12 Answers

1111 Words
I arrived at Base 50 to drop off their one scroll, and to pick up my money for this shipment and I happily go about my business before teleporting back home and getting the text from Mr. white saying he's leaving due to lack of communication from the rest of the management team. "Huh? So that's why he was so off that day." I say as I begin to count out my scrolls and separate them, I have currently 129 'Teleportation' scrolls and 130 'Forced Reconsideration' scrolls, going by what each base wants, some will have to wait for multiple passes for me to complete their orders, but at least I will be able to get it done, it just may take a year or two. I finish putting away my scrolls as I open up my laptop and pull up near by gaming stores so maybe I can help with shipments for their corporate, that would nake things easier on my gaming habit. "Nothing." I mumbled to myself before getting up and heading to the front yard to do my exercises, I'm now up to 100 push ups, 140 crunches, 130 sit ups, and a 12 kilometer jog. I arrived back home around 6 PM only to see my lover waiting for me before they tackle-hugged me. "You didn't text me so I didn't know you left hun, why didn't you let me know?" They asked as I gently hugged them back before replying simply. "I didn't realise how long I had been, if I had known it would take me so long, I would have taken my phone with me." I said softly before gently kissing their cheek as they continued to hold me. I soon picked them up, surprising them and I just delt with the soreness of my muscles while taking them in with me. "So will you tell me next time?" "Yes, I promise my love." I say softly before kissing their cheek as I walk us to our room where I lay her down on our bed and rub their back. "So what did you do today?" "I went out for a walk and enjoyed some time to myself and I got some books from the library and put out a couple of job applications." "I'm proud of you for knocking s**t out." I say before laying down with them and holding them gently. "So are you ready for me to be baby?" "Yes I am my lovely baby." I reply as I hold them gently and kiss their cheek as I look over my stats. [Strength: 22 Endurance: 31 Mentality: 40 Wisdom: 24 Vitality: 23 Presence: 31 HP: 140/140 MP: 184/184] "Hey baby?" "Yes Daddy?" "Do you remember what your Strength stat is?" "Yes Daddy, it's at 26, why?" "I'm raising my stats and I wanted to see where we line up." My uncle walks in knocking on the door as he walks in. "So you raised your strength stats into the 20's? you can take care of the s**t I do now right?" "Kinda?" I answer before getting up and showing that I can still only lift him a bit father off the ground before putting him down and rubbing my sore muscles. "I've only started training this week, 4 days can only get you so far." "True." My uncle says before he turns around and a new prompt pops up for me. [Check Stats?] [Y/N] I smile and check my uncle's stats. [David's Stats Strength: 8 Intelligence: 7 Wisdom: 9 Constitution: 4 Agility: 4 Confidence: 10 Aptitude: 8 Mentality: 6 Status: Broken Body: Strength -2, Agility -4 Constitution -4. Stiff Body: Strength +1, Agility -2 Constitution +1. Drug Weakened Body: Agility -2, Constitution +1, Intelligence -2, Wisdom -4, Aptitude -2, Mentality -6.] "Hey David I can see your stats, I can actually see your stats." I say excited before looking grim. "Oh god I can see other's stats." I sigh softly and shake my head. "Hun can you see other's stats too?" I ask curiously. "Yes Daddy, I think it's due to the upgrade to our systems." "Great, at least we're not fully unique in that aspect." I say before trying to get my mind off of the chaos of everything before going to look through what scrolls to make in the next week before seeing a new one available. 'Upgrade System' Upgrades the user's system to the same as the creator of the scroll. "Great now this is possible, bug it, it'll make things easier in the long run." I mumble to myself as I finish off looking through everything and I relax for the rest of the day. -----Base 50----- "General, why didn't you ask for more scrolls, if only you can teleport then what is the point of getting on his good side?" "Corporal do understand what it means for us to be able to teleport and move around without being hindered, if I can learn to teach this to others then we won't be bothering him, and we will stay in the positive." "Ok sir, I will go bring in your elite troops then." It took Emily roughly 40 minutes to gather all 30 Elite troops, with Farbin waiting outside with them curious as to what was going on, the large group of strong people getting his blood pumping. "My Elite troops, you all will be taught by me personally on how to use Teleportation, except you Farbin, please leave." Farbin grumbles softly but leaves knowing he can't beat the General as Nevlin begins his lesson, it takes a good 3 hours before one of the troops can use teleportation but he promptly vomits after appearing 5 yards to the left in the nurses office ironically, as his body was not used to teleporting let alone how drained his mana levels were after casting the single spell once. "Sir, I don't think it will be wise to continue this training." One of the nurses tell him as they help him up, before laying him down as Nevlin appears, a bit wobbly on his legs as he does while he starts to go over with the nurses about the training. "Thank you sir, for the lesson, but I will train on my own to master this skill like you have." The soldier said as he passed out from exhaustion. Daniel 140/140 HP 184/184 MP 'Forced Reconsideration' Proficiency: Mastered 3 Levels. 'Teleport' Proficiency: Mastered 3 Levels. 'Teleport others' Proficiency: Mastered 2 Levels. Sam HP: 80/80 MP: 110/110 'Forced Reconsideration' Amateur 1 Level 'Teleport' Amateur 1 Level 'Teleport other' Amateur 1 Level
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