neck pulling him from over me. "Did you defy a direct order from me?" The king growled and tightened his hand on Dean's neck, and his face turned red. He wasn't only being suffocated, but he was embarrassed in front of his pack. He tried to look strong, but he was no match to the king. "My king there is no need to choke my son over this girl." Dean's father said his voice wavering. King Remo dropped Dean on the floor and turned towards me. "Please don't hurt me." I whispered. He turned me around softly and looked at my wounded back. Sparks flew all over my body and I gasped from the feeling. There is no way to feel these things from a male other than a mate. But what if.. No I won't think that. "I am going to kill you." He said lowly, his demeanor calm as he looked at my ex mate. "Of course we will." Dean replied smugly. King Remo was so tall I could barely see his face. He was strong he was wearing his pants low on his hips, and his chest was näked. Black ink littered his chest but I couldn't quite distinguish them, as my gaze was hazy. The two other men stepped forward, growling at the alpha who noticed that he was the reason of their anger. "Christian take her away." King Remo ordered and the blonde man approached me. I whimpered trying to get away from them. Why would he take me? "Please don't!" This time it was Ivy who was being followed by her parents. King Remo's neck snapped towards her. She looked at me baring her neck to her king. "King Remo, she hasn't done anything." She mumbled. Christian didn't look at her, he walked closer to me. He looked at King Remo, and a silent message passed between them. Or maybe they mind linked. "Come." Christian ordered in a deep voice. I tried to stand up, and finally succeeded as I stood on wobbly legs. Christian put his hand on my waist to help me walk steadily, but I flinched away from his touch. "Fück." King Remo turned back around and looked directly at Dean. "King-" "You are a dead man!” He roared. I froze and looked back at them trying to see Dean's expression. He looked horrified. Well I was too. I am an omega! How can I be the Lycan king's mate. It was unbelievable. If Dean a simple alpha rejected me, I was sure that king Remo would do the same. Just my luck. My first mate was an alpha and my second chance mate turned out to be a Lycan. "Ella wait." Ivy walked towards me and pulled my hand, maybe Christian growl. "Don't touch the king's mate." He snapped. "It's okay. S-she's my friend." I replied and after a while he nodded. "Here." She opened my palm and put a small chain in it. "It's yours so you can always remember me." She stepped back and I smiled at her. "Thank you. I will never ever forget you Ivy." I winced as my back started throbbing. I need a few stitches and my wolf would heal me completely. Christian led me outside the borders and I sighed in relief when I saw a car. I was sure my legs won't cope with me anymore. 2 guards stood next to the car wearing the same expression as Christian. I frowned at them. Why were they angry? I was afraid they would hurt me. I didn’t want them anywhere near me. "I might get the seats dirty. I'm bleeding." I mumbled looking at the leather seats. "I'm sure the seats will be the least of Remo's concern." His eyes flashed to my back and his scowl deepened. I nodded unsurely and climbed into the comfort of the car. 5 minutes later, king Remo came storming towards the car, followed by the third man. I cowered away getting closer to the car’s door. He opened the back door and barked at his men to stay out of it. He climbed next to me and I fidgeted with my hands. "Take off your shirt." He ordered and I froze. "I-" "Take. Off. Your. Shirt." He replied slowly, grinding his teeth. I turned towards the window and slowly removed my shirt baring my back to him, my tears falling on my face. I heard his intake of breath, and something being opened. "You need stitches." He murmured as I felt the pierce of a needle. I hissed and tried to claw at his hands to stop him. "The bleeding have to stop. Stay still." He replied his tone gentle, which surprised me. I bit my bottom lip to stop the whimpers. His touch helped sooth the pain. After he was done with stitching my back, I released my bleeding lip tasting the metal off it, but it instantly healed. He bandaged the small cuts after cleaning them. "Someday I will kill the motherfücker." He said turning me around so he could look at me. So he didn’t kill him now. I looked down and remembered that my chest was fully naked and I blushed trying to hide myself from his lustful gaze. He removed the hair from around my neck and looked at the bruises. "Why were you going to be killed?" He growled. I didn’t reply. What will I say? My father was a traitor, he was killed and now it’s my turn? He would accuse me of being like my father, and he will return me to be killed there. I whimpered and looked at the trees, hiding my eyes from his, wiping my tears. Minutes later, Christian and the other man climbed into the car and it started. I jolted as it’s my first time in a car. I always walked around the pack, and that was on rare occasions, because I was forbidden from leaving the pack house. I hate that I am jumpy all the time, shït it’s the first time I am experiencing these things. And I still don’t know what the king will do to me. As if he will take me as a queen. No one will accept an omega to be their queen. He will eventually kill me or worse, reject me. I can’t bare another rejection. “It would have been better if we killed that bästard.” Christian snapped making me jump. King Remo looked at me and I lowered my gaze. I can feel his anger rolling in waves, and so does Christian as he turned around and looked at us. “I stopped him.” The other guy said. “Remo has killed enough this week. And there is another reason we will talk about later.” Christian nodded. “Little piece of shït. He will die one day. But not today.” Christian said. Did they know that I was Dean’s mate and he rejected me? I hope not. They will pity me, and I don’t need that. “Soon.” Remo smirked looking at me.
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