The General

849 Words
News quickly spread through the kingdom of the new little princess, and everyone was rejoicing. Everyone, but one man. He could not and would not change his plans. Princess or not, they are only an obstacle. Damien Amherst was the second son of the late king, and had taken on the role as General to their army. He also had curly brown hair like his brother, but that was where the similarities ended. He was several inches taller, probably close to 7 feet in height and was not lacking in width. He was a beast of a man, with eyes so dark they looked black. Walking through the castle, he couldn’t help but smile. This smile was not one of calm and happiness, this one sent a chill down all of the servants spines as he passed them, he had finished his preparations “Brother, I did not know you had returned.” This voice grated on the mans nerves, but he could not act just yet. He quickly put a fake smile on his face and turned to look at the King. “Your majesty, I received news that a princess was born, so I wished to congratulate you in person” he sneered inside, wishing he could puke having to speak this way. The king not noticing anything is off quickly smiles ear to ear, “Damien, you know you do not have to speak to me so formally. Even if I am the king now and you a General we are still family. Come meet your niece!” He was tired of being second to his older brother. His brother got everything he could ever want, he got to be king, he got to marry the beautiful Princess Alina whom he saw first! How is it fair that he gets to have everything?! He will take it all away from him very soon. As the king talked on excitedly about the new addition to the family, Damien only pretended to listen only thinking of how sweet revenge would taste upon his lips when he is the one sitting on the throne. He only catches bits and pieces of the conversation until the kings finally mentions something of interest. “She is So beautiful, with her mothers flamelike hair and the most enchanting aquamarine eyes.” Ah so she looks like Alina, what a shame I cannot keep her he thought to himself. It has been a long time since he has thought of his brother as family. He became just a thorn in his side, an obstacle that needed to be eradicated. Damien not being a patient person was waiting for a lull in the conversation so he could get away. Looking sideways at his brother it disgusted him to see him smiling so happily. “Brother” he inwardly groaned, “I need to check with the guards and then I will meet you later”. He hated that he had to say that dreadful word, but he knew his i***t brother would be too distracted and happy he said it than to realize he had been interrupted intentionally. As he expected the King was all to happy to let him head on his way with that well placed word. He quickly backtracked to a hallway on the East Wing, where he knew the secret tunnel was hidden. Looking in both directions he quickly pushed the right stones to open up the tunnel that would lead him to the outer walls just outside the castle property. Unknown to him there was one who caught his act, and thought it strange that the General would need to use a secret tunnel. Why would he not just use the front door? *Polaris* She had only ever seen the General A few times since she came to work at the castle, but she knew he was not a man who would have need to sneak around. That is unless he was doing something unseemly, and she was used to that type of person. Thinking that there must be something wrong she immediately headed in her mistresses direction. *arriving at the Queens Chambers* Knocking on the door softly before entering Polaris was surprised to see the Queen’s Maid of Honour with such a fearsome expression looking down on their lady. She quickly looked down at the floor before she was caught looking, something does not feel right here. “What do you need Polaris” peeking up Polaris saw that Maeve had changed her facial expression and now just looked curious. Thinking she should keep what she saw a secret for now she decided to lie, or rather tell a half truth. “Oh I was just wanting to see the little princess, she is so pretty!” Polaris could see something flash across Maeves eyes, but it was quickly gone. “You should not bother, her Majesty just to see her child, you are dismissed.” Still feeling like something is wrong Polaris set out to find someone to tell this burden to.
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