The Plan

1054 Words
    Alexandria's POV         I decided that I will do my best to play nice with Bjorn until I figure out what he wants. I have been here another week. Playing nice will hopefully make Bjorn let his guard down with me. I need to know what his powers are so I know how to fight him. Even if he is Bjorn, he is not the Bjorn I knew. This Bjorn is a crazy ass hole. If he wants me to be his after him letting me grieve him he has another thing coming. I plan on getting a message to my sisters to give to the guys. I want them to be okay. I need them to keep a clear head if we are to get through this in one piece. I have been leaving the house and mingling with others that are here. I finally found Wendy. Apparently she tried to reason with Bjorn and he told her to stay away from me. I have been gathering some stuff to send my message to the family. I needed table salt, five white candles and basil. It took me a couple of days to get everything I needed but I finally have it all. Tonight after everyone goes to sleep I will be performing the spell. I want to astral project myself to Zach's and Tony's office. So now I just have to wait.         Wendy's POV     I have to help that poor girl. She doesn't want my son anymore. He screwed up when he made her think he was dead. Any feelings she had for him died back then. She needs to get home to her mates. Bjorn is so blinded by his obsession with Alex, it's turned him into this crazed animal. Who knows what will happen if he finds out she's never going to give herself to him. The mate bond is important to a wolf and he only wants her. He's been with a she wolf all this time and she loves him. Why can't he just be with her and leave Alex alone. Bjorn is determined to kill every last wolf in her pack including her kids just to keep her with him. I plan on leaving today to go to their pack to tell them what I know. Hopefully they will  hear me out and don't just kill me.  Zachary's POV     Today we have come up with a plan finally. Victoria thinks we can use Colton's magic along with his love for his mother to find Alex. I hope this works I need my mate back no matter what. As long as Colton can access his magic his aunts will do the rest. They are setting things up in the yard to get it done. I have never been more nervous than I am right now. What if it doesn't work. If Colton gets hurt Alex will never forgive me. I am taking a monster leap of faith in trusting Ana and Vic with this. Alex has always been better with this stuff. The girls have formed a coven between the three of them so I hope that all of this together will make the spell stronger. All three of them are bonded to Alex after all. I have spent the last two weeks in my office. I only leave to shower and check in on the kids. Tony has really picked up the slack and I am so grateful to him for that. Tony reminds me so much of Alexandria. I decided to eat dinner with the family today with the hopes that by this time tomorrow that Tony and I will have our mate back. I am going to need my strength to go get our woman.      "Alpha dinner is done. Are you still coming down or did you change your mind?" Seth asks from the office doorway. "I'm coming. Are the girls and Colton ready?" I ask as I get up to follow Seth. "Yes alpha." Seth states as they descend the stairs. No one says a word to me as I take my seat. Tony and I can't help but look at the empty seat between us. We are about to dig in when we hear a knock at the door. Tony goes to answer it and is greet with the pack warriors guarding an older woman to the house. "Good evening alpha. I have information about Alexandria that I think you should hear." She says timidly but I hear it clear as day. I go to the door behind Tony. "Enter." I command and she looks down at the floor as she comes through the door.     "Are you who took her?" I growl out barely keeping control of my wolf. "No sir I did not. My son has her." She admits. Tony exits the house and I see him shift and take off in anger. "What does he want from her?" I ask. "He wants her back and for her to help to kill you all." She answers calmly. "What do you mean wants her back. Who is he?" Anabelle inquires as she comes to the room. Anabelle gasps as she takes in the woman's appearance. "Wendy?" She asks timidly. The woman smiles at her reaction. "Ana who is she how do you know her?" I ask feeling confused. "This is Wendy. She is Bjorn's mother." She answers quietly. "Wait so Bjorn?" I state out loud. "Yes is alive sir." Wendy confirms. "He wants her back." I say quietly to myself.      "Yes he does sir. She doesn't want him though. Alex keeps asking about coming home and he threatened her that if she doesn't go along willingly he will use magic to make her forget you and Tony." Wendy informs us. I ball my hands in fists trying not to scare the woman. Wendy hand me a dress that Alexandria was wearing. I take it from her and inhale her scent. It calms my wolf and I instantly. I look up and see Tony entering the house again. He sees what I have and reaches for it. He takes in her scent as well. "So how is he alive?" I ask her calmly. "He faked his death so he didn't get caught killing his own pack for keeping Alex and him from mating." Wendy explains. 
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