Chapter 1: The First Meeting

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Selene's P.O.V. At this very moment, I am sitting with my beloved mother in this fancy restaurant. I've never been to this kind of place before. I feel like only the riches of the rich can afford to go here. I have no clue as to what my purpose here is, but I have been growing really impatient. My mother would not tell me why we were here and for what. By the way, I am Selene Summers, twenty-three years old, blue eyes, red head and five feet tall... well yeah, I know I am short but you know that's life, some people are gifted with height and some are not. I am currently working as an office assistant in one of the best firms in America. I came from a pretty normal family, which consists of my mother, my older brother and me. I had a father. However, that said father left us for his rich mistress. He had a gambling problem and we were not able to sustain his need for money anymore. My mom came from a relatively well-off family and inherited everything when my grandparents died but all that is gone.  Thanks to my asshole of a father. Although, thanks to our mom who worked her ass off to fulfill our needs. Both my brother and I finished school and now working our respective jobs. We love her so much and would do anything to repay her sacrifice. Currently, she has retired from work because my brother and I support her now. Now, enough of that depressing stuff. Fun fact about me is that I like women. In short, I am a lesbian. I knew from a very young age that I only liked girls. So, that's fun. Going back to the present time. At last, my mother stood up when a beautiful woman that looked like she was in her early 50's approached us. They greeted each other and had a quick chat of their own. My mom turned to me and introduced the stranger. "Selene, this is Mrs. Rose Knight, a very good friend of mine." My mother said, smiling. "Nice to meet you, Selene. I see that you truly are as pretty as your mom described you." The woman said shaking my hands with a wide smile. I blushed then shook her hands back, trying to be polite. I just looked behind her and I just realized that Mrs. Knight was not alone. "By the way, this is my lovely daughter, Celest." Mrs. Knight introduced the beautiful woman behind her. She was definitely with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Starting with her emerald green eyes, long blonde hair and pale flawless skin and a height very far from mine, I estimate over 5ft. 8in. Tall. She had this very powerful and dominating aura that makes you fall on your knees. However, I noticed the goddess was shooting daggers at me and I had no idea why. Still a little dazed and confused, on what was happening here and why we were all here. I decided to break the ice and asked "So, mom, mind telling me why we are all here?" Before my mom had the chance to explain, Mrs. Knight cut in. "Well Selene, honey, you are here to meet my daughter. It has been decided that you two are to be married." My eyes widened with the revelation and I shouted. "WHAT?! With all due respect Mrs. Knight, what in the world are you talking about?!" Mrs. Knight just smiled and looked at my mom. "Well honey, the thing is... My mom started. Do you remember the time when I was fired from my job and could not immediately find a new one? That almost resulted in you and your brother to stop school for a while? Well, when I was looking for a new job, I reunited with Rose. We started chatting about our lives and she discovered that I've been looking for a job. Being the good woman that she is, she offered me to work at their company but only provided that you and her daughter will be married to each other. I wasn't going to accept but she gave me her number and she told me to think about it. I wanted for you and brother to finish school. So, I made a decision to accept her offer and I got a good job that paid for our bills until you and your brother can stand on your own feet." Mom explained. "I'm really sorry sweetie that I accepted without your permission but I had no choice." Mom continued looking a little guilty. I spoke still a little dazed with all the new information "Mom, it is fine. I understand. But why me and not my brother?" "Well, the answer to your question is simple. My daughter is a lesbian and I have discovered from your mom that you are one too. So, isn't it perfect?" Mrs. Knight said in glee. Then, suddenly, I heard an amorous voice speaking, it was from no other than Celest. "I already told you mom. I do not want to be arranged married to some strange girl and besides, I already have a lot of girls. They are much richer and hotter than that girl. If you want me to marry someone, I can just pick one of my girlfriends." Ha! This conceited woman, I take all that I said a while ago back. She is just an arrogant, mean, rude and narcissistic woman. Mrs. Knight faced her and said, "That is exactly the reason why, I arranged your marriage because you do not take your relationships seriously, and besides, you actually thought that I would let you pick your future wife with one of your sluts? You know our deal Celest, if you will not go through this marriage you will not inherit any of the Knight Enterprise." After her mother's speech, Celest stayed silent. And continued to look at me with her intimidating stare.
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